To Check If You Are A Vampire

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SpellsHealth  ► Power  ► To Check If You Are A Vampire
This spell will work only if you are a vampire. if you don't feel the side effects, your normal.

Casting Instructions for 'To Check If You Are A Vampire'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your Voice
  • Night time(before you go to bed)
  • Belief in the Vampire Gods
  • A full Moon if preferred, but the moon phase should not be a Waning phase
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your Voice
  • Night time(before you go to bed)
  • Belief in the Vampire Gods
  • A full Moon if preferred, but the moon phase should not be a Waning phase
First thing to check is that if the color of your vein is purple or red. Then there is a better chance that you'll be a vampire. Sit down with your legs crossed and say:

''Blood red, pale Skin,
Moon light draw me in,
Quench my thirst, Coursing veins,
Let my body feel no pain''

This is said just for calling any vampire around you. Now relax yourself and think about any Vampire God you believe in ( Like My Vampire God is Lilith). And finally chant:

''Faith is what I have in you,
To show me who I really am.
If my God is now before,tell me who I really am.
Vampire is what i believe myself to be, show me if that's what I really am.''

This Are The Side Effects:
1. Tooth pain(doesn't really mean that every teeth will pain, some will)
3. Nausea
4. Mid-night Hunger



Added to on May 09, 2014
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You are not a vampire. You are human. Vampires are astral beings akin to Fae and demons, ergo you cannot become one. The closest you will get is being a psi vampire.

It worked for me

Sep 15, 2022
I'm sure the returned answer is, ''no,'' because you are human and nothing else.

Sep 16, 2022
Roleplaying is against site rules.

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