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Coven -> Spell Casters -> Re: Various spells
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Original Post:
by: MerlinESoph on Feb 04, 2017

This is a sample of my work, for the source see my site under Advertising. Please note that these spells work merely through being spoken; there are no complicated rituals unless you choose to add them.

Vision journeying

"Circle of endless Circumferences and Sphere of endless Depths of the Crown Chakra; carry me into the Temple of the Crown for visionary journeying. The Circle and Sphere of Journeying are to be kept fully charged with Magical Energy throughout. Teach the Languages of Visions so I may one day be Adept."


"All my Embodied, Alpha and Omega, Non-Embodied and Multidimensional Vehicle's Chakras; Within the Circles of Endless Circumferences and the Spheres of Endless Depths, rest in the Chakric Temples to receive a full Archangelic Magical Charge."

"Circle of endless Circumferences of all Chakras and Spheres of endless Depths;

Heal utterly my whole marrow and bone structure; heal utterly my whole nervous system to the peak of perfection; restore my teeth to perfect health; correct my spine.

Burn away all parasites and ticks, astral and otherwise.

(for the vain or beauty conscious) Restore my looks; grant me endlessly youthful and fresh appearance."

It's good discipline to keep yourself magically charged. You never know when you'll need a spell. So always close with this.

"All my Embodied, Alpha and Omega, Non-Embodied and Multidimensional Vehicle's Chakras; Within the Circles of Endless Circumferences and the Spheres of Endless Depths, rest in the Chakric Temples to receive a full Archangelic Magical Charge."


(This one's a two parter and a little lengthy. I could have chosen a shorter example, but I thought this should be representative of a broad section of my work.)

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; Ein Soph, I call on your Council. There are entities troubling me with [describe what is troubling you]. I request their *immediate* and *full* banishment, in perpetuity, through an Ein Soph Banishment Circle and Sphere. Please inform if they are a part of the Plan, and if so, advise on my course of action. (optional) Please also watch over me as I install defensive Chi Balls in the area. Thank you."

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; Rays, I am about to begin Chi Ball work on a large, extended scale for Archangelic Grade Positive Spiritual Warfare. I request the Endless Provision of Chi."

"All embodied Chakras and Fields, Alpha and Omega Chakras and Fields, Non Embodied Chakras and Fields and Multidimensional Vehicle Chakras and Fields; I request Chakra and Field Light Mirror Spheres supersaturated as far as my energy can take them that reflect perfectly at no effort and charge exponentially at my Centre of Least Resistance at no effort to act as both active and passive Archangelic Grade Positive Spiritual Warfare offence and defence in my area, surrounding me at all times, my home, my hometown and everywhere else I go regularly or have reason to go occasionally. Build through Chi Balls, separating my hands naturally when done. Install."


One in closing for Life Plan correction and securment

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; All of my embodied Chakras, my Alpha and Omega Chakras, all possible non-embodied Chakras Above and Below (as they manifest or are discovered) and all Chakras of my Multidimensional Vehicle (as they manifest or are discovered) express the following: My Life Mission, Life Purpose, Life Destiny, Soul Mission, Soul Purpose and Soul Destiny will be a complete success with everything provided as needed to assure this. My Chakras guarantee it. So insofar as I have a right to say this do those of everyone else with a role to play in it."

Thanks for reading!