negative energy

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negative energy
By: / Novice
Post # 1
One of the most important things I think everyone should be consciously aware of to help improve their day to day functioning and overall well being is making sure you are consistently reinforcing your shields throughout the day. When I speak of shields I mean this in the terms of whatever it is that you personally use to protect yourself and create a barrier to block negative energy from impacting, altering or being absorbed.

There are many different methods and practices to creating this barrier or shield and there is no right or wrong way in my opinion, as long as it does the job. The reason I believe in this so strongly is that I have experienced and seen someone change their outlook at the drop of a hat, all because of someones negative energy.

Have you ever woken up in a great mood and you go about your day and something happens, lets say someone does something rude or disrespectful to you while you are at the store. Now you find yourself snapping at people, being angry for no apparent reason and overall feeling drained and frustrated. Generally, we can account for this change because somehow or somewhere along the line in speaking with someone, seeing something or experiencing something (being cut off while driving, overhearing a rude conversation etc..) you absorbed that negative energy.

I am not suggesting that no one should be in a bad mood (although wouldnt the world be such an amazing place!) Having a range of emotions is healthy, when it is on your terms. Being put in a bad mood because of someone elses negative energy isnt. This happened to me yesterday, which is why I had some deep thoughts over the actual subject and put this out there to see what others do to protect themselves or what triggers you look for to catch it when it is happening. Overall, I am pretty good about catching it when it is happening, and I will remove myself from that person with the energy to cleanse my surroundings.

For those out there that are super sensitive or have very empathetic traits, it is hard to not absorb energy which is why you should take precautions to protect yourself. In my situation, it was simply a co-worker that was in a bad mood. The reasons for her mood are justified but it is frustrating when all that is spoken out of her mouth is negativity and complaining. Her airing of grievances got to the point that she was now deflecting at all of us in some manner. I tried to remove myself from the situation to allow her to express her anger and frustration and not absorb or play into it (which can happensomeone is complaining and you join in with your own frustrations and now you have a festering brew of hateyou see this a lot in groups that gather) By the end of the day I was in a foul mood and I noticed things started to go wrong. My prescription wouldnt run through my insurance at the pharmacy, the store was out of a particular item I needed, the cord that adapts my phone to my car screen system stopped working, and order I placed in July was delayed, again, for the third time)

I am a strong believer that if you project happiness and positive vibes than good things come your way. If you project negative and frustrated vibes it attracts negative things. If you believe you will never get ahead, then you are self-manifesting this. I know it is easier said than done but practicing grounding and protection and positive thinking is worth it. You ever notice that energetic and positive people lose weight more rapidly than those that are sad and down about their weight? It is all about your personal perception and yes, it is hard to maintain a healthy positive outlook. My clients (most are addicts) have a range of emotion. When they are focused and thinking positive and really applying themselves, they stay clean and do exceptionally well in the community. When they slip up and end up back at the prison, either for a revocation of probation or new criminal charges, I always ask what happened and it comes down to their circle of friends. The negative energy is contagious, and it spreads so easily. It is worse than any pandemic in my mind because it is unseen, and you cant track or trace it.

So, my question to all of you, what steps do you do you help recognize when someone is giving off negative energy and you are either playing into it or absorbing it? If you are new to this concept, what things can you do now to try and practice recognizing someone that is full of negative energy? Are any of you able to visually see the gray or dark cloud surrounding someone? I can see it in my head when looking at someone, more like auroras but visually seeing it I have not experienced. I am curious to hear about your experiences and what you have learned to overcome this daily issue.

And if you started your day in a bad mood, take this moment to relax, close your eyes and push out that energy and take in clean pure healthy energy. I hope you have a good day.


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Re: negative energy
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

Kaurora has stated some sound advice and asked some great questions. Everyone is effected by the energies that surround them. It is hard for anyone to be surrounded by toxic energy and not have it effect them in some form. Taking breaks from situations where toxic energy builds is key to ones ability to combat this negative energy that many humans are currently addicted to. It feels good to vent but there is a difference between venting and toxic bashing. Sometimes the venting is done to make the ego feel superior and not to release frustration in a positive way and this is toxic. Being mindful is one simple way to keep yourself in check and to train yourself to notice when your energy is shifting. Meditation on a daily basis is a must to work on this as well as the construction of ones energy shield or bubble that will help to protect them from unwanted energies. A shield can also be programed to signal you when certain energy is present, it's like a notification or reminder. Again this is tied to being mindful and can be accomplished through meditation. Wearing certain protective items can aid in the manifestation of one's energy field as well as carrying a mojo bag or even the construction of a poppet. I personally like to layer my protection magics with many different aspects to help keep outside unwanted energy from effecting me too greatly. I still must cleanse and I do this daily through my hygiene habits and use of herbs and other good foods to heal and fuel the body.

Many Blessings to you <3

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Re: negative energy
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
I have never liked the idea of constant shields usage. I view our spiritual resilience in same way as the inner workings of the immune system of ours bodies. In same way as the immune system needs to be exposed to some pathogens to develop, so is the spiritual resilience and balance. The pain and the negativity of humans and spirits taught me extremely valuable lessons, which I could not have learnt other ways.

Building walls around oneself has never been effective way to function or to grow in any way. Additionally, walling others away is a form of dismissing their suffering and pain. This is not to say, that one should be sat there in lotus pose doing nothing, while being blasted with negative energy all day long, without addressing the source of this energy. The key to handle this situation is addressing the source. The source of it are the emotions, thoughts and states of the other person. If I am to put their mind at ease and make them feel better, their energy will shift, naturally. Before, I can do that my own energy must be well balanced and grounded, as I am as strong as my emotional and mental states of being.

