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2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

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2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2350 Luck Spells
  1. To Grant A Wish
  2. past life spell
  3. A curse from purgatory
  4. Bakeneko spirit: Black magick conjure and Hex
  5. Good Luck Chant (USES "Double Luck Pheromones in Oil" WHICH YOU CAN BY ON THE SOM STORE)
  6. Curse an Item
  7. Attract A Friend
  8. Winning Sports Betting
  9. Birthday Wish Spell
  10. Inugami: Tsukimono Curse

#151 - To Grant A Wish

A sigil magick spell used to grant a wish. Be sure to us present tense when creating the sigil.
You may need:

  • Candle(Anything works, but you can incorporate colors/scents if you want)
  • Sage
  • Bay Leaves
  • Sigil to represent wish
  • Bowl or Chalice of water
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Black Salt
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    You may need:

  • Candle(Anything works, but you can incorporate colors/scents if you want)
  • Sage
  • Bay Leaves
  • Sigil to represent wish
  • Bowl or Chalice of water
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Black Salt
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    On the paper, create and/or draw a sigil to represent your wish/desire. Crumble some sage and bay into the water that you have in your chalice/bowl. Burn some more sage and bay, lighting them with the candle, and extinguish the herbs in the water. Proceed to hold the sigil in your hands and say an incantation and/or prayer to whichever entity you work with explaining what you wish for. When done, quickly light the sigil in the candle and drop it in the water. You do not have to let it burn all the way and I actually suggest against that for fire safety reasons.

    Pour the water/mixture outside, and then, upon your altar, sprinkle some black salt to ground your spell.

    Sample Incantation:
    "God and Goddess, hear my plea,

    Grant this wish for me,

    I wish for (insert wish here, be specific) to come to me,

    that is my will,

    so mote it be".

    This incantation is only an example, I enourage you to write your own, but if you can't feel free to modify this one.

    Added to on Aug 28, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #152 - past life spell

    chant 5 times or more (up to you) remove the chains of time and space and make my spirit soar let these mortal arms embrace the life that haunts before
    You may need:

  • silence
  • belief in death and after life and ghost\
  • alone
  • no light only 3 candles (color choice up to you)
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    You may need:

  • silence
  • belief in death and after life and ghost\
  • alone
  • no light only 3 candles (color choice up to you)
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    place 1 candle in front of you and the other 2 beside u then light them be alone and take time to think about death ghost and the after life then chant the words

    Added to on Aug 28, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #153 - A curse from purgatory

    Summon negative energy and suffering from hell (namely purgatory, as it's extremely difficult to access energies from lower levels) and curse a person who has wronged you.
    You may need:

  • a strong hatred or contempt for a person
  • a piece of paper
  • something to write with
  • a light source (a candle works)
  • a dark solitary room
  • Full moon (recommended)
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    You may need:

  • a strong hatred or contempt for a person
  • a piece of paper
  • something to write with
  • a light source (a candle works)
  • a dark solitary room
  • Full moon (recommended)
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    First, prepare the atmosphere. A dark room with a single light source (a candle for example) is recommended.Next- gather all of your hate and negative feelings towards the person and draw a pentagram on the piece of paper to start opening the portal- then start writing "esse purgatorias" then add more lines to the letters, making them look like runes- don't put any logic behind it just let the hatred for the person guide you. Afterwards, start connecting the letters chaotically, again let the

    hatred guide you. do this until you feel that you've cooled down a little bit. then chant this incantation:

    "I summon unholy might
    to bring forth purging blight
    for this scoundrel has no right
    to step in thy light
    may the gates of purgatory open and punish thee."

