finding your element

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Re: finding your element
Post # 151
i dont know what my element is i think its water

Re: finding your element
Post # 152
my favorite color is orange and neon blue i love 2 dance and sing. I also love 2 swim. but i feel connected with fire.

Re: finding your element
Post # 153
the only person that know what element you are is you so just work with them and see which one you feel conected to

Re: finding your element
Post # 154
My favorite color is red, so I might be fire.

Re: finding your element
Post # 155

I would like to ask a question. I know that element(s) connects you to your magical life and magick of your element is more effective. But what else do they do? Why should we learn our element(s)

Re: finding your element
Post # 156

Your 'element' has a lot of different connections with you as a person. Contrary to the rest of this thread, it really doesn't have anything to do with your Sun sign, or Moon sign, for that matter. To clarify, I am an Aquarius (born on February 14th) which would make me an Air sign according to the Zodiac. My dominant elements, however, are Water first and Air second. I have a book here called 'The Magickal Personality', which gives mildly in depth descriptions about each of the four classic elements;

Earth: This is the element with which each of us can most readily identify. We are physical beings who live on a planet actually called Earth, and we are undeniably tied to the physical world simiply because we are composed from it. Each of us is Earth in this sense. Psychologically we are earthy or meloncholic, as the ancients termed the psychopsysiological collerate. Melancholia reflects in a somewhat pejorative way certain characteristics of Earth types that makes them appear dour and miserable, namely tough-minded, aloof, slow, and unimaginative. This is unfair because Earth types can just as easily be witty and fun loving (consider the earthy sense of humor that is a feature of some characters, and the association of music with the sign of Taurus, for example).

The apparent gloominess of Earth types is explained by their cautious natures, their realism and their focus on technique and careful attention to detail. Add this to their forthright, outspoken tendency to call a spade a spade and it become clear where the Earth type's reputation for being dull originates. Earth types, therefore, are conventional, conservative, and not keen on change for its own sake, yet they are tenacious in their efforts to get things done thoroughly . This makes them extremely dependable. They like to see clear, tangible results for their efforts. As far as Earth types are concerned, they literally are their physical bodies.

Earth types rely heavily on their five sense, through which they percieve the "real" world of the here and now. They are therefore sensual and literal; they do not like imprecision becuase everything is clear-cut to them. They use words precisely, will give exact time in minutes and even seconds, and expect other people to do the same. Everything is black and whit e to them, right or wrong, left or right. They are supreme pragmatists with brilliant but inflexible, highly organized systems. They believe absolutely in known laws and despise chaos, either physical or social, Since magic falls outside the laws of Newtonian physics, it cannot exits. Even if Earth types believed in personality types--and most will not even accept something as abstruse as psychology at all--they will not accept the idea of magic. If you are ver earthy and you are still reading this without sneering, you are unusual.

Earth types believe that if you want anything done, you should do it yourself. Moreover, you will only succeed through diligence and hard work. These types are consequently very disciplined and patient, efficient and reliable. They take great care over details. They are apt to be possessive over material things but also financially astute, although some would say stingy. They derive a sense of security from material things, including a home base that is to them what a shell is to the tortoise. Without it they are naked and vulnerable and will not survive. This ensures that they are home builders and homemakers. They love the comfort and security provided by this haven and will beautify it luxuriously, including the garden.

The flip side to the Earth types is an irrational fear of impending chaos that can lead to a compulsive, anxious undercurrent. Because they believe that they are their bodies, they naturally fear the inevitability of physical death, which they take to be final. They therefore suffer more than the other types from existential angst and would love to believe in a purely spiritual life beyond this one. This is not to say that they do not have spiritual beliefs, but they are more likely to accept the more literal versions of the afterlife described by orthadox religions. Often they wll be atheists who do not believe in any kind of spiritual reality. This could make them immoral and self-serving were it not for a strong sense of duty and a desire to be seen as a pillar of society.

Their faults include a narrow outlook and especially an intolerance of theory, plus a tendency to reject anything that has no obvious practical value. They have a tendency to seize upon the first practical solution to a problem. They dislike fantasy, which is why they have a reputation for being dull. They can be tied to routine and may be stubbornly dogmatic. They often exhibit relatively poor social skills and may be socially isolated. They can be grasping and miserly. They may overindulge in physical pleasure and value nothing else. On the other hand, they can be repressed and joyless. They will carry a grudge for years and can be vindictive, even cruel. Typical preferred occupations of Earth types include builder, farmer, banker, accountant, and engineer.

