Fairy dream

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Fairy dream
Post # 1
I had a dream or maybe an experience when I was a child and have thought about it at least once a week my entire life. And I'm interested to get other people's thoughts about it.

When I was around the age if 5 or 6, I had a experience where I was asleep and woke up and saw small blue Faeries dancing in a circle near the ceiling above me. They then poured a purple thick liquid in my mouth. When I woke up in the morning, my mouth had this thick coating in it with a very distinctive taste that I've never again tasted, but can still remember it.

Does anyone have an insight?

Thank you!
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Re: Fairy dream
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Interpreting this as a dream, faeries are symbols of fabulous joy and happiness. Blue is devotion, truth, and calm and purple is devotion, love, and kindness. Dancing is energetic life. Depending on the taste of the purple stuff, it could determine further what it means [say it was sweet or tasted like berries] overall, if this was a dream, I would say it was a positive blessing that you would experience a happy experience.

If this was the fae, can't help much since I only have a beginner's knowledge level on them. Perhaps they were blessing you with the same positive qualities?
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Re: Fairy dream
Post # 3
Perhaps do a dream spell and ask for the explanation? The Fae interacting with you should be quite significant.
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Re: Fairy dream
By: / Novice
Post # 4
What time of the year was this? If this was around Beltain or even Midsummer, I would conclude The Fair Folk were celebrating and decided to bless you. The specific Fae might narrow down the meaning, but blue are usually water sprites, it could also have been their energy was tranquil at the time. I'll assume their nectar was sweet as fairy's enjoy sweets among other things. Purple leads me to believe it was some type of berry mix, and purple is a mystical colour, so it could be associated with psychic abilities.

If you do not work with The Fae, I suggest giving it a try, since you might be looked favourably upon by them. Wind chimes and bells are easy gifts for them, no iron. you could construct a fairy garden with herbs and plants they enjoy. Rosemary, thyme lavender, mint and saffron are favourites, as well as sweet smelling flowers milkweed, coneflower, lilac, honeysuckle, lupins and foxglove. You might also wish to decorate the garden with colourful bulbs, ribbons, tiny houses and other things fairy's enjoy. I would advise against dedicating the garden to them, because once you do that, it belongs to The Neighbours and you cannot step foot into their land ever again.
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