raising energy

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raising energy
By: / Beginner
Post # 1
Raising Energy

As you know, energy is the fuel source of magick. But the energy you send out from yourself doesn't just appear. You have to do what is called raising energy. You need to build up the energy within you until it reaches a high peak and crashed out of you. Once it crashed out of you, you will need to be sure you direct it correctly, or the energy will not do what it's meant to.

Here are some basic ways to raise energy:

One of the most powerful ways to alter consciousness and raise energy is with the use of steady percussive rhythm--by drumming, rattling, clicking sticks, or other methods.

Drums draw up energy from the Earth, from your body, from the drum itself, and from spirits who are called by the drum. Depending on the rhythm and tempo, percussion can stir hundreds of people to a night of rapturous dancing (which raises more energy) or one of stillness and deep trance.

There are many wonderful books, tapes, and classes on drumming, and every Witch should have a drum or a rattle to work with. This would be a fun way to learn how to raise energy.

In my experience, dancing is one of the greatest ways to raise energy. Dancing is joyful and physical; all you have to do is a have passion when you're doing it. And whatever purpose you're raising energy for, dancing has the added benefit of making you feel absolutely blissful.

The most ancient, and easiest, forms of dancing are done in circles. When in a group, Witches hold hands, in order to keep the energies of the group connected, and the dancers move deosil around the circle. Some dances use particular steps, but most tend to be free form. When you dance, whether in a group or all by yourself, move faster and faster until you reach a crescendo. Then stop the circle and direct the energy where it needs to go. Don't be shy when you dance with others: no one is watching or judging you. Remember, movement and enthusiasm are contagious; start and others will be inspired to dance along. And in fact, not only does dancing raise energy, but it blends and unifies it when you're in a group.

One of the most important aspects of raising energy while dancing is to push through the first wave of exhaustion to find tremendous and euphoric new levels of energy to draw upon. The results are astonishing, both in terms of magick and the realization that you are capable of far more than you think you are. Dancing to raise energy also reminds us that magick is joyful and should be celebrated!

Dancing can turn into a simple circular run, or you can begin raising energy by just running in the first place. It can raise a lot of energy! If you're in a group, just make sure everyone is up for it. Running is hard, but well-worth the end result.

It's so hard to dance and drum without wanting to sing or chant or do something with your voice! Chanting is like singing without music--or if you want, you can add music. You can simply repeat the same words or sounds over and over again, or you can do a free-form chant and just make it all up as you go. You can also hum one tone or chant a single word. Chanting is a universal spiritual practice, and repetitive chanting is an ancient and effective way to alter consciousness.

Of course, you can also sing instead of merely chanting. When you're alone, you don't need to worry about how bad you sound. When you're in a group, you'll probably feel self-conscious, but you'll get over it as you realize that you can't even distinguish your own voice when singing in a group. It will sound incredible as long as you have a passion for it.

When coming up with chants or songs, try to keep the lines simple and easy to remember. If you're going to shift into an altered state of consciousness, elaborate lyrics will only distract you and keep you from achieving that altered state. Keep it simple and rhythmic. Rhyming can also help you remember it and provide a natural rhythm.

Music is a combination of drumming, rattling, chanting, and singing, and it definitely makes dancing more joyful. Music has one of the most amazing powers to evoke feeling, particularly a feeling of divine presence. I'm sure all of you have exprienced that music is magick.

You can listen to music on tapes, CDs, or the radio to help you raise energy. Listen to New Age, classical, pop, country, rock--whatever you want, whatever makes you feel the energy within you. You can also learn to play an instrument as well!

Sex is probably the greatest way to raise energy. Sex has the natural build-up and release that you need when raising energy. Make sure your partner is into what you're doing and that you're both concentrating on the same goal.

It's very hard to raise energy with sex because it's so easy to lose your focus. You'll need a vast amount of willpower to raise energy through sex. The results are worth it though!

These are just a few of the most common ways to raise energy. You can really do whatever you want, so long as you're raising energy. This is the fun part of magick. Enjoy it!

source: www.witchesgrimoire.com/bos/magick/raisingenergy.htm

Re: raising energy
Post # 2
I loved this! :) I find myself trying to raise my energy even when I don't realize! How interesting :)

Re: raising energy
Post # 3
Wow a piny of humourous knoeledge i have witnessed but aint gonna speak about it...

But ive always felt and know about the large amount of increase in my energy status after my regular long tun....
All my healing and small control potection spells always seem to work out wonderfully after a run....

Thanks for the post a great one it is....ill keep these points in mind and now i can focus more on raising energy when i run (which i had omitted to do so far)..

