Help for me

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Re: Help for me
By: / Novice
Post # 6
I agree with Lark. Ever heard of kids eating dirt? It's been discovered that they are lacking in one or more minerals in their diet. Make sure the doctors are doing the right tests.

Re: Help for me
Post # 7
You shooöuld see a doctor bro. As for all that other stuff, I'm calling bull on that.

Re: Help for me
Post # 8
I consulted physician for the deficiency thing. My all reports are normal. I even consulted a psychiatrist and he even gave me a clean bill of health. And as per the vampire thing goes, i believe in magic and supernatural beings and that said, a part of me do want to be vampire but the urge to kill everyone around me and kill myself is not me. I don't even like to fight.
I tried keeping myself busy so that my mind would not get a chance to think, but it didn't work. I tried medicine like multivitamins and energy ones but that didn't work. I tried homeopathy, accu-pressure, these didn't work too. In homeopathy my symptoms got worse and at one time i tried to hurt others.

Re: Help for me
By: / Novice
Post # 9
did you talk to the psychiatrist about these urges? i doubt any psychiatrist would give you a 'clean bill of health' if you told them you desire to consume raw flesh and blood and you see dead people. your past haunts you and you have some deep psychosis or iron deficiency. either way i would seek out another therapist. i would also try deep meditation and journalling. while i believe in spirits, i also believe if you've been around death so much it could be past trauma/heartbreak that is haunting you by way of visions. the blood thing, don't know, check with a doctor is about it. remember you are human, not a vampire, they are not real.

Re: Help for me
Post # 10
I don't believe that i am a vampire. And as for the clean bill of health, i am practical with my past and everything. I admit my mistakes where they were. The Psychiatrists told me that if they leave out the blood, meat and ghost thing, than i am perfectly fine. They couldn't understand what was wrong with me. And as for the deficiency, My HB is always 14 and my RBC and WBC are always normal never above or below the limit.

Sorry not to be rude but if i wanted the answer to be one with doctors and psychiatrist then i would have never came here. I told in the original post that i have been to all doctors and everything. Tried everything. Meditation used to keep me in control till 2014 but as soon as the 2015 arrived my control is on the verge of breaking. I have been with this for over 14 years now and have kept it under control.

I do not have knowledge in this matter as much as you all must be having and that is the reason i am here. I believe you that vampires and werewolves are fiction and i am not here to contradict you. I am looking for some answers that can help me.

Re: Help for me
By: / Novice
Post # 11
Eat the raw meat, and drink the blood. When it makes you sick, you will see that it isn't what you need. I suggest not only multivitamins, but multiminerals, too. I suspect you are deficient in something your body needs, no matter the blood results.

Re: Help for me
Post # 12
First thing first, Sorry if i am being rude but
The blood and raw meat doesn't make me sick at all.
Second can you please read carefully. I wrote i tried everything. Wouldn't that cover multivitamins, multi minerals and all of that sort.

I don't want your acceptance in this thing.
I just want an honest answer.
If its speculation you want to offer me or tell me go to doctor then please don't as i have already undergone those.

Let me just point out one more thing,
You are being a hypocrite, on one hand you say you believe in magic and on the other hand you don't want to believe in existence of something.
If you consult every sacred documents each of them have magic, supernatural beings which include vampires and werewolves.
I am not saying i am one but i am keeping an open mind.

If you don't believe me about the sacred documents thing, pick up any one and start reading they all include magical shamans, elementals, shapeshifters which include vampires and werewolves.

And please i am begging you all don't start the same thing about the doctors. They can't help me. I thought maybe magic could answer some of my questions but all you are doing is same as any other online forum board.

Do you guys really think that i don't know about doctors, psychiatrist or about medicine, meditation?

Again i have tried all the doctors, meditation and medicines. I am looking for an answer on more spiritual basis.
I am looking for help to understand why this is happening to me.

I even consulted astrologist on the matter and all they tell is that some planet is stopping my energy or something of that sort and they always give me one month time to get it right. But at the end of the month i am same.

Re: Help for me
Post # 13
have u tried stone magick

Re: Help for me
Post # 14

Re: Help for me
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 15

You mentioned that you have been on medication to control these urges and that it was working up until about a year ago. That strongly suggests that this is a psychosomatic illness. You do need to talk to your doctor and let them know that the medications are no longer working. That often happens when one has been on a certain medication for some time. Perhaps an adjustment in your medications or a new medication to restore your equilibrium.

As to the rest of it, especially the chants that "produce drastic effects on people and the land" I suspect that this is either imaginary or role-playing.

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