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Post # 1
Hello there, I'm Astrophel.
As it is blatantly clear that I am new to the site, I'll skip to the about me section in hopes to gain some advice or direction (this site is vast!).

-The closest classification of my spirituality is animistic Druidry

-I have been wanting to dabble in magic for a long time but have never been quite sure on how to get started

-It has been proven on more than one occasion that I have some sort of natural prophetic ability, and not long ago I somehow managed to astral project (I think) as a wolf, though this happened spontaneously and I have been unable to repeat it since.

-I have attempted elemental manipulation before (Fire) with some results

-As I do not believe that anything is ever truly "good" or "evil" or "black" or "white," I am willing to dabble in, learn, discuss, and try almost anything so long as it's not hurting anyone.

Information on the basics of spellworking, suggestions on how to develop the abilities listed above, and general tips (such as how not to anger the Fey, how to prevent fireballs from blowing up in your face, et cetera) will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
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Re: Hello
Post # 2

Fireballs blowing up in your face?

I don't know what kind of magic you are talking of but in magic magic you cannot create elements like that. You can work with them, but they are not yours to control.

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