Searching for a solution

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Searching for a solution
Post # 1
Hey. I started to learn about spells, about 4 months ago. Usually using this website. My grandmother, as I was told, was able to remove any visible bump on a body, just by using a red yarn during the waning moon. She did some fortune-telling as well. She died when I was 5, so I wasn't able to ask her much. I wanted to try and learn some spells. Thought maybe it's in my genes.
Unfortunately, all the spells I try, almost have 5-10% effectiveness, do not work at all, or even work the opposite way. The only spell that worked, was the one that helped me with the pain relief. But with a light pain only.
I visited an old woman in a small village. She said that I had some black magic spells and dark demonic curses from some woman. This happened for almost a decade already. But wasn't able to help further.
I had some bad luck previously. It is a bit better now than it was before.
I guess I would not be able to do some cleansing spells myself, due to my spell success rate. Any advice?
Thanks in advance.
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Re: Searching for a solution
Post # 2
Well, I'm not quite sure how a spell that removes bumps from the body would work. My guess would be that the bump would have healed on its own eventually and the spell was simply removing negative energy from the area and putting positive energy in its place so the body could heal itself more rapidly. It's a shame you never learned what she was doing.

As for spells in general, a lot can affect the outcome of a spell. Sometimes there isn't enough energy being raised. Sometimes the focus of the caster is scattered. Sometimes there isn't a pathway for the spell to travel at that point in time. Most importantly, the goal of the spell needs to be physically possible. Magic doesn't seem to be an exact science. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

If you're sure that the spells you're trying are realistic, I'd look into the other possible issues. Are you raising enough energy? Are you focusing on the spell? Is there something that would prevent your spell from working? If you've been at this for a few months at most, start with small things. Look into the basics of how magic works. Work on meditation, visualization, raising energy, etc.
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Re: Searching for a solution
By: / Novice
Post # 3
There are a couple of things to unpack with this one, though Draq did give good advicece for a lot of it. AboutallI can add in regards to your spellcasting difficulties is that Magic is an art and an exercise. The main factors in spells not having influence usually boils down yo lack of understanding, lack of connection, or lack of patience. And all three of these things take time to develop. They are also interlinked.

Patience means more than giving a working time to manifest. It means giving yourself time to start with the basics. Time to develop. Time to evaluate not just what you want to achieve but also why, how, and if you even end magic to attain it to begin with. Or if a spell fails, the patien e to think about why it might have failed and how you might approach the same goal from a new angle.

With patience comes understanding. You learn about yourself. You learn about the relationships between choices and consequences, cause and effect, and how the microcosm of symbolism reflects the macrocosm of the world around us and how intent and will connect the two. You will learn what forms of symbolism you resonate with and connect to emotionally and intellectually. Individual things- be they goals, objects, states of nature... whatever- relate to us in individual ways. To one person a bit of bark could represent growth and learning. To another person that same bit of bark could connect them to earth energy, roots and grounding. Or it could represent protection as a tree's shielding skin. Or healing. Or renewal and new beginnings. Or a person might associate the bark with the specific kind of tree it came from and associate it with the qualities and nature of the plant it came from.

And that is just one piece of bark. One symbol. But with many meanings. By understanding the potential meanings, and understanding yourself, you will fuel what that symbol means for you. And so you will feel a connectionto it. It will no longer just be a piece of bark. Instead it will become the magical embodiment of what it represents. Bring it into a spell of protection and that bark becomes your armor, symbolically skinning you as it does a tree. Understood as a representation of life and growth, it becomes fuel to inspire expanding yourself as a person.

Consider how a spell is structured. How each step is laid out. Recognize the purpose behind the actions and consciously connect the two. Don't just light a candle, bring light to your space as a beacon to your purpose. Don't just write a word on paper, sign a message of your desires. Don't just burn that note, release the message on it to the energy of the universe just as the paper's energy is released in heat and flame.

As for that last part which has not yet been touched on, I would be extremely cautious of the claims of others. Especially if someone is claiming you are somehow cursed. That is a scam. A common one used to prey on the unaware. Why would you be cursed? What is the nature of the curse? Where did it come from? People like to say "you are cursed, give me money". It is a trick and falsehood.

Here are a few understandings;

No one, and I mean no one, curses someone without cause or connection. There is no such thing as a random attack. It is pointless, gains nothing, and just plan has kettle to no actual effect. A curse is built on negative energy and emotions. Hate, anger, revenge. Have you ever felt that towards someone whom you do not know and have never met? How can you, you haven't met them. They don't exist in your mind. There is no way for there to be a connection even if the energy was there. Nothing to guide it to you.

Negative workings also need to be maintained. No anger to fuel it, then it is like a burned down fire. A bit of grey ash in the wind. So unless you did something directly offensive and harmful in a deliberate way to someone who, by random chance, also happened to be a practicing witch and who, also by yet another slim chance know how to and feel the need to curse you for it... Didn't happen, not a thing, let it go and don't manifest your own troubles.

