Secure a door

SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Secure a door
to make people stay away from a door

Casting Instructions for 'Secure a door'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • concentration
  • door
  • hand/wand
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • concentration
  • door
  • hand/wand
Stare at the door angrily. Try to view energy forming a bind around it. Picture huge, roaring, threatening flames coming off the door. while doing this summon energy to your hand/wand and recite the chant below.

Thou shall not enter,
Thou shall not leave,
This door shall remain untouched,
So mote it be.

when you are done reciting the chant, wave our wand/hand at the door and picture locks and chains appearing on it.


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Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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A fine start, but you should specify who/what you are preventing from using the door. If this is a specific person, like a parent entering your room, it might make them feel uneasy entering, but it will not repel them. I can see this working better on spirits and negative energy since Magik works more with energy than physical.

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