Banish darkness using the Orbem Potentia

SpellsHealth  ► Power  ► Banish darkness using the Orbem Potentia
This spell was used against the dark lord long ago. I found this spell in my spellbook.

Casting Instructions for 'Banish darkness using the Orbem Potentia'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Orbem Potentia (Orb of Power)
  • Good energy
  • Power
  • Concentration
  • Good pronounciation for typed latin
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Orbem Potentia (Orb of Power)
  • Good energy
  • Power
  • Concentration
  • Good pronounciation for typed latin
Face the dark spirit, concentrate extremely hard. Then, put the Orbem Potentia in front of you and put all of your good energy into the orb. Finally, chant the words ''Cum orbe potestas tene brarum eieci te usque in finem'' with determination and continuously hold it still putting your energy in the Orbem Potentia until the energy stops coming out and the spirit explodes or vaporizes. If this works, congratulations you're the chosen one.


Added to on Oct 06, 2012
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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