Re: finding your element
Post # 157

Water: Water is the next most familiar element because our bodies consist of around 80% water and two-thirds of the surface of the planet is covered in water. Water is the origin of life. We can live for some time without solid food but only a matter of days without water. Water relates to the unconscious , the primitive, and instinctual. The other reason that Water is such a familiar element psychologically is because it is associated with the emotions and with nurturing. We are emotional beings long before we develop a mature intellect, and many people never mature beyond this stage of emotionalism. This does not mean that emotions are ingantile--far from it. A major problem in our culture is that many people denigrate the intellect while others despise the emotions. This leads to an unbalanced adult pattern of either irrational, unstable emotion or cold, unfeeling intellect. Actually, thought and feeling interact harmoniously in the mature, balanced adult such that neither is isolated and compartmentalized. Water types are what the ancients referred to as phlegmatic.

The difference lies in the mature as opposed to the immature emotional reactions. Water types believe that what they feel is real. Emotions are inextricably linked with interpersonal relationships, and other people are of central importance to this type. They need to be constantly in relation, and fear of being alone foro too long becuase they feel that they do not exist without others. Their sense of security comes from relating with others in a loving, harmonious way. They are communal beings that live with an through others. They are aware of a sense of interconnection among people based on feeling. As a consequence, they are extremely perceptive regarding social relationships and nuance. They are sensitive to both social atmosphere and to people's feelings. They are empathic and caring, derive a sense of personal satisfaction and value from helping others, and are exactly the type of people that others turn to for emotional support.

Because feelings change constantly, water types are also changeable. They are greatly influenced by impressions and are drawn to nonverbal means of expression, such as music and the visual arts. They tend to be highly imaginative and creative, with a strong aesthetic sense. Their homes are therefore often beautiful, dreamy places that radiate calm. They are sensual and have a natural feel for color, imagery, and symbolism. They are very receptive to symbolic communication and may expect other people to divine meanings in a similar way, as if they were mind readers. Water types seem to be psychic and intuitive in a sense of being open to otherworldly contacts. These people often seem to be in another world, which they are to some extent. Although they are extremely sociable, they are prone to daydream and therefore appear distant at times.

Re: finding your element
Post # 158

Water cont...

Water types can be difficult, despite their innate sociability. Their changeable nature can show as neurotic moodiness and inconsistency. Their sensitivity can be all one sided and they will appear highly insensitive toward others. This is complicated by an unreasonable attitude that is based exclusively on the validity of their own transient-feeling states. This means that they can effectively operate a double standard that is intrinsically unfair. They can be irrational and will deal in lies and half-truths as if they were facts. They are quite capable of believing their own lies, and will be injured by heartless reference to the truth of the matter.

They can be opinionated, bigoted, prejudiced, and given to malicious gossip. At the same time as making themselves unpopular through a mixture of capriciousness and spite, they can be emotionally demanding and possessive, and they will make use of emotional blackmail as an effective first resort. They can also be seductive or smothering and feel resentful or rejected, depending on the people involved. They are given to wistful reflection on the past and on what might have been, or mawkishly sentimental over what has been left behind. They are not the most articulate of the types but express their feelings readily, if not always appropriately. Typical preferred occupations for Water types include counselor, therapist, nurse, and artist.

Re: finding your element
Post # 159

Air: Air is familiar to us as the gas that we breathe; we would die within minutes without it. Psychologically it refers to the human quality of reason and the intellect. Although human beings are innately gifted with intelligence, it is still as aspect that needs to be developed and honed over time. Unlike the emotions that are with us from birth and that generally need to be curtailed, the intellect is rudimentary at birth and needs to be encouraged. As stated above, thought and feeling interact to influence ecah other in the mature adult. Feeling is informed by reason, and reason is tempered by emotion. Unlike the constantly shifting emotions, however, reason is relatively stable. This quality is like the good seamanship that can guide us through emotional storms and without which we would be constantly adrift. It is what the ancients termed sanguine.

