Demon Possession Question

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Demon Possession Question
Post # 1
Again my friend who I talked about in another one of my threads now wants to know about making deals with the devil. I tried convincing him not to but he needs to follow his own path and learn from his own mistakes but I told him I would ask for him. Does anyone know how to make a deal with demons? He said he is willing to become demon possessed in order for him to become more powerful than he could be than if he studied magick all on his own. Does anyone know how one would do such a crazy act?lol
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Re: Demon Possession Question
Post # 2
demon possession does not make you stronger or more powerful in spells, it just makes you controlled and used by the demon, of course in the bible the man that was possessed had incredible strength to break chains but he was bound by the demons will, the man did not have a will of his own and he was possessed which means he was controlled by the demon, that's what possession means the exact definition, if he wants to work with demons however that may give him more power, being possessed is bad because it controls the person and the demon uses the person for its desires instead of the person using their powers for control over the demon. If you work with demons the rule is and the key to having power with a demon is that you control the demon instead of it controlling you, so first off you should tell him to make a pact with the demon by using the alchemy spell found on this website, it's a spell that was passed down to me in order for me to have power. If you cannot find the spell then contact me and I will show you how to make a pact with a spirit, demon, angel, or god. Another thing when working with demons you should command the demons to do things instead of it commanding you. This is also a key of power. But there's a little danger with working with demons, they may drain your energy or soul, sometimes this does not happen but sometimes it does. I would also suggest uses a creeper demon in a spell to cause little things to happen. If he wants a greater power then I suggest he goes finds his daimon, his guardian demon and make pacts with it or do spells with it, however another thing with using demons is that you do not sell your soul to a demon, this makes things worse. Teach him the alchemy spell on here that I have posted, it may help him a lot. Also you should guide him to more positive beings than demons such as good gods, good spirits such as the great spirit, and such, also guide him towards spells on here for his specific needs, rather than just turning to a demon or a evil spirit all the time. Demon possession never helps someone it just makes them get worse in mental health, spiritual health, physical health, and emotional health, if he asks for the demon to possess him he will just end up dying regardless of how much power the demon says he's going to bring while he's possessed. The demon will just use him and kill him even if it does give him power. I highly suggest you teach him wicca instead of the use of demons. If he has already possessed himself then tell him to tell the demon that the demon has no more permission to possess him, make your friend go to a higher good power such as God or good gods, Also tell him to tell the demon to come out of his puke with the power of God or with his own power and authority this is a type of exorcism and it will make the demon leave through vomit. I highly suggest you intervene with him to stop him from possessing himself with demons, because possession will kill him. Also evil does not make you more powerful tell him that too, many sorcerers, magicians, and wiccans had a lot of power without becoming evil and still do have power, using evil powers makes you powerful, but becoming evil makes you drained out of energy, sick in the stomach and such. Also becoming possessed will make you feel you are obligated to become evil and to be evil all the time and it will make you feel obligated to do evil things all the time which will not make the person feel good nor act good to anyone. So I suggest you intervene and tell him the things I taught you about demons so that he will become healthier in mind, body, spirit and soul. Blessed be!
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Re: Demon Possession Question
Post # 3
please do reply back to me if you have any questions about working with demons the correct way or any questions on how to help your friend.
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Re: Demon Possession Question
Post # 4
well what he wants is that strength to "break the chains" but even though hes my friend i can interfere with his choices that could possibly alter his future and if he says he has to do this i dont ask questions but anywho...i have a few questions for you and i appreciate you answering them for me :).
first of all. can you get demon possessed by using an ouija board?
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Re: Demon Possession Question
Post # 5
in most cases no, you cannot be become possessed by a ouija board, ouija boards if used correctly it's meant to contact spirits or to ask them questions. But there has been a few cases where something went wrong with a ouija board such as contacting a curse through a the board or using it incorrectly just for fun these things can sometimes cause objects to fly around or for someone to get hurt. But in most cases ouija boards are safe and cool to use and you can information about spirits or about ghosts that live in a house. ouija boards also tell the future and past about yourself and they teach you anything you want to know about yourself. In most cases ouija boards are meant to show things about yourself and your future. If you have a friend that has another friend that's passive aggressive and wants to curse you with a ouija board then it could cause disaster or possession possibly in theory. But why does your friend want to be possessed so badly? We should not be possessed by something, our minds, bodies, spirits and souls should be controlled by ourselves not by others or by demons. If he truly wants power then he could just do spells and such. Oh and yes do talk to me how to gain powers from demons the correct way whatever questions you have go ahead and talk with me about it, I will glad to answer them. Also you should tell your friend to preform strength and power spells as a alternative, and execute specific spells for his needs. anyways blessed be!
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