Quantum jumping

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Re: Quantum jumping
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Would I be rude as to ask where you got this? I do enjoy reading scientific papers, so I can determine validity. If there is a source, I would be appreciative of its origin, and as mentioned, these so-called "scientists". Most of us make personal improvements via good-old-fashioned effort. There usually are not good results when short-cuts are taken. It strikes me as odd that these people are making such a fantastic claim as this.
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Re: Quantum jumping
Post # 4
I would agree with the others. In a way though, the theory of quantum jumping is pretty much an adaptive form of lucid dreaming, instead of just dreaming, using your dreams to better yourself in certain situations. So pretty much just lucid dreaming a certain way xD
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Re: Quantum jumping
Post # 5
I'm familiars with this and they're no more "scientist" then any one else who does a spiritual practice. The technique is simple and it's basically another form of lucid dreaming or astral projection. I've found ways to make this more effective with evocation and such.
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Re: Quantum jumping
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
This writer has nothing on the profile. I am always suspicious of this sort of "Scientifically tested" post, from someone of whom we know nothing.
When anything is posted with so-called information; name your source! Not the book; the name of the scientist!
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Re: Quantum jumping
Post # 7
http://arstechnica.com/business/2013/09/quantum-jumping-or-how-to-co-opt-advanced-science-for-personal-gain/ heres one of the sites I dont have. the original one but it was an article on a website just for science
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Re: Quantum jumping
Post # 8
While it has a sciance sounding name, but scientists definitely did not come up with this, they dont balive there to be a possibility that anyone can make their mind have leav their body and they don't typically base their studys on meditation and they cant discover anything AP related because they cant prove it they can only have a hypothesis, so (a) your lying (b) you have a bad sorce of information (c) someone is messing with you
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Re: Quantum jumping
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 9

"Quantum jumping" was an idea thought up to make a TV series called "Quantum Leap" that ran from 1989-1993. It was based on the fictional idea that if quantum jumping is possible in an atom, then it should be posssible for a person to do it as well. It isn't of course, that's fantasy and Hollywood.

This new idea of "Quantum Jumping" where one can project the mind into different universes has absolutely no scientific basis although the authors try to convince you that it does so that you will buy their books and other products. It's a scam for the gullible. There's an excellent assessment of this bit of fantasy at http://skepacabra.wordpress.com/2009/07/06/have-trouble-laughing-your-ass-off-try-quantum-jumping/

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Re: Quantum jumping
Post # 10
I think it is just astral projection,but for the people who can imagine more and keep calm if they're mind oes wrong,or it could be for the advanced projectors but i think your correct
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Re: Quantum jumping
By: / Novice
Post # 11
There was a book released recently by the creator of the idea;
Quantum Jumping: The Inter-dimensional Quest for a Better You by Burt Goldman.

It isn't written by a scientist though. Nor associated with science. It is a philosophy and researched meditative practice that looks to be built from a combination of other traditions to focus on ideas similar to astral projection, Higher Self communication, connecting to the Akashic records, Past-life/Paralell life exploration, and Self-realization through intentional manifestation.

His website is here; http://www.burtgoldman.com/
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Re: Quantum jumping
Post # 12
Well, that clears it up, thanks spirit.
Lark, I remember that show.
Quantum jumping would have to be somehow jumping into an alternate reality with an awesome time machine like Dr. Who. I so wanted to be a Companion.
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