Spellwork by Lunar Phrase

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Spellwork by Lunar Phrase
Post # 1
waning moon- To end an addictions, to break bad habits, to reverse bad lucks, bindings, to break curses, hexes, exorcisms, overcoming fear(s), to end sickness (healing), Jinx-Breaking, Liberation (to free oneself from something), to reverse Love Spells, to banish Negativity/ Nightmares, end hostility, war (have peace) Real Estate (sell) Is there a fake estate? lol... Weight Loss, quell Weatherworkings

waxing moon- Career Advancement, Energy Raising, Friendship, Garden Planting Spells,
Good Luck, Any Kindna Growth, Harmony, Healings (increase health), Protection, Real Estate (to buy), Increase Sexual Desires o_o; Strength, Travel, Weight Gain, bring forth Weatherworkings

full moon- Beauty and Health, Blessings, Communication, House Blessings, Intuition, Lunar Goddess Invocations (since full moon is where your power is at its highest point) Power, Prophetic Dreams, developing and/or strengthening Psychic Powers , Conjure Spirit Conjurations

Anytime From waxing to full moon- Abundance, Artistic Making, attainment of Goals

waxing and full moons- Divinations, Fertility Rituals, Happiness, Judgement, Inspiration, teaching...ect, Love Magick,Obtaining things and goals, increase Wisdom, Wish-magick

new moon- Forgiveness and Quests but some people said you shouldnt do anything on the new moon it is time for rest (depend on what path you follow)

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