Being visited by Thor...

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Being visited by Thor...
Post # 1
Hi. I’m new to deities and all and am curious on the topic of what’s the best way to worship a deity. I was visited randomly one day a month and a half, 2 months roughly, ago by Thor and have been visited a couple more times after. He didn’t say anything the first time, just looked at me, smiled a little and tilted his head towards me as if in approval. He visited a couple of times after on random occasions and he stared a bit itty bitty smile you wouldn’t know was there, and then looked away and back. What can I do as a first timer dealing with this scenario? I don’t have the money for a proper alter and my mother’s side of the family are a bunch of crazed Catholics who hate anything and everything not catholic. Are there prayers I can do, incantations, blessings, etc? How do I go about worshiping Thor?
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Re: Being visited by Thor...
Post # 2

It might be best to do a little research on Thor and get to know his character. You can leave food as offerings, but normally. I wait for at least a year before I start working with any certain God or Goddess. This isn't a must, just my personalthing because sometimes they tend to just visit as for food offering Thor tends to like meat and beer. Many deities normally understand why not all people will leave altars for them, so it shouldn't;t be too much of an issue and an altar is something you can build at your own pace if that is something you wish to do in the future.

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Re: Being visited by Thor...
Post # 3

I began deity worship with the simple offering of a small white candle.

If money is an issue at the moment the lighting of a candle in a holder on a normal surface, desk, nightstand, etc, can work.

An awknowledgement of the deity whether it be a prayer said internally, or simply sitting and meditating in their presence, is simple, and not incredibly obvious. You can leave your eyes open and just enjoy relaxing, in the candle light.

Candles are commonly lit by many individuals, not only practitioners so these aren't incredibly obvious either.

Just a few thoughts.

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Re: Being visited by Thor...
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Generally, when you want to honor a specific deity, the first offering you make is time and thanks. Even when you are putting together an altar, or making offerings/sacrifices of some measure, their main component is still time.

You ponder the symbols, collect the things that have meaning, arrange them in a way that is pleasing. All while thinking about the God and pondering what he/she is, does, and likes. That is all time spent with them directly in your thoughts. Burning a candle, bought or made by you, is consuming resources you paid for in their honor. Giving bread, beer, cheeses, fruits, etc are the same. This is one reason that home-made offerings are also more 'valuable. Because you spent more personal time and effort while carrying the god in your thoughts.

Home-brewing a ale mead or beer is probably out for you, it is costly, time consuming, and likely not going to be permitted at your home by the sound of things. But maybe learning to make bread from scratch could be useful. You could make the entire process a dedication by punctuating each step with thoughts towards Thor and what he represents. And when baking, divide whatever dough you make into two separate loafs. One for you, one to dedicate to Thor then toss outside as your offering.

In the end what matters most is that you are dedicating time and attention towards appreciating the presence of the beings who are taking part in your life.
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Re: Being visited by Thor...
By: / Beginner
Post # 5
Before this goes on too much more I am going to stick a thorn in your side. How do you know it was Thor that visited you?
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