Planet Energy?

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Planet Energy?
By: / Novice
Post # 1

I like the idea of cosmic witchcraft and working with the energies of the planets (Moon, Sun, Mars, Mercury, etc).

However, I struggle finding cosmic witchcraft sources. Does anyone havetips on connecting to the energies of the planets?

(I am viewing these energies as distinct from deities; i.e. Helios might be the god of the Sun, but I do not see Him AS the Sun)

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Re: Planet Energy?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

There is a really great book on the subject called " Planetary Magic" by Denning and Phillips. It's perhaps the best book out there on the topic of working with planetary energies.

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Re: Planet Energy?
Post # 3

Lark gives an excellent source.

I would also recommend the study of astrology and the way planetary energies affect us as a whole. As for cosmic witchcraft I have as well not found too many written books on the subject. I imagine much of what a cosmic which practices deep dives into the plants, moon phases, planetary signs, aspect formations.

I studied astrology for ten years plus and admittedly have not used it too often in my own practice as I find myself practicing hedge craft more-so than cosmic witchcraft, but to this day I still adore astrology. There is so much a chart can say, and the practice and study is quite intensive.

I will keep my eye out for some sources for you and get back to you here if I find anything I think may help.


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Re: Planet Energy?
Post # 4

Apologies plants was supposed to read planets.

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Re: Planet Energy?
Post # 5

The first link is to a book titled Planetary Magick. The second link is to a book titled Magickal Astrology.

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Re: Planet Energy?
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Personally I would think that astrology would be a large focal point as it is a specific study of the planets and their influences. Each planet is associated with a sign, giving it a specific energy and personality to draw from. Each planet is also associated with an element and a number vibration, so you could also tie in some numerology if you wanted to use numbers and planetary symbols to make a fashion of runes.
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Re: Planet Energy?
Post # 7

Cosmic magic is one of my strong suits if you need assistance or questions I am here. But the book of reference is a good one.

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Re: Planet Energy?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 8

There are a variety of books out there that incorporate the planets and other celestial objects into magical practice beyond the astrology natal or birth chart aspect. I also suggest researching spiritual alchemically as it too incorporates many of the planets, as well as the sun and moon into it's magical rituals and practice.

As for the Amazon links above I hope while searching for reading materials many stay away that particular company, as it is not the place to shop for spiritual supplies or any other needs due to the greed of this corporation and how it treats it's employees. Below are some links to books from our own site store. All items are shipped from a warehouse that is not only pyramid shaped but one that also has Pagan based rituals held either within the building or on the grounds throughout the wheel of each year.

Planetary Spells & Rituals by Raven Digitalis;

Magical Astrology by Skye Alexander;

Moon Wisdom by Heather Roan Robbins;

Alchemical Tantric Astrology by Frederick Hamilton Baker

Sacred Energies of the Sun & Moon by Erika Buenaflor

Cosmic Flow, Rhythm of the Moon by Nikki Strange

Lunar Alchemy by Shaheen Miro

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