A cleansing and empowerment, clear yourself and your home, and let go of the fear. You'll be fine.

Even in the dra.atically off chance you are, somehow, being affected by negativity then action still rests with you. Cleansing, empowerment, and affirmation of your sovereignty as a being of light. Others can come, they can work a spell with you, but you should be there as you are the one needing to be empowered. So if someone says "give me money and I will do a secret ritual somewhere else where you can't be", they are lying. Wholesale.

Also, the components and symbols of magic are cheap. Tools are bought once and used many times. Just as a mechanic doesn't throw away his wrench after fixing one engine, a caster will not throw away their wand after one use. Herbs and smudges are accessible and easy to find most places in the world. Alcohol is everywhere. Candles are everywhere. And even if not, then whatever is missing can be worked around with something else that is available. Magic, almost by necessity, through history, has been cheap to supply.

Anything beyond that is essentially a cost for service- whatever the mage wants to charge, they can. It is their time and effort. But do not ever let desperation overcome sense. If it is touch to feel reasonable, or if claims are made of needing 'special' or 'sacred' items at great cost. Just walk away.
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Re: Searching for a solution
Post # 4
I did some offensive stuff when I was young. That was about 15 years ago. I never apologized. Could this be a reason? I met the nun about a year ago in a shop. She looked at me like she saw something bad in me. But told nothing and walked away.

When I try some spells, I feel nothing. But some of them, make me feel exhausted. I try to concentrate as much as possible. I never ask for something impossible. I mean a bit of luck for myself or charging the crystals that I have.
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Re: Searching for a solution
Post # 5
And it's weird, that some spells that should help you, make it worse. Or is it just me? I think I need to learn more.
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Re: Searching for a solution
Post # 6
The getting tired part means you used a large amount of your vital energy (the energy used to cast spells) in a short period of time. The part where you say your spells don't really work / low result rate thing, sounds like your not performing the energy work correctly. specially the raising and charging parts of energy work. And the aspect where your "take away pain spell" only worked a little bit , sounds like this is what the problem is. Most curses can be countered by either cleansing them away or overpowering them with a uncrossing spell, you could even perform a transfer spell to transfer the curse from yourself to an object, and seal the curse inside said like object, like a stone you find outside then take it to a river or similar , or you can bury it in the earth (not on your property), then cleanse yourself like this Cleanse, banish, cleanse , protect. And make sure you practice energy manipulation. Create an orb of energy in your hands , push it outward, as any energy in that space will "stick" to that orb of energy and then you pull it back in through one of your hands, you will notice a difference to how the energy feels. Repeat that. That will assist you in learning to better sense energy which will help you get better at energy work. You can also look here as well for some other useful beginner level information

Starting Out:

The Basics Expanded:


Centering + Grounding:

How to write a spell:

Troubleshooting Spells:

You can also look at these books if you have access to books in your living situation:

"Before You Cast a Spell" by Carl McColman

"Spells and How They Work" by Janet and Stewart Farrar

"The Veil's Edge" by Willow Polson

"Modern Magick" by Donald Michael Kraig
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Re: Searching for a solution
Post # 7
Thank you very much!
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Re: Searching for a solution
Post # 8
Thank you for the links again. I'm feeling the improvement, but need to work more.
I have another question, related to the weather. Can someone really manipulate it? We have weather changes, mostly during the Christmas and New Year. The weather goes from -10°C (14°F) to +6°C (42.8°F) and after drops back to normal. It starts on Dec 21-22 and till Dec 25-26. Then it drops to 0°C (32°F) and on Dec 27-28 it rises again till Jan 1-2. Then it is snowy and cold winter till the season ends. Or is it just a weather anomaly? This has happened for a couple of years already. Usually, it's my city or my country only.
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Re: Searching for a solution
Post # 9
Weather magic is one of those things that not everyone agrees on. Some say it can be done and others say it can't. People obviously can't summon storms on command or anything fantastical like that, but I've heard that relatively small changes are possible. With enough time and energy they may lead to larger changes. It should be noted, however, that playing around with weather patterns is probably not the best idea.
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Re: Searching for a solution
Post # 10

From reading others response to you and drawing my own thoughts. It sounds as though you need to go back to the basics. Grounding, calling in your to your center. When I cleanse myself I don't do a spell, I usually mediate, grounding myself, pull my center or from myself and clean it with my hands (which usually involves imagining a orb of light is in my hands in front of me, and I pick off the clouds of negativity till the orb is clear. Spells are more powerful with clear intention, but if any sign of negative emotion comes through it will always be less effective (ie. "my spells never work", "I 'hope' this works" ['hope' in this sentence is doubt which is basically assuming it'll fail] ). If you have any known deities in your spirit guide team, lean on them and ask what is needed of you. If your body is weak, so will your spells be. Make sure you are resting and self-caring. You may need new tools to help your communicate with your spirit team. Another reason your spells aren't working (this just dropped in my mind) could be your spirit team is preventing them, they could also be the ones blocking, they could be trying to get your attention.

Good luck on your journey.

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