Ward off evil

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Ward off evil
This ancient charm wields a great power to repel and ward off all sorts of evil.

Casting Instructions for 'Ward off evil'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Iron nail , old rusty
  • Stone
  • Hammer
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Iron nail , old rusty
  • Stone
  • Hammer

Take an iron nail - rusty and old. On a dark night - moonless and cloudy, set upon a smallish flat stone. With an iron hammer strike it thrice. At each stroke say:

Clavus Ferreus

Malleus Ferreus

Ferrum Refilum

Ferrum Nobilis

Score the stone three times across with the nail's point, then take the stone and bury it far from the house. Carry the nail with you always as a charm.


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