This spell will make you inflate to the point you pop buttons.
Casting Instructions for 'Weight Gain'
You will need the following items for this spell:
1 Cup of Water
5 Stones (any kind of stones)
Your Voice
Quiet Room
1 Black Pen
1 Piece of Paper
1 Glass Cup
You will need the following items for this spell:
1 Cup of Water
5 Stones (any kind of stones)
Your Voice
Quiet Room
1 Black Pen
1 Piece of Paper
1 Glass Cup
1. Take your glass cup and fill it up with 1 cup of water. No more and no less than a cup.
2. Lay out your five stones around the glass in a pentagon shape. Each stone represents the five spiritual elemants.
3. Take a black pen and a piece of paper and draw out the pagan sign.
4. Concentrate on your goal to inflate and begin to chant these words:
''Earth, water, fire, air,
other elements that pair.
The only way to pop buttons,
is to pray upon thee. Mote it
be, mote it be. Make me fat
and still growing. I want to
stretch with a big belly,
Mote it be, Mote it be''
After this you will begin to feel an odd pain in your belly. Soon you notice your pants or shirt is tight (I suggest you wear a button shirt because that is always much more fun to see your buttons fly off). After a while when your first button pops off your shirt, the process of inflation begins to quicken and you notice more buttons pop. After you look as you are about to explode, the inflation stops. You will stay fat like this for 1 hour and then you will slowly deflate. To recharge the spell wait 2 hours before you cast it again.
This doesn't work. Magick doesn't create instant, dramatic, physical changes like this. You could edit it to help you in weight gain over time, but as is, this doesn't work.
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