An I a demon?

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Re: An I a demon?
By: / Novice
Post # 11
What do you think a demon is, and what "types" do you think there are? I mean, if you're on your Otherkin awakening of self-discovery, then great, but... asking other people to tell you what type of demon you are or might be? Why go that route?

There's a book out there old enough for the copyright to be expired that outlines the Goetic demons, but a lot of them are really just the ideas of pagan gods that were listed as demons with the cultural conquest of Christianity. Even Baal and Asherah, while those possessed by demons with those names must believe in their reality and truth within the Judeo-Christian paradigm, are historically and archeologically fertility deities of a Mesopotamian polytheist religion.

Then we go to Greek demons, who, according to Diotima of Mantinea (a mentor of the philosopher Socrates), carried prayers between mortal people and Olympians.

The traditional Greek from where the language came from, is spelled daemons to make it different but it's the same word. The word came from Greece, and demons...used to be angels , functionally carrying messages and prayers between mortals and gods.

All your darkness and sadism comes from humanity, sorry to say. If it helps to externalize it as a symbolic imp-like thing, then... it does.

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