Akashic in Quantum field

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Re: Akashic in Quantum field
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Many times things end up feeling more complicated than they actually are. Mostly because few people can agree on what sort of language/terminology they want to use.

My guess is that the writer who described the akash as being in a quantum field either has a scientific background, or often speaks with people from the scientific field. People describe unfamiliar things in the way they know, using words that are familiar enough to feel right. But those descriptive choices are largely individual, at least at first, until many people come together compare notes, and agree on a best use.

In material and scientific exploration that is relatively easy, because those things are for the most part fixed and static. But spiritual concepts are largely subjective/impressionistic and comparatively fluid.

One can call it the higher plain, another can call it the collective unconscious. The super-conscious, quantum field, plane of souls, realm of guides, ... all of these mean the same place, just described from different perspectives.

Hurt as subjectively, the Akash itself is often described as a library or great hall, filled with books and rooms and pedestals to place those books and read. People think of it as some physical place within the astral you can go and visit like some cosmic landmark because of this. And, once again while the theme remains the same the details change greatly from person to person. Long ago the place was full of scrolls and plates/slates. Then tomes and bound papers. Then books. And nowadays people se some spiritual amalgam of computer screens and data banks.

Have the times and technologies of today somehow bled through to this 'library' and changed it? Have we somehow, whole between lives, upgraded the place and installed new ways of holding such cosmic information? I think it is far more likely that the place has not changed one bit. It is our perceptions that have evolved.

Remember that the spiritual levels of things are not physical. Places and shapes, buildings and tools, books and computers... they don't actually exist. We are bringing a physically-oriented mind to a non-physical place, and trying to make sense of our experiences. We feel a sense of reverence, knowledge, memory, and history. So we think "I must be in a library!" So we look for other things within that space that feel like library things.

We want to connect with our past experiences, so we imagine picking up a book and reading it. What we are actually doing is connecting with ourSelves, remembering our past as we would when between lives and fully cognizant of ourselves as enduring beings, and re-creating those memories images and emotions. You might experience it as opening a book then flying into the pages, or as sitting in a theater and watching a scene play out, or as looking up the spiritual version of your own youtube channel video archive. But that is just a reflection. It is representative.

The point to my ramble is that it helps to worry less about 'where' something is when you are venturing into the spiritual. And worry even less about the ways individuals like to describe what they experience or where they go and how they get there. At least as a literal. Instead, look at many descriptions and look for the common ideas. What do the many descriptions share? How did they relate to one another? What common thing might they be describing in different ways?

I think contemplating this will help guide you in where to look/what to ask for.

As far as personal experience/views go, I stopped trying to reach for the idea of the akash being some specific external place. Rather I see it as any place or setting you might go to, to connect with the concept of being an enduring being of energy and consciousness. One that retains identity and self and therefore memory and experiences of the past. It is an internal connection you can make any time or place where you are spiritually focused and able to connect with the consciousness of the higher Self.

Going astral helps, because you get there by moving awareness specifically towards yourself as a spiritual being. Asking a guide to help is also good, as they can help lead you to a level/vibration of the astral that would resonate with your goals.

And while you don't have to think about finding some external, magical cosmic study-hall it can help to think about connecting with a place (any place) that would best help you connect with the knowledge of your past. But don't treat it as a search. Treat the idea as if you already know where that is (you do, after all. It is within).

Treat it as a certainty. Not "I will look for/find the akash". Instead "I am going to my akash".

If you go to the astral with a goal of looking for something, that is what you will do. You will spend your lime looking. Not finding. Because finding was not your goal.
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Re: Akashic in Quantum field
By: / Novice
Post # 3
A correction;
Hurt as subjectively, the Akash itself is often described as a library or great hall, filled with books and rooms and pedestals to place those books and read.

Should be;

While described subjectively, the Akash itself is often described as a library or great hall, filled with books and rooms and pedestals to place those books and read.


I have -no- idea what typo led autocorrect to that word choice... but I must have typed something epically wrong there.
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Re: Akashic in Quantum field
Post # 4
Thank a lot for the explanation, yes I see what you mean, also its interesting that one has to set the goal to go there rather than search for it as the time could go only in search and not finding it. I have heard guides can help, as you said, thats probably the best way to proceed.

