tariot cards

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tariot cards
Post # 1
hey guys i was just wondering whats with the superstion about tariot cards i was just in a shop asked my mum if i could buy some nd she said no becouse thee part of the acult whats with people ?

Re: tariot cards
Post # 2
Unfortunately I think it mostly comes form a fear of the unknown and the unexplainable..what we dont understand we fear and I think the biggest thing in the tarot that scares people is the death and devil card...even though I'm just newly trying to understand how to read the tarot myself..even I know that death card can be a good thing a transformation, a death of the old to make room for a new path and the devil is a warning against abusing substances or doing certain things that arent good for you..sometimes can be a refrence to black magic very rarely.
Well I hope I'm getting that right Lol....I think its possible to read normal playing cards (my ex partner could do that) think they may be a bit harder to learn though.

Love and Light

Re: tariot cards
Post # 3
thanks ros im just sick of my mum and dad accuseing me of black magic and being evil its so kinda racist :(

Re: tariot cards
Post # 4
The Death card normalys meaning of the end but it also all depends on other cards aroundf it and the Devil is normal of imprisonment and trapped but again all cards have a diffrent meaning to all readers. And picking a Tarot deck is hard sometimes bc you want a deck that calls out to you

Re: tariot cards
Post # 5
so true

Re: tariot cards
Post # 6
so true

Re: tariot cards
Post # 7

I'm not part of this coven but I really liked this topic and thought about taking part in it.

I like to see Tarot like a bridge, between both you conscious and subconscious mind. See many times we know the answer for a question, but for different reasons we neglect it and face away from the truth. Tarot helps you understand the true answers or meaning of a situation. It serves a guideline, sometimes based in past and presents situation, to see where your current path is heading. A deck brings a book with guidelines for every cards meaning, its when you observe the pictures that the magic happens. In them, you subconscious will reveal the real answer to your question. Personally, I consider the Tarot to be more than simple guidelines, but a special tool that can help you in many ways.

I would recommend anyone to try to learn how to use this tool, for it doesn't only offers guidance, but a piece of wisdom with every card.

As in for you parents, I would say maybe you should sit down and talk to them. As their children sometimes we're intimidated by what they say, as parents, we're scared of the unknown and what could harm our kids. Talk with them, show them your research , the meaning of those ''ugly'' cards that seem so scary, the piece of wisdom in them. Hopefully they will understand your interest in them, or at least be willing to talk about the reason they don't like this tool.

For Death and the Devil Cards, at least in my deck, the message are simple. Death: Even though we go through one physical death, we go through many deaths in our life, let it be a friendship, a project or an interest. Death is a message of acceptance, and hope. Even though a part of or life can find its end, a new door will open with a new experience and new knowledge for us to grasp, if we're willing to let go and accept the new. Like this one, some cards that might seem a little scary when we first see them, might bring a positive message for those who listens.

Sorry for such a long post, and coming here unexpected. I really enjoyed taking this little bit of space to share with your coven.

Blessed be to everyone,

Re: tariot cards
Post # 8
A quick side note on the Devil card, and the Tower. These were cards that were influenced by the area in which the cards were starting to become more socially acceptable and in which Christianity was prevalent.

The Devil is about ambitions, about passion, and really isn't "satan" at all but Pan or Dionysus. " this is a card about ambitions; it is also synonymous with temptation and addiction. On the flip side, however, the card can be a warning to someone who is too restrained, someone who never allows themselves to get passionate or messy or wild - or ambitious. This, too, is a form of enslavement. As a person, the Devil can stand for a man of money or erotic power, aggressive, controlling, or just persuasive." - based on the Raider Waite tarot

If anyone wants I can post more on the subject later.

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