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35 Spiritual Spells from Baron La Croix

Covens Baron La Croix  ► Baron La Croix's Spellbooks  ► 35 Spiritual Spells
35 Spiritual Spells from Baron La Croix

Included in this list of 35 Spiritual Spells
  1. Meditation Method
  2. Laws of Magic
  3. Dreamscape Answers
  4. Spiteful Demon of Torment
  5. Spiteful Binding
  6. Win a Court Case
  7. Monthly Spell Binder
  8. Florida Water
  9. To Cure Alcoholism
  10. Chant of Banishing
#1 - #10
#21 - #30
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#21 - Meditation Method

Meditation Method.
You may need:

You may need:


The first stage of meditation is to stop distractions and make our mind clearer and more lucid. This can be accomplished by practicing a simple breathing meditation. We choose a quiet place to meditate and sit in a comfortable position. We can sit in the traditional cross-legged posture or in any other position that is comfortable. If we wish, we can sit in a chair. The most important thing is to keep our back straight to prevent our mind from becoming sluggish or sleepy.

We sit with our eyes partially closed and turn our attention to our breathing. We breathe naturally, preferably through the nostrils, without attempting to control our breath, and we try to become aware of the sensation of the breath as it enters and leaves the nostrils. This sensation is our object of meditation. We should try to concentrate on it to the exclusion of everything else.

During this Method Imagine the energy's of the Earth the Wind, Fire, Soothing Water, Sand falling between your fingers. Imagine the Elements flowing into you. Feel the energies surging through you pulsating from heart to hand, from heart to Head, From heart to leg, Feel it passing through you. Become Osmosis with the energy (Osmosis = Absorb it, Become it.) After this meditate until you fill like a glass overflowing with energy then with a clam mind and calm spirit...Then you do what must be done.

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Last edited on May 24, 2016
Part of the Baron La Croix Library.

#22 - Laws of Magic

This is the Law's of Magic a Key to Magic Casting.
You may need:

You may need:


(Understand that with these laws come the Key to Magic.)
The Laws are as Follows.

The Law of Knowledge

The Law of Names

The Law of Words of Power

The Law of Association

The Law of Similarity

The Law of Contact or Contagion

The Law of Identification or imitation

The Law of Synthesis, or the Law of Opposites

The Law of Polarity

The Law of Balance

The Law of Infinite Data
The Law of Finite Senses

The Law of Infinite Universes
The Law of Pragmatism
The Law of True Falsehoods

This is probably the most widely used law, and probably encompasses all the others in some way. The basis of this law is that understanding brings control. The more that is known about a subject, the easier it is to excercise control over it. Knowledge is power.

An obvious derivative of the LAW OF KNOWLEDGE, this law carries additional connotations, as a mage who does not have knowledge of himself does not have knowledge (and therefore control) of his own magic. This law is one of the reasons "evil" mages are very rare—a dedication to "evil for evil's sake" is usually due to a lack of introspection and awareness of oneself. It is difficult to do harm to others when you understand fully what that kind of harm would do to you. Know thyself.

A simple scientific understanding—if exactly the same actions are done under exactly the same conditions, they will be associated with exactly the same results. Magicians have at least as much belief in cause and effect as modern physicists do, they just realize that a good ritual, like a good theatrical performance or a good bread recipe, isn't always predictable. In truth, a spell involves so many variables, that controlling or even understanding them all is impossible. The key to magical success is learning which variables are the most important, and how to keep them constant. Control over the variables is icing on the cake.

Two or more events happening at the same time are likely to have more in common than the merely temporal. Very few events ever happen in isolation from other events. There is no such thing as a mere coincidence.

If any two pattern have elements in common, the patterns interact "through" those common elements, and control of one pattern facilitates control of the other(s) depending (among other factors) upon the number of common elements involved. This is a very important law, up there with the LAW OF KNOWLEDGE.

Having an accurate physical or mental representation of something facilitates control over it. This one is fairly obvious in its usage—having a model, picture, or other representation of your target (like a voodoo doll) gives you power to effect the target. Look alikes are alike.

Objects or beings in physical contact with each other continue to interact after separation. Everyone you have ever touched has a magical link with you, though it is probably pretty weak unless the contact was intense and/or prolonged or repeated frequently. Magical power is contagious. Naturally, having a part of someone's body (nails, hair, spit, etc.) gives the best contagion link.

Knowing the complete and true name of an object, being, or process gives one complete control over it. This works because a name is a definition (yes, even "Harold", "Marie", "Kunte", and "Jasmine" were at one time) as well as a contagion link, and an association (if you call something the same name over and over, that name becomes associated with the thing). This also works, because knowing the complete and true name of something or someone means that you have achieved a complete understanding of its or their nature. This is why, in most pre-industrial cultures, people are given "secret names", as well as "public names", and why the sharing of a secret name is such an act of trust—because the secret name is considered to be very close to, if not identical with, the person's true name.