Air types, then, are characteristically reasonable, rational, logical, and lovers of truth. They value systems and concepts and think in abstract ways in a most objective manner. They are analytical, open to new ideas, and want to know about everything. They are curious about the world on a theoreticallevel and enjoy philosophical debate. They are the most gifted in terms of literary and verbal ablility, being extremely eloquent in both their questions and their explanations. They demonstrate a read understanding of very complex problems that they manage to comprehend on numerous levels. Among the types, they are the thinkers.

A capacity for abstract thought is what seperates us from our animal cousins, and it is also the basis of civilization. Air typesare therefore very interested in ethics and morality, with the problems of right and wrong, good and evil. They are humanitarian in outlook and recognize the uniqueness of individuals as well as their common needs and burdens. They have great integrity. They are the intellectuals and revolutionary thinkers that take the world forward because of their inventiveness and breadth of vision. They are also frequently misunderstood because they are ahead of their time and wrapped up in their own thoughts. It has been noted that these creative problem solvers, the ones that come up with brilliant solutions and new ideas, are exactly the people who are sacked by companies for not toeing the line. The company thereby loses a valuable resource due to narrow-mindedness.

Air types have their faults, of course. An obvious one is intellectual snobbery and an attitude of superiority. They can be too distant and cold, too abstract in their concerns about the human race to notice the pain of individuals. They can be so divorced from feeling that they resemble psychopaths. Their feelings may be devalued and repressed to the point where an explosion is inevitable. On the other hand, they can be emotionally immature despite being intellectually advanced. In this case they are hypersensitive and need mothering. They are clingy and intense due to emotional vulnerability, and wide open to abuse from the unscrupulous. One problem is that they are too trusting. Despite being intellectually gifted, they can be extremely naive and childlike. Their emotional sophistication can be inversely proportionate to their intellectual brilliance. Typical preferred occupations of Air types include psychologist, writer, teacher, scientist, and surgeon.

Re: finding your element
Post # 160

Fire: Fire is pure nergy manifesting as heat and light. The mastery of fire was on of the earliest major turning points in the history of our species. In myth, Prometheus stole fire from the gods and brought it to earth to be used by humans. It has always had an association with the divine, and its light sumbolizes the devine spirit and the hope of salvation. The images of fire are often used to indicate urgency and intensity--for example, divine spark, fire of redemption, flame of desire, fire of passion, and so on. Psychologically, fire refers to drive, energy, and action. Without the motivating force of Fire, there would be no movement or progress. It was termed choleric by the ancients.

The qualities of the Fire type are therefore those of energy itself, namely restlessness, volatility, expansiveness, and transformation. Fire types are impulsive by nature and focus their energy passionately and intensly on a given project for a short period before losing interest and moving with equal intensity to something else. Their interest and enthusiasm resembles fire in a way they move rapidly from one thing to another. They hate to be constrained by anything but need instead to be free to express themselves and to experience new things. Routine stifles these people as effectively as lack of oxygen stifles fire.

They are creative people who love fantasy. They are not bound by time and space, having an outlook on life that is characterized by endless possibility and adventure. They are visionary travellers of both the physical world and the world of imagination. If Air types produce the theoretical basis and Earth types are the builders, Fire types are the people who can bring the dream into being. For them, all things are possible. They take a broad-brush approach because details bore them, and enjoy being directive.

Like water types, fire types are therefore social creatures, but they are less helping than enabling. They are warm and outgoing, full of bonhomie, the preverbial life and soul of the party. This is the type who works hard and plays hard. Verbal communication is not a particular strength; they prefer action to words and gesture to sentiment. They are intuitive in a sense of being sensitive to subtle social cues. They like to express themselves through dramatic display. They are the larger-than-life types who cal fill a room with thier presence and who inspire others to great achievements. They also tend to be lucky, which may be attributed to their optimism and the power of positive thinking. It is of course also true that they enjoy a gamble and may achieve more than others through sheer daring. In any event, they require constant empowering.

Fire types are egocentric and can be extremely self-centered. Their courage can become recklessness that does not take into account the safety and needs of others. They can be unpredictable and even dangerous. Their need for constant stimulation can lead them into excessive drug and alcohol abuse, as well as potentially lethal forms of thrill seeking and unbridled list. Their constant irritability is punctuated only by sever out bursts of violent rage. They can be callous and habitually blame others for their own failures and sense of frustration. The healthy competitiveness that can be both fun and productive can become an urge to dominate and destroy opposition. Typical preferred occupations of Fire types include sportsman/woman, manager, actor, politician, and priest.

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