Also yes I agree that people might use different naming to same things and thats confusive at some point, mainly we dont see a sign in the entrance of each plane or place we visit in the astral so knowing where we are etc its based on what others have described before and our personal beliefs.
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Re: Akashic in Quantum field
Post # 5
Why not build a quantum field around you? If you wanna reach the records, there is multiple ways of doing so. You can generate energy to create multiple mini quantum fields above one another to create a "beam," which you also create save points along the way. You can ask yourself to take you there. Etc. My only question is what are you gonna do when you reach it. As you may know, once you know, there is no going back, unless you know how to forget. Even if you did, that info will still be there. Make sure this is something that you need, not just something that you want, seek or desire.
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Re: Akashic in Quantum field
Post # 6
Thanks a lot for sharing this, I never thought about this, I think I will think ab out this and see what I do.
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Re: Akashic in Quantum field
Post # 7
Yeah no problem. Just remember the mind is a powerful tool that you posses. You can achieve anything that you strive for :)
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Re: Akashic in Quantum field
Post # 8

''One can call it the higher plain, another can call it the collective unconscious. The super-conscious, quantum field, plane of souls, realm of guides, ... all of these mean the same place, just described from different perspectives.''

higher plain is definitely not collective unconscious, or realm of what you call guides... i find all this mumbling distasteful, mixing up all the different partially understood bits of knowledge into subjective truth... mathematically and for serious practitioners of spirituality, unconsciousness is that which lies in lower realms, in two dimensions below us, superconsciousness is that which exist above our third dimension...state of your consciousness is defined by frequency of your cognitive self. For example, alpha state 8–12Hz and little bit lower Hz is key for entering subconsciousness, your wake self resonates on beta frequency 12–35 Hz, all above that is superconsciousness or gamma state...be it your cognitive self is present in your body, or you are having out of body experience... realm of guides and other stuff is what is theologically called the underhavens, and most of those guides are demons or fallen spirits trapped in our fallen universe/underhavens...
onto other people here saying that you should create your quantum field, well I had a good laugh! You already have your quantum field, as everyone does, you just need to, as Nikola Tesla said, make your sparks listen to you trough deep prayer, hesychasm and deep contemplation. Quantum is the Latin word for amount and, in modern understanding, means the smallest possible discrete unit of any physical property, such as energy or matter. Quantum Akash is modern theosophist term for higher havens, or maybe even highest havens, eternal source, its quantum because its smallest possible realm with everything below it connected to it, its akashic because its psionical record of everything is and was and will be, in an ''eternity'', a timeless state where all temporal dimensions are molting into one, its a ''forever now'' as described by one of orthodox patriarchs and spiritual guides Patriarch Paul of Serbia. Only true way of reaching above underhavens is trough higher arcana and communing with God/Eternity itself, and you require three steps to do it, purification, enlightenment and deification/apotheosis...everything and anything else is just kids playing booger games, squeezing your spirit outa your nose floating around 'n' playing with bad bad spirits whos in detention ...if you do decide to live your life as orthodox christian monk hermit and you reach ''quantum'' ''akasha'', please say hi to Enoch and other metatrons up there, and also say hi to Jesus and pals...
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Re: Akashic in Quantum field
Post # 9
Thanks for explaining this further, well then most of people is wrong about this, because although I see many people saying different things in relation to some aspects, most of them agree in guardians, angels etc but according to you then these are not, these are demons and fallen angels, so we never reach the higher realms. And speaking of that, you said that to reach that trully we need "purification, enlightenment and deification/apotheosis", I know you mentioned living like a monk but still, could you possibly expand this in case anyone here is willing to achieve something like that?
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Re: Akashic in Quantum field
Post # 10
First of all you must recognize and acknowledge fallen nature of human beings, and limitation of all those lower teachings... no spell or incantation or ritual can bring you above the limit of this fallen universe, believe me, or all those bad people mentioned trough all the conspiracy theories would reach it by today, people in institutions like CERN would already open portal to the havens above...but they cannot, no occult society did it, and how could you? since God and Eternity and forces above cannot be bottled up and consumed as a pill...you can become aware of that, and as you do, you are becoming aware of all that hard work on your soul which is needed to achieve what you seek...second thing you need is to be bare and naked truthful towards yourself, you are mortal, we all are... your body and mind and soul, and spirit are all one, and becoming aware of that will unravel the truth about your limitations...your spirit and energy is limited as your body is, only exception is that your higher self continues to exist after bodily death...if it was not, you would already see people with x-men powers that these stupid occult practices provided them...division between those spheres of your being are manmade explanations, for something your mind cannot compute...chakra system are originally found in ancient Hebrew teachings as seven or nine gates of the soul, later carried to the east by gypsy people migrating along with Israelite exodus as system of energy senses or wheels (chakrams) beyond our bodily 5 (or 6) senses... same was with reincarnation which is platonic idea carried to the east, later boomeranging back to the western world...research that for yourself... all those ideas are chewed up many times over, and different cultures had similar manmade explanations they came up simply trough hard thinking and philosophy, since we all share same human mindset and nature... same with old gods, for which you can find parallel in every culture, like its same entity masked trough different flavors (perun in slavic, thor in norse and zeus in greek, etc. thoth hermes relation etc.) but all those teachings have their limitations, and as hard as you might try you will bump your head into the ceiling... for all those long years of study and education, as long as i had time to research and practice the occult, i reached high peak where all teachings lead towards only one crossroads where you have option to go left and play crossroad blues with crowley blawatska 'n' company downstairs, or whether you like it or not turn to more traditional way, which i did thanks to one old dear friend on this website, and that way was way of orthodox christianity, and alongside researching kabbalistic teachings and finding that One step which leads out of this worm pile... book of enoch gives the answers for those old pals that fell becoming ''gods'' of stray hummies, tzim-tzum gives the explanation of divine contraction and thusly creation of our universe, which is by the way confirmed by the theory of broken symmetry which you can also research by yourself. new testament and canonical gospels gives you the key to the eternity ... its up to you to pick it all up...knock and door will open, dont serve spirits and false gods, take a chance to be deified yourself trough holy eucharist! this is website and community for spiritual seekers, and i see here few christian groups, so i take freedom to propose all these ideas as they are also spiritual teachings...we also have our sacred altairs at home, we commune with energies beyond those created ones, we have rituals which are alive and working practice since symbols are just different manifestation of reality...if you want to surpass to the heights you seek to, then you need to utilize powers and energies which are beyond this cosmos, beyond the invisible and act differently than before... as long as you repeat your actions over and over, your results will always stay the same...thats why I started walking this path of higher arcana, and you and everyone is invited, since thats your purpose and meaning, being lower God and lower eternity... as I said to you in previous comment, out of body experience is nothing special, there are much more noble things you are meant for, and you can accomplish merging and connecting yourself to that highest haven/eternity/God with or without projecting your astral body...
first which comes is intent, so its information or will or word... second is the energy which is implemented into your action...and lastly comes bodily/material shift or change...so first is information second energy and third comes the body. by that you can realize that your soul or consciousness is not generated by your brain but by higher source, so no atheistic satanist(which i occasionally stumble upon) can say you otherwise... out of love comes knowledge, out of knowledge comes act... to achieve higher states first thing which you require is love...first and last one to reach beyond... love, truth and freedom. thats what i do, im orthodox christian mystic, and i practice hesychasm, i take holy communion and i have my rituals, deep contemplations, and i research holy fathers... ''philokalia'' is best deep mystical literature...and yes what you ask for is called being a White Monk, or white monasticism, its practically living monk life of renouncing and this-worldly passions and taming them to serve you (like its said for fire and water, they are terrible masters but excellent servants) since passion is simply force of your soul... next heavy mystical and ascetic literature is ''the ladder of divine ascent''...
oh and dont think you cannot do extraordinary stuff when you reach higher levels, you can move mountains with your thoughts, manifest things into your life, send packages of bliss trough thoughts to others, help heal and grow spiritually, even create your own universe within your microcosm...
actually, im part of real life brotherhood of likeminded persons, and we will in time have our representative groups and chapters here, so anyone whos interested can join if they feel like following our way
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Re: Akashic in Quantum field
Post # 11
This stuff MaranAta said, is otherworldly, and that is what I'm in search of! Everyone have their right to choose what they believe, and where all laws end, love starts, because, if you only had love, you wouldn't need any laws to abide. Golden heart as compass is utter tool of compassion, and way of compassion is the Way that leads out of this world. God himself took human form and came to us as Way, and that is the only path which leads where we all seek, even the greatest magi knew that and awaited for the Messiah to come. Trough his compassion stairway to haven is open for us, but I'm unfamiliar with Hesyhasm and some of mentioned practices, even tho I researched a lot of ancient Christianity, but mostly I worked with apocryphal and gnostic stuff, which turned futile. I can agree with book of Enoch, and canonical gospels, I have heard about ladder of divine ascent, but haven't had experience with Philokalia, tho my friend who is traditional Budhist holds it in high esteem, as well he does the orthodoxy, since he practices true form of traditional Budhism, only involving deep contemplation, philosophy of living like ascetic cenobite in the world like you mentioned, but he lacks that spiritual part, which if you add, you seem to get that orthodox thing you talk about, instead of mindless ''meditations'' and all that neo-budhistic psychodelic nonsense. Its a shame that in western world you dont have too much ancient coptic and orthodox Christianity, and in past it was an obscure thing... Im very interested in your coven/group so I will contact you! I was thinking about joining other christian groups here, and they also seem kind, but I find your teachings to be much more truthful, not just some christian flavored wicca, which is okay for people searching for that, but it is not my cup of tea. Tho I wont force and preach to others, everyone should act according to their desire :)
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