Sit comfortably and relax, clearing your mind. Chant: "Ball of light, crystal clear, protect me from evils far and near. Till daylight come, protect me by the sun. With harm to none, especially me, it is my will so mote it be".
Allows you to become a werewolf. This is a complicated process.
You may need:
A werewolf's footprint
You may need:
A werewolf's footprint
First find a werewolf or wolf footprint. Put the water into the footprint and drink. This must be done under a full moon. Drink some sips of the water and say
"Make me change under this moon
Make my wolflike qualities appear
Make me have no fear"
The next time there is a full moon you will be a werewolf.
This spell will enchant a ring or watch to give you hair like the woman's in a photo.
You may need:
Ring or watch
Photo of a woman
Lock of hair
Something sharp
You may need:
Ring or watch
Photo of a woman
Lock of hair
Something sharp
Say, "Aphrodite, Goddess of Beauty. I ask that you enchant this object so that when it is worn, my hair will look more and more like the woman in th ephoto. I ask it to be the same color and length. I offer this blood as sacrifice". Use the sharp object to prick your finger and deliver a drop of blood onto the photo.
This is a spell that will get rid of minor acne and red spots.
You may need:
Sea salt or other salt
You may need:
Sea salt or other salt
Put the water into the bowl and then add whatever kind of salt you are using. Place the bowl outside on the night of a full moon. Make sure the moon light reflects off the water. Concentrate, imagining a pink light in the water. Leave for about an hour, then bring the bowl back inside. Take a cloth or sponge and gently rub the water on your face. Minor acne should clear up in a day or so.
Both Nature and Witches use energy. This spell is to show you how much you've grown in your magic by planting a bonsai tree or a flower.
You may need:
A plant of some sort (bonsai tree, flower, herb)
Sunlight (if it is a flower or herb)
You may need:
A plant of some sort (bonsai tree, flower, herb)
Sunlight (if it is a flower or herb)
On a desired sabbat, such as Imbolc, Midsummer, The Witches New Year (Samhain), etc. Or on your birthdate. which ever time works best for you.
Plant a flower, herb, or buy a beautiful bonsai tree. Purify the plant by putting your hands above it and imagine it is glowing white. Chant:
''Om Mani Padme hum'' Which is a Buddhist chant/spell that brings blessings and peace and also purifies.
Sit on your knees and Hold the pot that the plant is in, in your hands. Hold it out in front of you and say:
''Mother of magick, hear me out.
Father of freedom, hear me shout.
I ask that this plant shall grow, along with I.
So my spirit and magick can fly.
Mote it be.''
Now leave the plant on your altar. So that you can see it everyday. Each time you water it, do a meditation (short or long) or a short growth ritual. So as the plant grows, your spirit grows. than you can see you're spirit growing by looking at the plant.