Watch your enemy burn in the eternal burning flames.
Casting Instructions for 'Invoking the Flames of Hades'
You will need the following items for this spell:
Black wax(a few disposable black candles)
You will need the following items for this spell:
Black wax(a few disposable black candles)
Light a small fire in your cauldron. After it has burned to a quite acceptable brew, begin melting black wax into the flames until it begins to burn itself. As you melt the candles down say:
"As I melt this Candle Wax,
Oh so darkened, Oh so black,
I invoke before me,
The ever burning fire of Hades."
Do this for quite some time until the only thing burning is the wax itself. After this is achieved, pour your energy into the hadetic door to the Ever Burning Fires. As you focus on this, say:
"I call to the Realm of Hades,
and invoke the powers of the ever burning flame,
and before me shall they burn,
in the name of Lord Hades!"
Meditate on what you have just done. KNOW, that before you burns the flames of JHades. This rite can involve other forms of death magick and cursing(i.e. passing pictures through the flame, etc)
This might be a good way to invoke Hades for magick involving revenge, though I think it's better suited for a deity like Thanathos.
Hades is the ruler of the dead, but he doesn't cause death. That is Thanathos' job (apologies. I'm sorry if I'm terribly butchering the spelling).
If you want, you could put the image in water (symbolising calmness) if you want to ask Hades to ensure a happy or calm afterlife for a dead loved one.
Or you could put in water to symbolise drowning if you want to curse someone to death.
A lot of possibilities with this spell.
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