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Re: Necromancy
Post # 11
No no no, of course its not that crap you see in those movies. It just seems like a very interesting subject and I want to learn as much as i can about it (without getting all the fake roleplaying stuff).
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Re: Necromancy
Post # 12
I see. In that case, I wish you luck!
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Re: Necromancy
Post # 13
Several people on this thread want to experiance Necromancy, but few have said what they expect out of it, or how far into it they wish to go.

Taken purely from my perspective, Necromancy is many things like any magic. It has divinatory purposes, for the dead know much the living do not. It has cursing purposes, the imfamous death spells would be here of course. It can harm the body or rejuvinate the soul. But most Importantly, it deals with Death Energy.

You must have a sense of purpose and a sense of respect to attempt this path. Many old ritual books on necromancy direct the practitioner to graves and moldering bones, though these things are not originally apart of the practices. It is my belief that items of places "of death" are more imbued with the energies of death. This knowledge, prehaps corrupted, could have been the basis of those more henious grimoires.

This path is one you must commit to. Once you start along it, it will change you. It will change how you view the world, the energies of existance, and your own self. What people do not tend to realise is this: dealing with death causes the body to die.

You become infused with death energies, you use this power to fuel your practices and deepen understandings. But your body begins to ache, your skin dries and flakes, you become gaunt. These are very real posibilities for tinkering and dabbling with the forces of the grave. There are ways to offset these drawbacks, but the avid necromancer recognises these signs as proof of commitment and their struggle for understanding. Simply put, no pain no gain. This is what to expect.

If you aren't willing to even set foot in a graveyard, No desecration of course(!), then necromancy has already taken you outside of your confort zone. Prehaps thats for the best.
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Re: Necromancy
Post # 14
Flagg got it right.Ghosts are souls unable to move on,and dead are on spiritual path,thus its best to neither deal with either,none has to offer more wisdom then one could gain thru meditation and thinking.

Necromancy is not divination,it is corrupted version of it,all the way to middle ages.True necromancy is dealing with death energy.Death energy is energy of decay,rot and death,produced and causing them,it is like fire,dark,light energy but death based.

Its not a game or hobby,but an entire way of life,even existence,as death energy affects mind,body and soul to point where they become based on death energy.Thus stretching beyond life,into further existence of soul.

If you however really wanna set yourself on this path,i suggest mastering the basics first,after that you should start working with death energy and death as you worked on basics.
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Re: Necromancy
Post # 15
Thank you Flagg, I appreciate the warnings. I am willing to give up a part of myself to do this, because, of course, no pain no gain. Graveyards.... I find them peacfull. Thay are so quiet, and sortove emitt this energy that I just love the feel of. Its a good place to read a book. As for all those creepy crawley things.... as long as it isn't illegal I don't really mind.
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Re: Necromancy
Post # 16
oh for heavens sake necromacy has 2 definition people i am getting tired of saying this people. also i would not advise anybody to try this not unless there trying to get burned, also i can call spirits without need of physical objects
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Re: Necromancy
Post # 17
Like with any magic, aspects can be adapted for different purposes. The dead could be consulted, but usually that is best left for seekers of a specific knowledge or opinion they expect the spirit to possess. Anything else in that reguard is uncertianty.

If you are willing to meditate in a graveyard, just meditate, then you already have alot of the necessary tools to begin study. I believe that especially with more specific and detail oriented magics, alot of the workings have to be discovered or designed. Thats just how it is. Anything less spoils the discovery and fustrates the efforts.
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