    Once it has been done, dispose of the piece of paper. you can curl it up and throw it away, ingest it or burn it- the choice is yours

    Added to on Aug 14, 2019
    Last edited on Aug 14, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #154 - Bakeneko spirit: Black magick conjure and Hex

    This spell conjures the Bakeneko, a Japanese cat spirit able to cause misfortune and curse humans, to possess a home or person to cause obssessions in manifestations of misfortune.
    You may need:

  • Petition paper (white)
  • Pen (red)
  • Catnip or Ginger root
  • White yarn or string
  • A type of pin or needles
  • Knife (that is able to cut a slit in ginger root)
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    You may need:

  • Petition paper (white)
  • Pen (red)
  • Catnip or Ginger root
  • White yarn or string
  • A type of pin or needles
  • Knife (that is able to cut a slit in ginger root)
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    1. Cast a circle around your space to keep energies and the spirit in the circle or altar space.
    2. Using the red pen and on the white petition paper, write the name, area of the person dwelling, or address of the target in the middle of the paper once.
    3. Then write the words around the previous writing, "Bakeneko, Bakeneko, do not come home and do not leave an echo, cause the spirits to be beckoned unto...(the targets name), oh great, Bakeneko."
    4. Put the petition aside.
    5. Cut a slit in the Ginger root big enough to hold inside it the folded petition.
    6. Folds the petition into a square and placed securely into the slit made in the root.
    7. Tie the slit up using the white twine. Wrap the twine around the root twice then tie and knot twice.
    8. Using the pins and needle stabs the root and imagine that your pinning grief and misfortune onto your target.
    9. Take the finished Item and place it on your altar or hidden in your home. when the item starts to smell bad or rotten cast it out out the home into the garbage.
    Notes: If the root doesn't start to stink in several days (2-3 days) your spell may have taken resistance or is out of energy. Your victim should receive moments of grief and misfortune that rise and climax day by day.

    Added to on Aug 07, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #155 - Good Luck Chant (USES "Double Luck Pheromones in Oil" WHICH YOU CAN BY ON THE SOM STORE)

    This Good Luck Chant I built off the structure and tune of the "Rain Rain Go Away" chant is what I say as I put on the Double Luck Pheromones in Oil roll on that I got from the store here.
    You may need:

  • Double Luck Pheromones in Oil roll on- can buy at SOM Store
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    You may need:

  • Double Luck Pheromones in Oil roll on- can buy at SOM Store
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    Put on selected areas of body, I do neck and wrist, then chant "Luc,k Luck, Come this way, Make me have the greatest day" as you roll it on and focus on the energy going through you. Then be confident and stick with your gut. You can repeat as much as you want for as long as you want just be confident in yourself.

    Added to on Jul 06, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #156 - Curse an Item

    Instructions on cursing and un-cursing an item.
    You may need:

  • the item
  • your energy for the efect
  • your senses
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    You may need:

  • the item
  • your energy for the efect
  • your senses
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    Ok so first prepare mentally for this inhale and breath.

    For this get the item and try to feel that is here try to focus at the energy inside.

    After 34-35 seconds you can feel the energy inside you and the energy of the item ignore your soul energy and look at the item you want to use your magic energy. You need to grab or touch the item.

    Now prepare your energy at your hand/hands/wand.

    Say and send energy: With the power of my own I call this item to make (name your owner) to cursed forever and stop when I will say (you can also put a date ).

    Ok now for the part of getting rid of the curse when you want to use the energy of your magic inside you and all you have to say is you have to stop.


    • If the curse is from someone else you have to get your energy against the energy of the person that did the curse and say loudly : "I Command you to stop and release the energy now​​​​​​​."
    • If the curse item try communicate with it and do the thing as good as you can.

    Added to on Jun 28, 2019
    Last edited on Dec 20, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #157 - Attract A Friend

    Just as the title says ! The purpose of this is to atrract a new friend into your life. I have used this spell and it has worked quite nicely.
    You may need:

  • paper
  • pen
  • orange candle
  • fireproof container (recommended)
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    You may need:

  • paper
  • pen
  • orange candle
  • fireproof container (recommended)
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    The first thing you want to do is to make sure you have all your ingredients for the spell. Make sure to have a good mindset and complete focus as well!

    Get your pen and paper and write down the personality traits you want in this friend. (Spunky, cheerful, etc.) While doing this, light the orange candle.

    Make sure to write down, preferably full sentences on how they make you feel. Once you are done, at the bottom of the paper write down "thank you" along with your preferred name. Fold the paper towards you (hamburger style), turn it clockwise, and do it again. (Only twice.)

