Voice Within

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Voice Within
Post # 1
As of recently, usually when my body naturally goes into rest mode and my mind wanders, I can hear a voice. It is not my own, I know for sure, as it is masculine, and distorted as of each syllable is made using the sound of one of those old school metal boards they uses to make thunder sound in movies (You know the ones) or the bloop noise water drops make when entering a larger body of water. There is also a little bit of echo, like being in an empty room.
I can tell it's not malevolent, I do not feel fear as it speaks. I feel like whoever or whatever it is has something important to say, but I can't seem to grasp the whole, only bits and pieces.
It sounds within, as if it isn't actually audible, more like my brain registering there is a voice there, but my ears don't hear a thing. Can only describe it to be similar to hearing my own inner voice, but it's someone elses, I don't control it, and it comes from deep within, as I can physically feel that it comes from pretty close to the base of my skull.
Looking for tips from anyone who's had similar experiences and actually managed to communicate with their own subconscious voices. I see other forums, but Im still not finding the answers I'm searching for.

Questions I have:
How do I learn to speak to it?
How do I better remember the words I do catch? (I fond that I catch words, but soon forget them because the speaking is broken and doesn't make sense)
How to I figure out who is actually speaking?

Thanks for any help
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Re: Voice Within
Post # 2
I would recommend talking to a psychic. I once saw a strange humanoid man in my dreams and thought he was a demon due to his horns. But when I spoke to a psychic, she explained that this man was my higher self. Of course, you have to be weary of credibility.
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Re: Voice Within
Post # 3
Have you tried trancing or mirror work? When my littleone was actually little, she excelled with talking to things through the mirror. It seems to work for many.
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