Scrying methods

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Scrying methods
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 1
Right...i found this and this is where i learned how to scry about 2 years ago and it helped me with so many things and still helps me resolve many many's the safest way to summon spirits as well...yes by scrying...

Scrying isn't only a method to look into the future or past (to some extention) it is also a great way to conect to the spirit realm, and the safest. When you scry, the mirror (or whatever you are using as a scrying tool) is the doorway to the spiritual realm. One of the most important things you need to know, is that if you want best results, you let your spirit guide do it for you, all you have to do is open the gateway. Your spirit guide has the power to contain negative energy on the other side and the bad spirits as well. He/she will only show you what you want to see and need to see. This is truly a great skill to obtain and very very useful! So here are the methods

Re: Scrying methods
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
You will need a large, deep bowl made from glass, brass or silver. It must have a smooth and even rim.

You must set your base on some sort of tripod for best results. A tripod made of laural boughs is the best.

You will need to do your own testing to find out which bowl works best for you and how much water you should use. Do not use water from a tap. Get clean, fresh water from a stream.

The ancient Greeks believed that nature spirits dwelled in fresh water. The water may be stored in a vessel and used again.

However it is a good idea to replace your water once a month. Never collect the water of a day time. Water should only be collected at night preferably on a full moon.

To make your wand use a branch from a bay tree, hazel tree or the laural. The end of the wand should be covered in dry tree sap or resin.

Dip the end of the wand into the water until it becomes wet. Wet the rims of the bowl.

The best time to scy is at night when it is quite. By gently drawing the rim of the wand around the bowl it will cause it to resonate.

The action of the resonating basin will cause circular ripples to form in the basin. The water seems to breathe with the sounds.

It is the harmonics that seem to whisper forth predictions of the future. These are interpreted with the help of a gaurdian angel.

You may also recieve visual impressions

Re: Scrying methods
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3

Mirror scrying is an evolved form of water scrying. When it became possible to build mirrors they were regarded as being like water that was fixed into one place.

The early mirrors were made of polished copper, brass, marcasite, tin foil or mercury behind glass, polished silver and obsidian. All types of mirrors may be used for scrying and the size is not important.

Because mirrors are linked to the moon mirrors should be backed with silver. Try and use a round or oval mirror instead of a square mirror.

For the frame try and use a mirror that has a silver frame. Old mirrors also seem to work better than new mirrors.

Most seers prefer to use a black mirror. Because this is difficult to buy you may have to make one.

Just simply take out the glass and paint it black. You may have to give it a few coats of paint though. When you put it back in the frame make sure the glass part is to the front.

The use of black mirrors may be traced back over the centuries. John Dee used a black mirror of obsidian.

When using the black mirror for scrying you do not want to see your reflexion. The best is to leave the mirror on a table and look at it from an angle.

Look into the depths of the mirror as though you were looking into a bowl of water. At first it may appear grey than colours will come and go.

With time and practise you will be able to see scried images like still photographs or moving film images. Spirits may sometimes look at the scryer, talk to the scryer or even touch the scryer.

The visions may even exist outside the mirror and surround the scryer on all sides.

Re: Scrying methods
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4

Throughout history symbols of political or religeous importance have been seen in the clouds. In A.D. 312 when Emperor Constantine was marching against the army of Maxentius at Rome, both he and his entire army saw a shining cross of light amid the clouds.

It was said the cross contained the Greek words "By This Conquer". Later that night Christ appeared to Constantine in his dreams bearing a cross in his hand ordering Constantine to have a military starndard made in the same image.

Under this standard his outnumbered army was victorious. Down through history entire military battles have been witnessed in the clouds.

Some of the U.F.O. sightings have in fact turned out to be disk shaped cloud formations. Generally cloud scrying is done on days when cloud conditions are good.

Having too few or too many clouds is no good for scrying. The best is when the clouds are thick.

Find a nice location to lie down and just relax. Try not to focus on any one cloud but rather allow the clouds to drift across your view.

Visions cannot be forced, they will come naturally when the time is right.

Re: Scrying methods
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 5

Smoke scrying is best done while relaxing in front of a campfire. You should be in comfortable visual range of watching the smoke rise.

Do not follow the smoke up but rather allow the smoke to forms patterns within your spiritual gaze. In time you will see visions of many far off events.

I have generally found people who have natural artistic skill good at this form of scrying.

The American Indians practise a special type of smoke scrying. It's called a sweat lodge.

Water is poured over hot rocks in a tent to create steam. The steam is inhaled by those who sit naked around the rocks.

The combination of temperature, humidity and elevated levels of carbon dioxide produce a state in which visions can arise. This form of scrying may be dangerous and should only be undertaken by experienced people.

Re: Scrying methods
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 6
The ancient Romans were renowned for pendulum scrying and their methods were detailed in the writings of Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus. It is also possible that French seer Nostradamus used this same Roman method of basin scrying by means of a pendulum to produce individual letters that formed intelligible prophetic verses.

The bowl used was a composite material of many metals, meaning it was made of electrum, an alloy of gold and silver. A ring was attached by thread to a wand.

The ring was probably a band of electrum with occult characters engraved upon it. The twenty four letters of the Greek alphabet were engraved into the flange of the basin.

The table used was probably a tripod in which to support the basin. It was made out of branches of laural and had three legs.

Laural was the substance specified by the Enochian angels for the scrying table of John Dee. Another method which has been used in Europe for centuries involves the suspension of a ring from a thin silk thread inside an ordinary water goblet.

The responses come in the form of tapping sounds as the ring gently raps the side of the glass. The seer asks a specific question that can be answered with a yes or a no. A single tap indicates a yes while two taps indicate a no. More than two taps indicates the spirit is not certain of the response.

Another method is to use a sheet of paper with a cross marked upon it. The ring is held suspended over the cross in the left hand upon a silk thread.

A simple question is asked which only requires a yes or no. If the answer is yes it will swing back and forth along the vertical arm of the cross. If the answer is no it will swing side to side along the horizontal arm of the cross.

Some scryers prefer to use a crystal instead of a ring. Once you have made your pendulum you should purify it.

Fill a clear bowl with fresh pure water. Say a cleansing prayer : "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean, Wash me, and I shall br whiter than snow, Create in me a clean heart, And renew a right spirit within me".

Dip the crystal and thread into the water and leave for a few minutes.

On the night of a full moon place the pendulum and thread in the moonlight and leave for several hours.

Re: Scrying methods
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 7
Both the Egyptions and Babylonians scryed by means of an oil lamp. The lamp itself was in fact a stone shaped as a low open dish with a strip of white linen coiled in the oil that had an end hanging over the end of the dish.

The Egyptians used clear Oasis oil which was a kind of palm oil. The clearer the oil the better.

The Egyptians used a lamp that was red in colour which is the colour of the God Set. Set is in fact the God of evil.

It may be advisable for you to use a white lamp. Place your lamp on a table and sit on the west side facing east across the lamp.

You should address your invocation to the Greco Roman God who rules the day you scy on.

Sunday : Sol.

Monday : Luna.

Tuesday : Mars.

Wednesday : Mercury.

Thursday : Jupiter.

Friday : Venus.

Saturday : Saturn.

Using the name of the God of the day you should chant a suitable invocation doing so directly into the flame. This invocation should be chanted in a soft voice and done so several times.

Gently focus on the flames of the lamp. You will begin to see moving shadows off to the side.

Do not look directly at the shadows or they will vanish. Ask the shadows what it is you seek.

You may hear voices or you may see images.

Re: Scrying methods
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 8

Copyrights belong to crystalinks!!!
Thank you for reminding me Lark!

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