Blessed Be

Re: raising energy
Post # 4

Sex mainly uses sexual energy produced over pleasure and is released swiftly during orgasms for workings.

Though i have to say that sex is not a good meathod for raising energy as it is easily to be overcome with much intensity that you loose sight of your focus , as stated. But energy released during a orgasm quickly travels up your spine and exits through your 13 chakra , making you feeling drained.

Some may say that having a mere orgasm does not make you tired , but there are many reasons pertaining to this. Perhaps one brought himself to orgasm too quickly before building up suffiecent energy? Perhaps one did not have lust then? there are many factors..while mainly the orgasm is used as a key to release the energy out in a large flow. Thus the more pleasure you feel , the stronger the energy when it is released.

But , as i stated , the flaw with this is that , the energy escapes very quickly and can leave you very drained when done.

Imagine yourself as a balloon , you pump air into it ( raising energy ) , and it burst ( releasing ) , and all air escapse , including the one you had before air was pumped in.

Energy that was not "raised" by sex would leave the body too.


However , there is a technqiue known as Anking known to egyptian magicians. I doubt many magicians who utilizes sex knows about it..

It is a technique where one stops the energy from leaving through the spine by turning it around 90 degrees out the back of the body, entering the ankh tube , and pass through the 8th or 13th chakra , before rotating back to the 5th chakra , back to the body..thus the enrgy would be circulating around the body , and won't escape , and is up to you for you to spend.

this has various advantages,

  1. It is more intense and pleasurable
  2. It has better health benfits
  3. It allows you to control the energy flow better

4.Can be used as a source of a etenral amount of energy , able to be utiized anywhere but not anytime though. It is a source of pranic energy for the body , and if it dosen't escape , it can rejunivate a person greatly. Done anytime and anywhere , it is not too bad.

How to do Anking

  • The moment you feel the sexual energy about to rise up your spine, take a very deep breath, filling your lungs about 9/10th full, then hold your breath.
  • Allow the sexual energy of the orgasm to come up your spine. But at the moment it reaches the fifth chakra (located just a couple of finger-widths above the sternum), with your willpower you must turn the flow of sexual energy 90 degrees out the back of the body. It will then automatically continue inside the ankh tube. It will slowly turn until it passes exactly through the eighth (or thirteenth) chakra, one hand-length above the head at 90 degrees to the vertical. It will then continue to curve around until it returns to the fifth chakra, where it began, only this time in the front of the body.

    Even if you don't understand what was just said, it will happen automatically if you get it started out the back of the body at the fifth chakra, and it will automatically come back around to the front of the body and reconnect at the fifth chakra. You just have to make it turn 90 degrees so that it begins.
  • It will often slow down as it approaches its point of origin, the fifth chakra. If you can see the energy, it comes to a sharp point. When it approaches the fifth chakra from the front of the body, there is sometimes a tremendous jolt as it reconnects with this chakra again. All this takes place while you are holding your first breath.
  • The instant the sexual energy reconnects with its source, the fifth chakra, take in the full breath. You had filled your lungs only 9/10th full, so now you fill your lungs as completely as you can.
  • Now exhale very, very slowly. The sexual energy will continue on around the ankh channel as long as you are exhaling. When you reach the bottom of this breath, you will continue to breathe very deeply, but a change happens here.
  • It is here that, if you know the Lightbody work of the Mer-Ka-Ba, you would begin to breathe from the two poles using Mer-Ka-Ba breathing. But if you are like most people and don't know this work, then continue to breathe deeply until you feel the relaxation begin to spread throughout your body. Then relax your breath to your normal rate. Feel every cell becoming rejuvenated by this life-force energy. Let this energy reach down into the deepest physical levels of your body structure even past the cellular level. Feel how this beautiful energy surrounds your very being and brings health to your body, mind and heart.
  • Once the relaxation begins, slow your breath down to a normal shallow breathing.
  • Source:From my knowledge , study and practice

    Re: raising energy
    Post # 5
    Wow. That was a good bit of information, and a wonderful way to incorporate energy into sex. I know that there are a lot of ways to use sex and such for energy, So hopefully somebody will take this into consideration and use it.

    Re: raising energy
    Post # 6
    Amazing....anking truly is new to me thank and yes i will use it....

    Re: raising energy
    Post # 7
    It is not a extremely easy technique to master as one's response must be quick upon one's release as energy moves quickly upwards and leaves .. So quick direction is required . But a powerful energy source regardless

    Re: raising energy
    Post # 8
    I should suggest this to my partner, he's very spiritual, i'm sure he would find it interesting :P

    Re: raising energy
    Post # 9
    But if visualisation is strong then it will be easy right?

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