Cleansing Enchanting Spell

SpellsLuck  ► Good Luck  ► Cleansing Enchanting Spell
Time to do this spell, night time, this spell makes you luckly in love. This my daughters spell, hope it works.

Casting Instructions for 'Cleansing Enchanting Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 3 Pink Quartz
  • One Bowl
  • Water
  • Salt
  • 2 Drops of “Red Fast Luck”
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 3 Pink Quartz
  • One Bowl
  • Water
  • Salt
  • 2 Drops of “Red Fast Luck”

Now, put salt water into your bowl, then place 3 pink quartz into it and add 2 drops of “Red Fast Luck” if have any. Now let it set for five minutes or until dark, once you’ve taking the 1st stone out of the bowl.

Just say:


"I say, this stone will be used for love.” (3 Times)"


Then rinse the stone and dry it, now take it into the moon light, saying:


“"By the moon light, I say, this stone will be used for love.” (3 times)"


Now take the 2nd stone into your left hand like before and say:


"I say, this stone will be used for luck.” (3 times)"


Like before rinse and dry the stone, then walking back into the moon light and say:


"By the moon light, I say, this stone will be used for luck.” (3 times)"


Now take the last stone and say:


"I say, this stone will be used for love and luck.” (3 times)."


Rinse and dry the stone, walk back into the moon light and say:


"By the moon light, I say, this stone will be used for love and luck.” (3 times)"


Finish the spell by placing the Pink Quartz back on to your Alter.


Added to on Oct 02, 2012
Last edited on Jan 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I feel emerald works well as a cleansing instrument.

The items listed can work as a love spell, but not a cleansing or luck. Possibly if you are using this to be lucky in love.

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