The energy of emotionally, mentally and energetically balanced being is extremely powerful and far reaching. It influences everything on its path soothing it, calming it with love and compassion. However, before the other person can become receptive to this positive energy, they must let go of the negative one, and all their pain that holds them back. I tend to allow the people to express everything in any way they need to, as long as they are not physically harming myself or someone else. I just do not allow their words or energy to get to me and to the core of my being. I will keep and eye contact at any time, and ignore any offensive words and negativity. Once I have noticed, they released most of the negativity, it is time to shift their states towards positive side. Just a hug goes a long way, just the words -I understand how you are feeling, can make a massive change in someone. We all need love and understanding and connection to one another. New Age movements talk about that all the time, yet the Shadow Self of people is being demonized and forced to hide underground, which creates other issues. True love is inclusive of all not exclusive to some aspects of human nature.

To make things worse,we live in society in which people are no longer taking part in much of community gathering and ceremonies, during which people let go of negativity and rejoiced with the rest of their kin. Now, people are forced to hide their Shadow Selves, wall it behind walls and wall away the rest of the World too. We are expected to be perfectly perfect at any aspect, at any times. However, locking up emotions and pushing away people, creates a recipe for disaster. People need love and understanding. They need help to face their inner demons, not to be left on their mercy because the rest chose to hide away from the resulting blast. Fear breads fear, ignorance breeds ignorance, being dismissive for your own sake creates pain and suffering. When people are ignored by others, they become less resilient and more vulnerable to anything from mental illness to starvation to being attached by negative spirits. What goes around goes around. Someone needs to break the circle. I had to die to understand that we are all one, and the only thing that matters is love.

I would only shield, when the person in question is being piggy backed by some very unpleasant entity. In this case circumstances are more dire, as the entity used exactly the negative emotions and states of this person to get hold of them. In this case, I will still need to weather the storm, but getting the person to understand their peculiar situation will take much more work and time, since the entity will be fighting back for keeping its hold. One lets go of negative entities, when they let go of things that allowed them to piggy back on first place.

A soul capable to love inclusively, to understand every pain and suffering does not fear, does not need to control or ignore or dismiss anything for its own sake. Such a soul accepts everything as it is, loves is at it is and because of that helps everything on its path to grow. Such a soul emits such a strong inner light and love that nothing impure can contaminate it or get hold on it. Its existence flows with its source The Light on all levels. For where the the love and the light walk hand in hand no Shadow can remain not embraced.

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Re: negative energy
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
Upon second thought, I should say that Kts has got a point, when she stated that nobody can take negative energy for long periods of time, on constant basis. Unless, this somebody practices various grounding and meditative/balancing techniques for at least an hour daily. Living with a person existing in very toxic state of being is the most dreadful situation to be in. Unfortunately, it is most prevailing in the members of the same household. In this case self-awareness of one's inner states is the key, along with taking breaks to restore your inner balance. Practicing meditation helps, especially in nature. Nature has very grounding and healing energy, and it restores our balance, but we have to find time to connect with it one to one. Also changing someone, who is extremely negative, due to trauma is not a one day, one session task, even for best healers or therapists. It takes time and persistence, and it also takes some willingness to change. People will not change on long run, if they really do not see the change necessary and beneficial for everyone.

People who have very strong empathic abilities and are very negatively affected of certain energies, might also need to shield, when things are impossible to bear. It comes again to self-knowledge of inner states, and how much you can take. In order for someone to ground the negative energy, they must be balanced themselves, not leaning towards negative states themselves. When I feel that, I cannot take no more from loved one or from a spiritual being, I distance myself somewhere alone in nature and practice grounding techniques and mindfulness. I do this until, I am not sure that I have balanced myself. Facing anything before this has happened, will not bring anything good. Two imbalanced forces will only cause more dissbalance in the system to occur.

You can usually feel in your gut that someone is really negative. Most people are capable to feel the states of others, and some can feel their energies or see these energies. Usually the person with strongest energy, who is more balanced and grounded prevails energetically, as long as their balance is not thrown of by the negative state of the others person. This often happens with the strong empaths and the very energetically sensitive people. Mastering awareness of inner states and then some control of their direction takes many years of practice. It is not something people usually can do from get go just because they are gifted in one way or another.
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Re: negative energy
Post # 5
I physically can not stand negativity in any form, I am so averse to it I walk away, I try very hard to never be in disagreement with anyone.
I have negative spirits to deal with most of the time however they have let up, thanks I think to people on this site.
Yes negativity is not nice, it takes a lot of will and energy to get away from it.
If you are neutral or negative, spirits can attach and they also can come from other negative people.
Its impact can attract negative real world happenings, the greater the negativity the higher the likelihood of something real-world happening. It is at these times you must develop full will to drown it out. Pretend to listen to negative people but don't. If you are pulled into it by their "pass it on" consciously break free. Use your energy for times like those.
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Re: negative energy
Post # 6

I agree with some of the methoods of shielding. However, as a person who works/lives with negative and rude people on a daily I will say that you will actually get used to it. It's one thing to use a shield, and even you said to not use it 100 percent of the time.

A non magic way to tolerate negativity, is to build tolorance. As hard and not amazing as that sounds, its something you'll have to do in life.

I am a empath, and can feel others emotions. Empaths can learn to grow tougher skin as well.

As for someone who usually gets the short end of the stick in life, I believe that it's not attitude that attracts things in life. It's hard and smart work that gets you good things. Sure attitude affects the chances but are not necessarily the main factor.

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