2351 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- A span spell
- Bad luck hex
- Simple curse
- For Any Wish To Be Granted
- How to make sigils
- To start a new
- Bless A Statuette
- Fire and Water Wish Spell
- Unicorn Magic
- Ancestral Wish: Easily Modifiable
#131 - A span spell
"I believe upon a gothe and love in possess from the first thing I lived yet,"
I have more than yet, and its a gothic would do, common yet in good image, and
actually, I like to see how much a moment and self in a mirror takes a thou yet, thank you.
Last edited on Feb 20, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#132 - Bad luck hex
Cast the following :
"Make this ribbon now cursed, make them ill or even worse"
After that, tie the ribbon possibly above a pentagram. Then give it to the person you want to hex or hide it near them.
#133 - Simple curse
Step 1 : light the candle and start burning the picture. When it burns, chant: I curse ( the enemy's name) with the power of fire !
Step : take the picture and throw it in the wind ( if you don't have a windy day, use an air conditioner) and chant: I curse ( enemy's name) with the power of air !
Step 3: take the picture and throw it in the water jar and chant: I curse ( enemy's name) with the power of water !
Step 4 : take the picture and put it under a heavy boulder and chant: I curse ( enemy's name) with the power of earth !
Step 5: Chant: This is my will so mote it be !
Last edited on Mar 31, 2024
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#134 - For Any Wish To Be Granted
Take a goblet or cup full of hot water and three chairs in which three girls or women of the same age must sit. Each must take a pinch of salt and put it into the boiling water all together at once. The one whose salt dissolves first will be the most fortunate. Then each must take a little bag of red wooden stuff full of ashes that have been very finely sifted; let them sit with the cup in the middle all three clad in black with black veils, and each with a sacred wafer taken from communion. Each shall throw her ashes with the wafer into the boiling water and say:
I do not throw the ashes,
But I throw the wafer.
I do not throw the wafer,
But I throw the body and soul of [Name]
That he may no more have peace or happiness
Until I have obtained this my desire!
Then they must place their hands behind them, and not turn round to see the cup for a quarter of an hour; and when they at last look they will see whether the wafers are floating on the surface. I this case thry will all three have obtained their wish, and if only one swims, then the one whose it is will be favoted; but if none float, no favor will be granted.
#135 - How to make sigils
1. Write on the piece on paper the word/sentence you want to use to make your sigil.
Example: protection ( your's should be in caps)
2. Re-write the sentence but eliminate the letters that repeat.
Example:protecin ( in caps on your paper)
3.Tramsform the letters into simple lines
Example : p will be : a vertical line and a a sort of reversed c ( on your paper should be the lines , but as a drawing, not like a sentence. I did it like this because I can draw on this article)
4. Chose a shape from : triangle/square/circle/etc
Example : Triangle
5. Arrange the lines into the geometrical shape and to look like a simetrical figure.
6. You made your sigil ! Now, put it sonewhere it won't be disturbed. The sigil will act like a spell bssed on the word/sentence written .
Last edited on Jan 03, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#136 - To start a new
To start a new
Show him what he sent away.
Show him the mistake he made that day.
In this let his own heartache grow.
Remorse is where he’ll have to stay.
Left longing for me day after day.
Nights left empty with no one to hold tight.
No other woman will ever be right.
With the blinders now lifted, the light easily seen.
With renewed love & respect for the one, he calls Queen.
A new purpose to find her. To make things right.
Long gone is the darkness that was once deep inside him.
Long gone the resentments of our past. Now Forever are we built to last.
My lover, My friend, My Future is he.
The best place to cast this spell is sitting on the very bed you two were intimate. light the candle when your ready to site the spell, hold in your writing hand their picture. With conviction and belief site this spell three times. when done place their picture between mattress and boxspring,
#137 - Bless A Statuette
1. Think about what kind of blessing or power you want to imbue your statue with.
2. Once you’ve decided, lay the runes that correspond to the kind of blessing you have picked in a circle around the statue. For example, if I wanted to imbue a statue with joy and optimism, I’d set out Wunjo, Sowelo, and maybe Jera if I was going for a more long-term effect. Make sure that none of the runes are reversed unless you want the reversed interpretation!
