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Forums -> Introduce Yourself -> Re: Telepathy and Telekenisis
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Original Post:
by: seanc on May 25, 2007

Ok, recently I posted that I have been able to move things slightly with my mind in hopes to get more info on the subject... it appears that the current members of this board havent dabbled much in this so I will describe what I am doing to condition myself.

For a long time I have been able to "skim" surface thoughts from people. I say skim because it requires me concentrating, and it also requires me making eye contact. I thought at first that I was just excelent at reading body language, but as I got older it developed more and more. While in college I started doing party tricks where I would have someone think of a picture and I would describe what part of the picture they are focusing on.

HOW IT WORKS: When you think of things, you make expressions on your face and position your body different. After getting to know someone you start to get a "feel" for whats on their mind based on the look on their face and anything they might have said or seen. Our brains and bodys are very powerful, and constantly is emitting an aura based on our feelings, thoughts, and experiences after our resting period. (During this resting period, your mind and body are able to refocus and sto away what you have seen and heard, without that our consiousness begins to break down and as we get overloaded with information start to come back to our basic instincts. I studied this a lot when I suffered from insomnia.)

When I am sick or tired i am less likely to be able to lift someones thoughts accurately. I am under the impression that this is because I am unable to focus my mind as well as my body properly. I think of it as my body being an antenna to thoughts and my mind being the machine that processes it. A person CAN actively block you from reading their thoughts, an unwilling audience will create a negative affect and after not being able to perform, most mind readers become discouraged and lose focus further. I am still very very untrained at this, but understand that your mind is one of the only private places that people cannot break into, and dabbling in other peoples thoughts is not just unethical, but most likely dangerous.

Ok. This is the fun one. A long time ago, as a curious child, I was facinated by fire. At the age of 7, I lit my bedroom on fire by accident and almost burned my house down. Ever since that day, fire has facinated me more than anything else. By 8, I was stealing lighters from my Dad or Mom or their friends and I would light it and stare at the flame until the lighter ran out of butane. Eventually, in my moments of hyperfocus, I would start to think "Tilt left" and focus my thoughts and the flame would slightly tilt left. I kept with this off and on growing up, never really thinking that I was doing anything like magic or telekenisis or anything... When I was 13 I could make the flame tilt MUCH quicker but not relyably as I had lost my ability to hyperfocus on this facination (I have ADHD and my parents opted to not medicate me) and started losing intrest in it. A month after i turned 18 my family got evicted and I moved out on my own to escape my family. My roomate was a very spiritual person and he got me reinterested in talking with spirits and generally being a kid again. I began playing with candles as I had with lighters in the past and the results are facinating.

Anyways, with that out of the way, I beleive that telekenisis is the hardest magic to perform. It requires little more then raw mental control however, like working out muscles to lift weights, you have to work out your mind to move stuff. Since I had practiced on a flame (almost weightless energy matter) I beleive that I had worked myself up to controlling a feather in free fall... I have been practicing getting a feather to follow my hand gestures at a few paces back (this is the hardest and most discouraging practice around, but let me assure you, patience and persistance pays off). I am not very good at it, but it mostly works.

Unfortunatly I do not know how I tipped a glass over. My GF had just left me and I found myself sitting in front of an empty beer glass... staring through teary eyes... and then it happened, as if I had seen it happen already before it happened, it didn't really shock me at first. After it had some time to sink in, i started to realize what I had just done. I have spent hours trying to do it again, even tryed drinking the same amount of the same beer and used the same glass and everything... so I turned to the internet to help me find more info on the subject...

I hope this helps some of you in your persuit of either subject, but I hope more that this starts a discussion on the subject, I am very interested in getting some feedback from anyone who has had personal experiences with these sorts of things (especially telepathy because I have way way wayyyy more to tell about that subject).

-sean_c -Musician, computer programmer, life philosopher, bad-speller