There exist certain words that are able to alter the internal and external realities of those uttering them, and the power may rest in the very sounds of the words as much as their meanings. Many of such words are names, though the meanings may have been lost or forgotten. Very many magical tools require words to be inscribed upon them and/or said over them during their construction and/or use.

Any phenomenon may be considered to be alive and to have a personality—that is, to "be" an entity or being. Anything can be a person. Most weather mages personify the winds and the clouds, for example, and thus find focusing their magic on the atmosphere much easier to do.

It is possible to establish internal communication with entities from either inside or outside oneself, said entities seeming to be inside of oneself during the communication process.

It is possible to establish external communication with entities from either inside or outside oneself, said entities seeming to be outside oneself during the communication process.

It is possible through maximum association between elements of oneself and those of another being to actually become that being, to the point of sharing its knowledge and wielding its power. This is the law that controls most lengthy or permanent possession phenomena.

Every sentient being lives in and quite possibly creates a unique universe which can never be 100% identical to that lived in by another. So called "reality" is in fact a matter of consensus opinions. This law is nowhere near as obvious as the other laws in its applications, but if you can figure some out, you can use it.

The total number of universes into which all possible combinations of existing phenomena could be organized is infinite. Anything is possible, though some things are more probable than others. You might consider this to refer to the "alternate probability worlds" of science fiction, but it also has a much wider application.

If a pattern of belief or behavior enables a being to survive and to accomplish chosen goals, then that belief or behavior is "true" or "real" or "sensible". If it works, it's true. Another rather obscure law, but it does have some very useful applications.

It is possible for a concept or act to violate the truth patterns of a given personal universe and still be "true", provided that it "works" in a specific situation. If it's a paradox, it's still probably true. This law is basically useless, except to justify use of the above three laws without screwing things up in your version of the real world.

The synthesis of two or more "opposing" patterns of data will produce a new pattern that will be truer than either of the first two were. That is, it will be applicable to more levels of reality, and this new pattern may not be a compromise, but may be something rather new indeed.

Any pattern of data can be split into (at least) two "opposing" characteristics, and each will contain the essence of the other within itself.

A sub-law of POLARITY. The "opposite" of a pattern contains information about that pattern, by providing information on what the pattern is not. Thus, control over a pattern's opposite (or close to it's opposite) facilitates control over the pattern itself. (Note that this one I alone take the blame for, as it is my own extension of POLARITY and SIMILARITY)

To survive, let alone to become powerful, one must keep every aspect of one's universe in a state of dynamic balance with every other aspect. Extremism is dangerous, as the extreme being becomes so associated with the extreme aspect, that they lose the ability to avoid that aspect at all. This is another reason "evil" mages are rare, as continuous association with pain or death will cause a mage pain or death, ending the mage's ability to continue actively with "evil". This is also why "good" mages, especially healers, tend to live a long time.

Sometimes known as Murphy's Law. If anything can go wrong, it will, and in the most annoying manner possible. Magical associations sometimes operate in the reverse of what was desired, and meaningful coincidences are just as likely to be unpleasant as pleasant. Even if nothing can go wrong, some element of the universe may change so that things will go wrong anyway. Whether we like it or not, the gods (or fates, or what have you) do have a sense of humor. Emotionally healthy mages have less problems with this law than others do, as the mage's own subconscious mind is probably a major perpetrator of this law.

Every phenomena in existence is linked directly or indirectly to every other one, past, present, or future. Perceived separations between phenomena are based on incomplete sensing and/or understanding.

(Submitted by TwistedPig.)

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Last edited on May 24, 2016
Part of the Baron La Croix Library.

#23 - Dreamscape Answers

You want an answer to an important matter? You do not know how to act in any given situation? Use this spell to have answers revealed to you in your dreams.
You may need:

  • A yellow piece of paper
  • Fresh or dried rose petals (any color)
  • Fresh or dried Calendula flowers
  • Poppy box
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    You may need:

  • A yellow piece of paper
  • Fresh or dried rose petals (any color)
  • Fresh or dried Calendula flowers
  • Poppy box
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    Take a dry box of poppy and purge it from seeds. Write your answer on a yellow piece of paper, and then put in the box. Boil the roses. Before bedtime, put fresh or dried calendula flowers (any color) under the pillow, the poppy box on the bed, and drink the boiled rose soup. Please think about your problems, think about options. The answer comes in a dream.

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    #24 - Spiteful Demon of Torment

    Summon forth a demon into an object to give to your enemy.
    You may need:

  • Item to give to your enemy
  • Circle of summoning
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    You may need:

  • Item to give to your enemy
  • Circle of summoning
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    Set up your circle to begin. After doing so, place the object in the middle of the triangle. The circle is meant to protect you while the triangle is to keep the summoned spirit within. Place your item and call forth a demon like so:

    "Come forth I summon you, I beseech you. Come forth to our realm. I offer you sanctuary here where you may carry out your evil deeds upon thy enemy. Harm them as they have harmed me. Come to this object I have chosen. In acceptance that you do not harm me but the one I have called you forth...Now come demon! So mote it be!"

