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Coven -> Spell Casters -> Re: My Opinion On Love Spells
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Original Post:
by: Megitsune on Nov 09, 2016


Keep in mind that this is just my opinion. Not everyone see love spells the way I do. I have a few questions:

  • When you're binding someone against their will to love you, is it really love?
  • If you try to break up your ex's relationship so they can get back with you, are you being fair?

The answers to both of those questions are no . It isn't love. It isn't fair. It's you being selfish. You not being able to move on . Sometimes the person you may love, like, have a crush on, and other things of that nature may not be the one for you. If they don't love you or like you back, oh well, it's time for you to move on. That may be the universe, your deities, or whatever it is that you believe in telling you that that person may not be right for you. I highly doubt that binding someone against their will willl get you what you really want and I'm pretty sure that it will back fire.

If you're trying to use magick to get someone you're afraid to talk to like you, don't. Just gather up the courage to talk to that person. Start off as friends as first. Magick can't fix everything for you. Some people suggest using attraction and confidence spells for yourself to attract people (not a specific person) to you, or to make you more confident. Don't ask me for any spells please, I have never dabbled in that area.

If someone has already chosen to be with you, if they already love you and want to be yours, then, in my opinion, it's okay to bind them to you. They are already yours, they've given themselves to you, a little extra help won't hurt. ;) Just remember, if you decide that you want to break up with the person, to unbind them if you did bind them to you. Let them move on and be happy too.

That's all I have to really say about this. Sorry for any errors in this. I'm exhausted.

Blessed Be.
