Casting Instructions for 'To Reverse Spells Cast with Candle Magick'
You will need the following items for this spell:
Two black candles
You will need the following items for this spell:
Two black candles
Light two black candles and chant: "In the name of the Gods and all ye Spirits. In the name of Kernunnos and the light and the dark, the Gods of the Netherworld, and whoever shall be casting a curse against me: Let them suffer their own curse. Let these candles burn as theirs did. Let the pain they have tried to cause me and mine fall upon themselves".
Do this spell for five consecutive nights (as close to midnight as possible) and each night chant the spell until the candles are spent.
This needs an edit. The chant calls on deities when you do not need to, especially if you do not work with these deities. Why must it be done for five days? Why two candles? I would use one candle. If you know the person who cast on you, carve their name into the candle. A photo would also help. Anoint the candle with oil and roll them in a mixture of black pepper, cloves, and thyme. Take some tin foil, place it on the working surface, then the photo with the picture facing the tin foil, and finally the candle on top of that. The refection of the tin foil will act as a mirror and reflect the energy back at the person. Light the candle, say a return to sender chant. I would not use this one unless you work with specific deities. If you do, call on those deities. Then let the candle burn out as you contemplate how this will effect the person. After the spell, bundle the remaining items and dispose of them. Burying them off property might be best, but you toss them in an outdoor trash symbolic of what you think of them. I would also cleanse and protect yourself to ensure you do not feel another witches attacks in future.
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