Over active third eye

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Over active third eye
Post # 1
I have an over active third eye chakra.Is that good or bad?
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Re: Over active third eye
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
Only if you don't like the results. I have an over active third eye it does not bother me but I know how to shield. Are you having any problems?
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Re: Over active third eye
Post # 3
Well the problem is that i can easily daydream and lose time.But i can cope with it.I mean if that has an impact on spells.Does it?
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Re: Over active third eye
By: / Novice
Post # 4
I had this same issue a few or several weeks back. It had got to the point where I was having to stop and meditate to redirect the energy while I was hangin out with friends. Luckily they thought I was just exhausted for a few days and don't ask a lot of questions anyhow. Don't know how they'd have felt if I had told them my third eye was needing attention. Lol.
At any rate redirecting the energy is what I tried when I wasn't feeling froggy. I also learned to use the region and it's energy while 100% concious. (Might have actually been what started the mess.)
In any case if you feel like you need help, PM me and I'll be more than happy to walk you through the exercises I used, and some that will help you even if you like your insatiable third eye.
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Re: Over active third eye
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
Perdurabo has the right idea to help cope with an over active third eye. Meditation is one of the best ways to deal with most magical problems. If you find yourself daydreaming a lot and want to get better control over it then you need to first want to control it. Then learn to realize when you are starting to daydream and stop yourself. Put a rubber band around your wrist and when you are doing something that sends you off just keep snapping it on your arm. This will also help you learn how to be active when you daydream. For years now I can do almost any chore and daydream at the same time. I think that is way sometimes I look forward to doing the dishes.
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Re: Over active third eye
Post # 6
Thanks a lot
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