Knot magic?

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Knot magic?
Post # 1
I’m curious as to how you incorporate knot magic into your wand and if there’s any specific ritual for it? Since I’m making my first custom wand at the moment and I am thinking of decorating it with some ribbons :) (It’ll also have a quartz point at the top!)
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Re: Knot magic?
By: / Novice
Post # 2

Knot magic utilizes color magic & numberology, literally tying these correspondences to an item.

So, for a wand, you might want to think about what you want to use the wand for, and then tie ribbons of corresponding color to them. So, if the wand will aid you as a tool to direct energy in general, you can use white; if it's meant to be something that you move rhythmically to help in meditation/trance work, you might want to use purple for intuition & spirituality.

I'm not as knowledgable about numberology, but you can look up what each number is associated with and see if any aligns with the wand's purpose, or you can potentially find your Life Path number and tie that many ribbons around your wand.

Aesthetic is also something to keep in mind! It might be difficult to continue using the wand if it hurts your eyes every time you look at it.

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Re: Knot magic?
Post # 3

I only used knot magic when making a wand on one occasion. I had tied a ribbon I had embroidered around it.

The method I use neither involves color or numerology. Though that is very interesting to consider.

I focused my own power into the knot while tying.

I attached the ribbon to the wand with a total of 3 knots.

This is a traditional method for utilizing knot magic. The knot tied keeps energy in place, and untied it releases it.

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Re: Knot magic?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

Knot magic can also be used to tie knots for storing energy during spells, or untied to release that energy. You could work ribbons or cords into your wand, by adding knots into them and weaving them around your wand. Another idea would be to add wires and tie the ribbons or knots to the wire and then loop it around the length of the wand. Tie the knots to help store magic within the wand for later use or to add a little more energy to the wand itself. If you plan on using the wand for specific rites (such as healing, as an example) you could create the knots in the ribbons or cords for that specific purpose when you add them to your wand; furthering aiding in healing magics.

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Re: Knot magic?
By: / Novice
Post # 5
One option would be to do a hand-wrap grip at the base of the wand with some leather lace, heavy thread, or wire as well. Leather wrapping can be done through weaving or knotting and there are different patterns you can do to add a little aesthetic spice to where you hold your wand. Some wrapping techniques allow for a hanging chord at either end as well, which could allow you to add a string of beads, charms, Crystal's, feathers, or maybe even a small clip-hook so you can change up what you attach.

For ideas and patterns, do a search on sword handle wrapping patterns as they work on any reasonably round object. A personal favorite is a back-wrapping technique where you start by running a strip of leather lengthwise along the area you want to wrap, then wrapping backwards over the loose end making sure it is pulled snug as you go except for the last four or five loops. Then tuck the loose end back under the loose loops and work everything tight. Pro tip, have a looped wire that is the same thickness as the wrapping material and wrap over it as well. When you have the length of wrap you want, put the end through the wire loop and pull it back through then trim as needed. It can take some gumption and a pair of pliers, but it makes the wrap clean and essentially on big knot so you don't need a drop of glue.

A variation is to start with excess length off the start, so there would be a free-hanging bit even after you back-wrap the area that you want. Cut and add an additional length to lay beside your starter length, then backwrap over both until your wrap is the size you want. When at the finish you now have three loose ends you can braid and add embellishments to.

You could also use this to make several small wrapped sections, each one with a hanging braid if you want. I've found it to be versatile and simple that way. It only takes a try or two to figure out, and is glue free as well, which is nice.
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Re: Knot magic?
Post # 6
Wow thank you so much everyone! I will take this all into account! Maybe when I get my mitts on some leather I can try the backwrap method! Purple seems to speak to me the most and white would compliment it a lot too since I have now attached the clear quartz :)

Again thanks everyone so much for the help!!
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Re: Knot magic?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7

Some great info here in this thread, thanks everyone!

One can also incorporate charms into the knot magic as the wand is beingconstructed.A hole or loop in a small object or stone can easily be attached or knotted in. This allows the charm to add it's energy to the wand's collective energy. Wire wrapping can also be incorporated into knot and wand crafting particularly with a metal wand. Feathers can be utilized with a wand and knot magic as well. The possibilities are vast and creation is a work of art.

Many Blessing to you,


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