Banish Someone

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Banish Someone
Banish Negativity from your life

Casting Instructions for 'Banish Someone'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Writing Utensil
  • Banishing oil(s)
  • Banishing/Black Candle
  • Bowl
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Writing Utensil
  • Banishing oil(s)
  • Banishing/Black Candle
  • Bowl

Take a sheet of paper.
Tear the paper in half with your hands to put your energy into the spell.
Write the person's full name on a sheet of paper (First and Last) and their birth date (Year, too) 3 times.
Turn the paper clockwise.
Write "Be Gone" three times over their name.
Turn it counterclockwise (but make sure their name is upside down)!
Sign your name 3 times.
Anoint paper with banishing oil (Use your finger to dab all four corners with the oil and then dab the middle of the paper).
Fold the petition (3 times) away from you to push them away, while envisioning the person leaving you alone.
To Activate the spell, burn your petition with the banishing candle and feel how good it is to get rid of it.
Let the paper burn in a bowl.
Flush the ashes down the toilet while saying "Be gone" 3 times.


Added to on Jun 15, 2023
Last edited on Aug 13, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This is plausible, but I would also do a cord cutting to remove any energetic ties to the person. A cord cutting does not always include two candles tied with string. You can visualize/feel the cords attached to you and using an athame, sword, or blessed scissors, ''cut'' them off you. There are a couple guided meditations you could find on YouTube and other sites to help you. This spell would banish them from your life, but there are still bonds which could hinder the healing process.

Nov 03, 2023
Ooh I haven't thought of that! And thank you for the info!!! I'm new to this, please forgive me! haha

Nov 03, 2023
Nothing to forgive methinks. That's just how collaboration works. There are always tips, tricks, and experiences to share which can refine or improve things.

Nov 06, 2023
I was not upset with you. No apology needed. I was simply reviewing the spell and tweaking it a little. We all began somewhere, and experimentation is a great way to learn. All the best on your path.

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