
Forums ► General Info ► spirits....

Re: spirits....
By: / Novice
Post # 21
kk, [i haven't been on the site for a while, sorry] my friends and i used a ouiji board and after a few spirits, we asked if there was any spirits attached to any of us.
the spirirt said yes [but my name wasn't one of them]
then we asked if there was any outside the circle who wanted to talk [she said yes, and it wanted to talk with me]
this spirit says it had been with me for 7 years, was someone i knew [which i knew it was lying cuz the person he said he was has only been dead for three years] and the reason he was following me was because he's in love with me.
any coments?
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Re: spirits....
Post # 22
well i think it is a gift and hope it won't go away some peoole have this gift like us so we can help the dead
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