    Hold the paper in your hands and close your eyes. Visualize yourself at a place where you would hang out with this friend. It could be the park, the mall, or maybe even at your own house. Try imagining yourself hanging around with this friend. Focus on how they make you happy and their expressions. When you believe you are done, visualize the paper surrounded by orange energy.

    If you feel ready, take the paper and make sure to burn the paper completely. (Use fire safety !) You can either take the ashes and bury them or let the wind blow it away. You can either snuff the candle out or let it continue to burn. Give yourself time to forget about the spell, it's crucial for it to work. Then wait, manifesting can take some time.

    Added to on Jun 25, 2019
    Last edited on Jul 04, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #158 - Winning Sports Betting

    This spell is powerful and when you do it correct yes it is 100% results.
    You may need:

  • (Red Pen
  • (Voice
  • (Paper
  • (Book of the betting teams
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    You may need:

  • (Red Pen
  • (Voice
  • (Paper
  • (Book of the betting teams
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    Added to on Jun 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #159 - Birthday Wish Spell

    As the title says, this is my first spell so please no hate comments
    You may need:

  • 1 piece of paper
  • pen
  • Small Bottle
  • Lighter
  • Night
  • it must be your birthday
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    You may need:

  • 1 piece of paper
  • pen
  • Small Bottle
  • Lighter
  • Night
  • it must be your birthday
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    1. write down your wish on a piece of paper.

    2. fold it and write a pentagram on top.

    3. burn the paper.

    4, put the ashes on the small bottle and seal it.

    On a starry night at 11:11

    Chant the ff. 11 times

    " He who rules over the universe

    The greatest lord of all

    Grant me my wish on this day of

    my birth

    This is my will, so mote it "

    Bury the bottle at exact midnight on a ground beneath a tree.

    Added to on Jun 12, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #160 - Inugami: Tsukimono Curse

    This spell summons an Inugami from the spiritual essence of the caster. This is done in order to perform a hex using Ghosts or necromancy.
    You may need:

  • Red Pen
  • A square sheet of paper roughly the size of your palm (hand)
  • Olive oil mixed with one mint leaf
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    You may need:

  • Red Pen
  • A square sheet of paper roughly the size of your palm (hand)
  • Olive oil mixed with one mint leaf
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    To conjure the Inugami, You must clear your sacred space. Therefore the Inugami's vibrations are venomous in means of lowering vibration. When Your space is cleared, please make sure no own can enter your room or area of the ritual You are ready to begin.

    Anoint your hands with the mixture of mint and light or normal olive oil. When this is done place the olive oil aside in a way not to confuse it for an offering for the Inugami. The place talisman paper ( the square slip of paper the size of your hand or palm) in the center of your space. Draw a circle using visualization or a mundane action ( such as drawing a circle around the talisman with your finger(s)) in order to conjure or evoke a protective circle.

    Draw onto the Talisman in Red pen the Kanji symbol for Dog.

    Say the following incantation, "Ketega, arei no yourishyukiru no Inugami." meanings:

    "Ketega": is the sound for a demon being summoned.

    "Arei": is the sound for the rising spirit.

    "No Yourishyukiru": to come before, upon that casters circle.

    "No": is the connecting sound or mantra, in this case connecting the other sounds to the inugami.

    "Inugami": wicked dog god or evil dog spirit.

    (All these sounds are from the Japanese alphabet of hiragana and can be used in certain lists as spells or incantations to summon, conjure Kami or tsukimono.) (Kotodama, the divine sound)

    When the inugami appears in your circle state your name and who you would like to hex. After this is done offer the Inugami, the negative energy created from the spell. He or she will gladly reply, "Thank you." then the tsukimono may leave and not return. If the tsukimono does return you have been chosen as a Familiar spirits partner in magical aid. If the Inugami does not return destroy the symbol on the talismans if the familiar comes back to keep the talisman in a wooden or pricey box to help in your family with care.

    Added to on Jun 10, 2019
    Last edited on Sep 22, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters