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2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

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2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2350 Luck Spells
  1. Find a lost Item
  2. Spell to Change Someone's Mind
  4. Vamp it Up : Vampire Awakening Spell
  5. How to make simple protective bracelets with stuff you already have
  6. Peace Bringing Potion
  7. A hex against someone who as wronged you
  8. To attain Wisdom
  9. Good Luck Spell
  10. Half moon luck spell

#171 - Find a lost Item

Will put you on the path toward finding what you have lost.
You may need:

  • Undoubted Intention
  • White candle (off-white works too)
  • Best done during a waxing moon
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    You may need:

  • Undoubted Intention
  • White candle (off-white works too)
  • Best done during a waxing moon
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    Light the white candle and say this as many time until you feel right (usually 3 times)

    "Though I was careless,


    tossed it around without a clue

    I've lost me (insert item here) now

    and I need to find it soon

    by the moons waxing glow

    and the tides rise and fall

    come back to me (insert item here)

    come here to my call."

    Then blow out the candle and go about your day as normal. Try to look forward if you feel you should, listen to what you feel is right and you should be put on the path to find it. It helped me find my earbuds.

    Added to on Mar 12, 2019
    Last edited on Aug 03, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #172 - Spell to Change Someone's Mind

    A spell of my own invention, it came to me in a time of need. I use it when a person is standing in the way of my happiness. If someone is refusing to help you and you really feel that morally they should, go ahead and cast this. Its not so much black magic in my opinion, its more of a way to make someone understand you and get you both on the same page.
    You may need:

  • The first line of this spell is the most important aspect of it. You need to ask for help with this task, it involves projecting your mind into that of another, so you will probably need a powerful energy to help you with that, unless you have a natural affinity for astral projection or telepathy. You should focus your energy on summoning a powerful spirit to aid you. I often repeat this part of the spell multiple times. Who you ask for help with your magic is entirely up to you.
  • You don't need anything to cast a spell, however, it wouldn't hurt if you cast a circle of salt around yourself, lit some candles, put on some trance music, did it under a new moon etc however I think if you are in need of help from a spell now, do it while you have the energy to put into it.
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    You may need:

  • The first line of this spell is the most important aspect of it. You need to ask for help with this task, it involves projecting your mind into that of another, so you will probably need a powerful energy to help you with that, unless you have a natural affinity for astral projection or telepathy. You should focus your energy on summoning a powerful spirit to aid you. I often repeat this part of the spell multiple times. Who you ask for help with your magic is entirely up to you.
  • You don't need anything to cast a spell, however, it wouldn't hurt if you cast a circle of salt around yourself, lit some candles, put on some trance music, did it under a new moon etc however I think if you are in need of help from a spell now, do it while you have the energy to put into it.
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    This is the incantation:

    Spirits (or whoever/whatever you draw power from i.angels, god, gods, demons, fairies,..whatever) listen, let the veil be broken
    Hear these words as they are spoken
    Go to (Name of person), clear their mind
    Keep it open, unconfined.
    They will think of me, their mind will race
    With my light, this spell I lace
    Alter their conceptions, don't break their will ---omitting the word 'don't' would be dark magic territory IMO
    So it feels like their decision, still

    For our fates are intersected
    Tether us so we are connected.
    From here to there, my soul is projected
    In their head, my thoughts reflected

    Added to on Feb 05, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.


    You may need:

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    You may need:

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    Get your paper and draw the animal that you want to be. Then color your animal after that say ''o'earth mother nature bring this animal into me ''. Then write all the info about your animal wich family deit speed height personality patterns(if they have any) sound and color. then light your candle and brern your paper then say ''the (name of your animal) to be me'' then close your eyes and then open them next go some where nobody is.

    to turn into your animal say:the (name of your animal) is me so mote it be.

    to turn back into a human say:my fun is over turn me back so mote it be.

    to stay as your animal forever say:(the name of your animal) for ever mote it be.

    Added to on Feb 03, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #174 - Vamp it Up : Vampire Awakening Spell

    This spell is for those of you who were born Vampires, but have not yet begun the awakening process. Often times Vampires are drawn to vampiric things, but they don't realize what they already are. This spell will help you achieve full awakening to your true self.
    You may need:

  • Your Voice
  • -- The night sky
  • --> the NEW MOON is preferred, but any moon phase will work.
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    You may need:

  • Your Voice
  • -- The night sky
  • --> the NEW MOON is preferred, but any moon phase will work.
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    At the peak of the night, say these words while looking skyward.

    " Mother Nyx, Goddess of night, I stand before you now. A fledging I want. A fledgling I need. Please awaken me."

    *This will only work if you are a true vampire*

    For more information on real life vampires, visit this website:

    Steve (the founder and author of the above website) may come off as a bit harsh, but all of the information on that site is factual.

    Enjoy everyone.

    Blessed be.

    Added to on Feb 02, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #175 - How to make simple protective bracelets with stuff you already have

    Learn how to create your own protective bracelet with easy-to-obtain ingredients. You can personalize these to make them more for strength, healing, power, protection, and whatever else you can think of.
    You may need:

  • Red or pink twine
  • Purple or light blue twin
  • Green or brown twine
  • Blue twine
  • Ruler (optional, only if you’re exact)
  • Different colored beads (optional)
  • Crystal pendants (optional)
  • Feathers (optional)
  • Anything else you could attach to a bracelet, really. Those are just suggestions.
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    You may need:

  • Red or pink twine
  • Purple or light blue twin
  • Green or brown twine
  • Blue twine
  • Ruler (optional, only if you’re exact)
  • Different colored beads (optional)
  • Crystal pendants (optional)
  • Feathers (optional)
  • Anything else you could attach to a bracelet, really. Those are just suggestions.
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    Note: this is basically a simple friendship bracelet pattern with a few add-ons. If (when lol) you can’t understand my instructions, you can use the link I’ve provided to make the bracelet. this video is easy to understand, just follow the instructions. Or you can try mine. Keep in mind that they use more strands and colors, when you’ll just be using twine. Also, they say to knot everything twice. Only do this if you want thicker stripes or are using really thin twine.

    1. Get out your twine and match up the ends of four different colors. Measure out a length that wraps around your wrist about two and a half or three times. Cut the strands and tie them together.

    2. Tape your bracelet to a table, wall, chair, anything close by. You can also cut more twine and tie it to a chair and have someone sit in the chair. Sort out your strands.

    3. Take the strand closest to your left hand (right if you’re a leftie). Let’s say this strand is blue. Pick blue up over the next strand, green. It should form a 4, with green as the straight line and blue as the little triangle part.

    4. Cross the end of blue under green and up through the triangle in the 4. Pull tight.

    5. Pick up blue again and do the same knot on red, the next thread. Then purple.

    6. When you’ve finished the row, pick up the thread that is now at the start of the row (next to your left or right hand) and do the same think. Don’t forget to tie it around the last thread, too.

    7. Continue in this pattern. If you want to attach charms, feathers, or beads, thread them onto a strand and keep on going. Once you get a little practice, you can make all sorts of cool patterns.

    8. When you’re done, tie the loose ends together. Then have someone help you tie the bracelet onto your wrist or the recipient’s wrist, so you won’t always be tightening it like me.

    9. Enjoy your new all-purpose bracelet!


    The threads used correspond to different elements.

    Red or Pink- Fire

    Blue- Water

    Purple or Light Blue- Air

    Green or Brown- Earth

    You can change the purpose of your bracelet depending on which colors you choose. A strength bracelet might have red and brown strands for fire and earth, or a protective bracelet might have purple and blue. Mix and match to get different results.

    Different Patterns:

    The web is an amazing place, and it has a ton of cool patterns. Alter the way you make your bracelets and find what works best for you. I personally prefer candy stripe (what my instructions are for) because it’s simple and can be done with just four strands, but chevron and ladder are also great choices. They just take longer.

    Enjoy the benefits of your bracelet :)

    Added to on Feb 02, 2019
    Last edited on Jan 02, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #176 - Peace Bringing Potion

    A potion to bring peace and new beginnings to your life as well as heal you mentally.
    You may need:

  • -Water (Base)
  • -Rose Hips (To Bring Harmony)
  • -Chicory (To Open Doors, Bring Opportunities)
  • -Chamomile (For Peace, Love, Tranquility And Purification)
  • -Lavender (Used To Sharpen The Mind And Relax)
  • -Honey (Brings Inspiration)
  • -Vanilla (Brings New Things)
  • -Sugar (To Make Life Sweeter)
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    You may need:

  • -Water (Base)
  • -Rose Hips (To Bring Harmony)
  • -Chicory (To Open Doors, Bring Opportunities)
  • -Chamomile (For Peace, Love, Tranquility And Purification)
  • -Lavender (Used To Sharpen The Mind And Relax)
  • -Honey (Brings Inspiration)
  • -Vanilla (Brings New Things)
  • -Sugar (To Make Life Sweeter)
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    This is the first potion I've ever made so hopefully, it works for everyone! If you notice any issues please let me know!

    -Combine all ingredients in a pot.

    [OPT] (You can chant it in your head if you need to be discreet)
    -Chant while stirring:
    help me, heal me, make me whole

    -Boil the ingredients, pour into a cup/teapot and drink!

    Added to on Jan 29, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #177 - A hex against someone who as wronged you

    this spell will cause someone's actions to be rebounded back at them.
    You may need:

  • a frog
  • a container (jar, box, ETC.)
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    You may need:

  • a frog
  • a container (jar, box, ETC.)
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    Take the frog and name him after the victim of this spell. Place him in the container. You must feed and water it. If you allow it to die...the full brunt of this spell will be forced upon you. When you feel the victim has learned their lesson, you may release the frog. If you ever see the frog again, it means this person is sorry for what they did.

    Added to on Jan 27, 2019
    Last edited on Nov 07, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #178 - To attain Wisdom

    This is a "Buddhist" spell to attain wisdom
    You may need:

  • Strong Belief
  • Crystal Clear Focus
  • Un-Matchable Determination
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    You may need:

  • Strong Belief
  • Crystal Clear Focus
  • Un-Matchable Determination
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    Performing time : 4:00 am to 7:00 am

    Sit facing the east in a meditative pose and focus your mind and energy.Do any kind of meditation you like which can make you cool down and peaceful.Take your time you must be patient in this.Infact success of any kind of magick lies in the ability of staying patient of the performer.

    Once you achieve this state (probably after 20 min of undisturbed meditation) chant slowly and peacefully the following with eyes closed.You must remember it so as to chant it with eyes closed obviously! ::

    "Namu Myoho Renge Kyoh"

    Chant this for 20 times or for as much time as needed.Remember while performing do not be impatient about the result but focus solely on the performance.

    To know more about this spell like translations one may refer to or message me on my profile

    Thank You

    Added to on Jan 19, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #179 - Good Luck Spell

    You may need:

  • belief
  • voice
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    You may need:

  • belief
  • voice
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    close your eyes and say this as many times as you want (atleast 3 times)

    I call to (your god)

    I call to the gods and godess of the moon

    I call to the gods and godess of the sun

    Please give me good luck

    please grant my wish

    please help me to acomlplish my hopes and dreams

    this is how i wish for it to be hopefully


    then imagine energy coming from the earth, other people, and the universe coming into you, then imagine good things happening to you then open your eyes and you should have good luck.

    Added to on Jan 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #180 - Half moon luck spell

    this is a spell that is good luck and protects you from negative spells and energy.
    You may need:

  • Half moon in the sky. (or waxing gibbous.)
  • voice
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    You may need:

  • Half moon in the sky. (or waxing gibbous.)
  • voice
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    look at the moon and ask for some of it's shield powers. it will naturally protect you from negative spells and negative energy for the next 4 moon cycles. then at the 4th half moon after the one you asked for luck on, it will wear off and you'll have tio do it again.

    Added to on Jan 16, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters