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Original Post:
by: gunslinger on May 01, 2008

Most magickians tend to have a special set of ritual clothing. This of course varies from magickain to magickian. Some general items to wear are...
1. Robe - While occasionally very hard to find, and cumbersome to work with, many Satanists wear robes in their ritual workings. The most popular style being plain black. Of course if a robe is unavailable to you, or you just don't like the look of robes you can go for any special set of clothing. Most Satanists perfer black for rituals, and no matter what you wear attention to asthetic value is important. Use whatever makes you feel "powerful" for some it might be a black robe, for others it might be a nice suit. Either way its a good idea to have one's clothing cleaned before the ritual, and it's advisable to wear ritual clothing only when performing a ritual.
2. Pentagram - The pentagram is seen as the symbol of many things (the microcosm, the forces of nature ect.), and is worn in many different magickal traditions. Most Satanists perfer the LHP (inverted) pentagram or the Baphomet designed by Eliphas Levi. This is usually worn as a statement of one's personal belief, and is worn by some in and outside of the ritual chamber.
3. Secondary symbol(s) - In some methods of ceremonial magick (specificly thoes relating to the Goetia) it instructed for the magickain to adorne themselves with various religious symbols. The most popular of these being the hexagram. It may be useful for the Satanic practiciner to use symbols in a similar way. Of course, these symbols are most likely going to be different for Satanists. My personal suggestions are the Unicursal hexagram or Crowley's "Sun & Moon Conjoined." While not inherently Satanist symbols, the principles they represent fall in line closer with Satanic belief moreso than the classic hexagram.


Now there exist some magickians who perfer to work without tools (also known as "open hand") but most will find ritual tools to be helpful. Depending on your personal tastes you may want to concecrate your tools in your own ways.
1. Wand/Atheme - In most traditional ceremonial magick groups the want and the magickal knife (also known as the atheme) represent differnt energies. The wand representing creation and focusing of will, and the atheme representing the more harsh and "firery" powers. Many Satanic rituals use the atheme for both purposes. Its up to you personally to choose which (if either) of these tools you will use. If neither of these are available to you, then a commonly used substitute is to use your thumb held between your middle and pointer finger.

2. Chalice - Ever since LaVey it has been "in vouge" for Satanists to use silver colored chalices. However if such a thing is not available to you, then glass or any other substance will work just fine. The chalice would mainly be used in rituals where one desires to either commune with the Demon or to drink from durring the invocation.

3. Pentagram/Baphomet - Most Satanists use a version of Eliphas Levi's Baphomet pentagram upon the alter as a main focus of their rituals (particuarly durring the invocation). It is advisable that you have some representation of whatever deity you invoke upon the alter. The Baphomet tends to work well as sort of an all-purpose symbol for most though.

4. Images of the Demon - It is advisable to have some sort of image of the deity you wish to evoke upon your alter. These can be images made my others or yourself. Also a sigil of the Demon can be used as well.

5. Candles - Generally Satanists are fond of black candles as they represent the forces that are being called upon. Depending on the demon you are summoning you might want to deviate a bit (ie. using red to represent the passion of Asmodeus, or blue to represent the watery depths for Leviathan).

The Ritual Itself

Following is a guideline for creating your own ritual for summoning a demon.

1. I heavily recommend performing a "banishing ritual" beforehand. Now this is not to make you "pure" in spirit. It?s about clearing and focusing your mind so that you don?t unfairly impose any of your ideas upon what the demon is trying to communicate to you. Around this time you will also want to dress for your ritual.

2. Set up an altar to the demon. You should customize the altar to the character of the demon. Example: For the demon Dagon you would want an altar with a water theme. Images of fish, serpents, and seaweed would be very appropriate. You might want to consider filling the chalice with saltwater (although only add a pinch of salt, too much will cause vomiting).

3. If you want to, draw or trace a triangle or circle on the ground into which you will manifest the demon. This is NOT to imprison the demon as so many Christian grimores will tell you; it is simply creating a space where all of the demons energy can gather and manifest. You can make the triangle or circle as plain or as decorated as you like.

4. After the altar and all preparations are made, stand before your alter and triangle or circle. State your beginning invocation.However I highlyrecommend creating your own. Basically, align yourself with the forces of Hell and darkness as for it to work, as mentioned at the start.

5. Now read your summoning of the demon. The creation of this is very important to the overall working and should be done beforehand. Try and create a summoning that would sound similar to how you think the demon would have been originally worshiped (if it is believed that the demon was worshiped in the past). Try and keep the summoning within the character of the demon. Also make and etmosphere in which the demon would be comfortable in. And (as should be clear now) do NOT threaten, torture, torment, or taunt the demon into appearing, unless of course you LIKE being killed in a violent, yet ironic way.

6. Once you are able to discern the presence of the demon, stand forward and politely, yet firmly state the following: "I stand here with you, (demon?s name) united by our bond with Hell. By this bond I swear to be truthful to you and honor all agreements made with you to the best of my ability. Do you, (demon?s name) swear by your bond with the forces of Hell to be truthful to me, and honor all agreements with me to the best of your ability?" Now wait for a response (which you may divine as you wish), if the response is positive, continue. If the response is negative, inform the demon that you will not work with it until it swears to the oath. If the demon still refuses the oath, then politely dismiss it. It is choosing to be uncooperative at this time and may be more willing to work at a later time. The above oath is designed only to avoid deception from either yourself or the demon without being threatening or rude. The demon has the option to turn down the oath and is not forced into it in any way. (Note: Keep in mind, you are entering in a very powerful oath as well, and if you attempt to break it the consequences can be dire).
7. Now do what ever it is you have planed to, what ever it may be, wheither it is making a deal, asking it stuff etc.
8. At this point any sacrifices which are to be made during the ritual can be made. Any sacrifices of gnosis are given and deals are confirmed.
9. Thank the demon for appearing and assisting you then a polite dismissal statement or attach it to something you can carry around all the time if they like you enough they wont mind.