    After doing so cleanse the circle and the demon should remain in the stone, etc or whatever you have used. After this plant the object in your enemies house, locker, etc.

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    #25 - Spiteful Binding

    A binding spell against your enemy.
    You may need:

  • Personal item from your enemy (such as hair)
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    You may need:

  • Personal item from your enemy (such as hair)
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    The punishments are as follows, depending on which element you call upon:

    This element will cause an enemy to face different afflictions. Using the element of earth, your enemy will be cursed and may suffer from loosing his or her home or even death. To perform this binding, you must bury the bound object and speak a binding spell.

    This element will cause an enemy to lose money. It can also cause your enemy to become enraged, angry or ill tempered by affecting their attitude. To perform this punishment, burn the bound object and speak a binding spell.

    This element will cause storms, lightening, wind, rain or other harmful weather. To perform this punishment, burn the bound object and then scatter the ashes into the wind as you speak a binding spell.

    This element will cause drowning in sorrow, guilt, sadness or some other emotion. To perform this punishment, throw the bound object into a source of water such as a stream or river while you speak a binding spell.

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    #26 - Win a Court Case

    If you are going into court weither guilty or not use this spell to win your case.
    You may need:

  • Names of the prosecutor
  • Names of the accusors
  • a cow toungue
  • 7 nails
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    You may need:

  • Names of the prosecutor
  • Names of the accusors
  • a cow toungue
  • 7 nails
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    On a piece of paper write the names of the prosecutor and anyone else that is against you. Make a slit in the cows tongue and place the piece of paper inside the slit, then drive the nails into the tongue. Keep this tongue in the freezer until the court hearings and as soon as your name is cleared burn the tongue and bury the ashes.

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    #27 - Monthly Spell Binder

    To keep the energy of a spell going!
    You may need:

  • Time: One Month after the spell was cast
  • ( I say one month or you can do it, after the amount of time it took to manifest)
  • Tools: 2 white candles
  • Focus
  • Note: If you've ever noticed your spell unraveling after 7 to 28 days then try this, and remember that the same amount of time for the spell to manifest,is the same amount of time it will take to wear off. REMEMBER THE RULE OF THUMB!
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    You may need:

  • Time: One Month after the spell was cast
  • ( I say one month or you can do it, after the amount of time it took to manifest)
  • Tools: 2 white candles
  • Focus
  • Note: If you've ever noticed your spell unraveling after 7 to 28 days then try this, and remember that the same amount of time for the spell to manifest,is the same amount of time it will take to wear off. REMEMBER THE RULE OF THUMB!
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    Check your journal or monthly calender. Retrieve the name of the spell, and when the spell was cast. Set up your tools on your alter. Bless,cleanse and consecrate your tools and sacred space, and/or alter. Ground and center. Focus and now say:

    "Upon Date of Spell, a spell to/for Name of Spell was cast,
    By my will, it will last!
    By the power of divinity,
    No force shall set the energy free!"

    Sounds corny, BUT trust it works!

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    #28 - Florida Water

    Is a special perfume used in voodoo more for an alter. If you are near a botonica then you should have no problem finding it if not it is easy to make.
    You may need:

  • 15 parts of Rose Water
  • 6 parts Jasmine oil
  • 5 parts Musk oil
  • 3 parts Bergamot oil
  • 1 part Lavender oil
  • 1 part Lemon oil
  • 1 part Clove oil
  • 1/2 Cinnamon oil
  • 1/2 Neroli oil
  • Bottle of medicinal alchol or vodka
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    You may need:

  • 15 parts of Rose Water
  • 6 parts Jasmine oil
  • 5 parts Musk oil
  • 3 parts Bergamot oil
  • 1 part Lavender oil
  • 1 part Lemon oil
  • 1 part Clove oil
  • 1/2 Cinnamon oil
  • 1/2 Neroli oil
  • Bottle of medicinal alchol or vodka
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    Add all of your ingredients to alcohol but please make sure that it is medicinal if you can't find it then you can use vodka.then let it stand for nine days.once the nine days are over place it into a smaller bottle for use.

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    #29 - To Cure Alcoholism

    To turn a family member or loved one away from drinking
    You may need:

  • 2 pieces of board
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    You may need:

  • 2 pieces of board
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    Go to the graveyard with two pieces of board and pace of a grave for the alcoholic. Call out to the spirits to make the alcoholic stop drinking and as you do so pound one piece of board into the mock grave at the head and one at the foot.

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    #30 - Chant of Banishing

    Exorcism/Banishing Chant
    You may need:

  • Incense to burn: frankincense, pine, lilac, or rosemary.
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    You may need:

  • Incense to burn: frankincense, pine, lilac, or rosemary.
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    This chant is to be said very forcefully many times over:

    You are not to come near my body.

    You are not to go before me.

    You are not to follow me.

    Where I stop, you are not to stop.

    Where I sit, you are not to sit.

    At my home, you shall not enter.

    You are not to step in my steps.

    You are not to be in my shadow.

    Where I go, you are not to go.

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    35 Spiritual Spells from Baron La Croix