3. Make an offering to your patron god in front of the statuette. Once you have recited your usual blessings, ask for the god’s power to bring the blessings you wish into the statue.
4. End the ritual by clapping your hands four times, for Ansuz. This rune has an air of knowledge and godliness that will help seal the blessings into your statuette.
5. Clean up your work space and put the statuette somewhere safe.
#138 - Fire and Water Wish Spell
Please note: The burned hair will give off a strong smell. The tea tree oil helps a bit, but if you live with someone or are still a closet-witch, this spell may not be for you. Also, please be careful when burning things. Put your hair back and be safe!
On the small paper or leaf (I used a paper about 1-inch x 1-inch in size), write down your wish. In my example, I wrote:
"I have a job interview."
Write it down as if it already happened!
Fold the paper (preferably three times, but any amount is OK). Then, take several strands (note: hair that has already fallen out. For example, I used a bulk of hair from my hairbrush) and wrap it around the paper.
Next (and Be Careful!) burn the hair and the paper (or leaf) in the fire-safe bowl. You can use incense to help burn it, too, a match, etc.
Add a drop or couple drops of oil. Be careful, as this will make the fire burn higher/stronger.
When it burns enough (follow your instincts), pour a small amount of water (approx a cup or less).
Add a pinch or two of ashes.
Add flower petals, soil, etc you want to add (optional).
Add some candle wax to "seal". I used a black candle, but you can use any candle or a color associated with your wish. For example, if your wish is related to money, you can use a green candle.
Stir by moving the bowl around, chanting your wish several times.
When you are done, pour it on the ground outside. For me, I did this right outside my bedroom window.
Important factors to consider:
1. Make sure that you are still doing things to help with the spell. For example, if your wish is to have a job interview, apply to jobs! If your wish is for your crush to notice you, wear a nice outfit! If your wish is to get stronger physically, work out.
2. Keep doing the spell until you get the desired results.
My results:
I did this spell about four nights in a row until I got a job interview at the company I wanted! At first, I kept getting job interviews after job interviews at places that turned out to be a wrong fit or farther than I expected. If you don't get your desired results, keep trying! For me, that meant I had to keep applying to jobs and keep spell-casting, even when I was REALLY tired of the smell of burned hair.
However, the spell works amazing for me, so I kept doing it!
Want to add an extra boost?
Throughout the day, keep repeating your wish. For example, I would repeat the words, "I have a job interview" quietly no matter where I was, throughout the day.
Sometimes, I would light a candle, say it, then blow it out.
Persistence is key!
If you have any questions, feel free to message me. I'll try to answer as fast as possible, but I'm not always on here.
You can also message me via my blog:
Happy spell-casting!
Last edited on Nov 07, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#139 - Unicorn Magic
A unicorn spell for the believer.
First, make sure you are all dressed up in your Halloween costume (this spell best works if you are wearing a unicorn, witch, or fairy costume!) Gather your unicorn belief! Get it ready!
Imagine your playing with your unicorn friend. You must have a unicorn friend for this spell. Close your eyes. Imagine you have unicorn magic.
Repeat this three times:
"I wish to be among the unicorns,
prancing, dancing free.
I wish to see all the unicorns that there are to be."
After 1 hour you should have unicorn magic! Enjoy!
Last edited on May 10, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#140 - Ancestral Wish: Easily Modifiable
Meditate and cleanse. Then sit cross legged with person whose wish you are fulfilling. Set out the object for the Wish and have your family member put their finger on the part of the object that will help most with their Wish. Ask them to state it out loud clearly. Then hold the moonblessed item to your lips and chant for your favorite ancestor an ancestor very important to your family to help grant the Wish. Then seal the broken item with tape and state that until the piece breaks the Wish will have to come true. If it doesn’t come true by then your ancestors may not want to help you fulfill this. Finally keep the items all in a dark space.
*Do not attempt to do for yourself. If you do the spell might backfire badly. This is only to be done as kindness for others. Seal the spell once your Wish is gotten by a prayer to your Ancestor. This is to be kind to them. Do not ask for help of the living. And be respectful of them and also gift them rewards if you like to!*