Trouble with a-projecting

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Re: Trouble with a-projecting
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
The best way to astral project and the safest as well is through exercise and meditation.

However, there are ways to force or enhance the experience. They are all sorts of flying ointments, from very light ones to very strong ones. I would try a light one and apply it on elbows and knees and see if that will help. The very strong ones are based on opioids and hallucinogenic plants or crushes. They are directly applied to the mucous areas of the body, such as the anus, vagina, nasal area, etc. However, the strong ones can be very risky and without properly applied knowledge, they can be very violent towards the body and can result even in death. If you need advice for certain specific ones, private message me and I will try and advise you on some, however personally I would not try them. I have tried some very strong ones and I completely blacked out at times, therefore they must be done under supervision from someone who would stay sober and in charge of the whole situation.

The experience itself is not necessarily nice either. What is the reason why you want to astral project? What are you looking for? Let's discuss a little.
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Re: Trouble with a-projecting
Post # 3
Well, I’m a diviner and I heard that when you astral project you sometimes can see into the future and I am curious about the experience.
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Re: Trouble with a-projecting
Post # 4
I’m just not sure the proper (and safe) way to do it
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Re: Trouble with a-projecting
By: / Novice
Post # 5
There are three meditative methods that I know of. The first two are pretty similar processes with just a bit of different visualizations.

-set aside quiet time. No phone, TV, music, etc. No people around to disturb you. Wear loose comphy clothing.

Lay down on your back so your spine is straight/aligned and your neck is supported for an open airway. Take a little time taking deep (but not forced) calm breaths, and becoming mentally aware of your body. What places are tense? Can you consciously relax them? Do you feel your cest and stomach rising and falling as you breathe? How long is each breath?

The goal is to relax and bring your thoughts into the present moment. Once you feel ready, bring specific attention to either the top-most or bottom-most part of your body. Consciously relax the area and move your attention up (or down) your body. Bring your attention to each part of yourself, bit by bit. Consciously feeling then relaxing. Feet, lower legs, knees, thighs, hips, lower back, belly, and so on.

When done, you should feel deeply relaxed. You might start to feel a wobbling or pulsing waving sensation in your body. Try to guide it to different places in your body. Think about an area, and imagine what that wobbling would feel like there. Practice expanding the area/s until you feel like your whole body has the sensation.

-note; this alone can be a slow process, and can take several 'sessions' to reach. It is a gradual process that takes practice. You are in effect Consciously placing yourself into a mental state that some consider to be lower/deeper than sleep. For some more restless people (like me) this can take months of daily/semi daily practice.

The next part is where things start to differ. One option is to visualize yourself as becoming light and buoyant. As if you are suspended in water, (your current vibration/density) with the surface a foot or two above you. As you visualize yourself growing lighter, like with water, imagine yourself floating up to the surface/air (a higher vibration).

Or, you can imagine a rope hanging down from somewhere above, and visualize yourself as a being/ball of light being drawn up (or climbing) the rope.

A third method (the one that worked for me) is a dream-intent. Begin with the same deep-relaxation meditation, but do it when you are preparing for sleep. When you get to the deep stage, Declare an activity or goal to yourself that you want to work on in your sleep/dreams. This is a general tool for things like if you are struggling with a decision, or you want to find insight on an idea or new information, or other things you might want to reflect on.

You can also use this practice to declare/assert to your lower-conscious self that you will shift your awareness to the astral levels through the dreamscape. Or that you will meet with your guide/s within your dreams, Or any number of similar things.

The plus is that it can be easier because you can get results even if you don't get to the wobbly stage. But the challenge is not everyone processes dreams visually, or those who do don't always fare well in remembering dreams. This means similar challenges can affect your astral journeys as well. Plus it takes extra time and care in developing an awareness of how to recognize and separate regular dreams from astral travel memories.

Both dreams and astral travel can lead to learning and insight, but in different ways. So still journal both just by way of good practice.
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Re: Trouble with a-projecting
Post # 6
Thank you very much, I haven’t been on in a while but this is really good advice
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Re: Trouble with a-projecting
Post # 7

Something to keep in mind with astral projection is that it may be a literal experience, or it may be more impressionistic, in a sense. It will be more symbolic, or more like trying to fill gaps with limited information. Your experience may be accurate to an extent or inaccurate to an extent.

Looking into the future, you may find yourself exploring one of many possibilities, rather than an actual future. Just keep that in mind, and as I assume it is your goal to find some eventuality for yourself, you may try finding your best path to your most desired result.

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Re: Trouble with a-projecting
By: / Novice
Post # 8

I think it is also important to remember that not everyone experiences will be the same. With that in mind, getting to the point of visualization might be different for you than say someone else. I have only been successful in my mind twice in my life, and despite many attempts since then, I haven't been able to achieve the level of projection I did in the past.

For some people it comes easy for others like myself, it can be challenging. The underlying theme is being relaxed and no matter how you go about this can be individually based on your preference and ability. What you experience may also be very different from others. I have never see future events or astral beings. My experience felt very real in the physical world but I was detached from my body and was able to move around (float/fly) at will. It allowed me to move across the East Coast of the US and visit my parents who were 600 miles away. I could see them in real time, just floating above their house. Others have experienced visions, and seen mythical beings. Neither experience is right or wrong. I would encourage you to continue to work on it. Meditation and relaxation are key and once you are able to feel that pull away from your physical body you know it is working. The funny thing for me was when I experienced this, I did not intentionally do it nor did I know what it was called. I was just really homesick away at school and was concentrating on seeing my parents.

Good luck!


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Re: Trouble with a-projecting
Post # 9
Thank you all very much, I’m hoping to learn a lot from astral projection
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Re: Trouble with a-projecting
Post # 10
I will post once I have successfully projected
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Re: Trouble with a-projecting
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11

I find that trees can help unlock or unblock the issues that many find while trying to learn astral project. I know when I started I was spending a lot of time beneath the trees, connecting to them through both their root structures as I grounded and centered but also their aromatic communication through their branches and leaves, during the warmer months. When I have experienced issue I have returned to these mediative places to work on different things. Even if I didn't focus on astral projection in particular,I found time spent among the trees aided my astral projections and got me back on track. In conjunction to this I also try to keep a clean diet, eating a lot of plants and avoiding fried and heavily processed foods.

Many Blessing to you on your path


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