Needing Guidance

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Needing Guidance
Post # 1
As of this moment i am going through a rough patch in my life my boyfriend ryan wallace passed away on 04/02/2020 from an asthma attack, he was all i had from the 3 years me and him were together and now i am currently pregnant with his 3rd child and have 2 months left of my pregnancy, i really want to connect to him but its so hard for me to concentrate because of the pain of loosing him he was only 21 years old and had allot of stuff he was accomplishing i really need help i need someone to contact him and tell him to please come to me to please show me that he is around i really need the help
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Re: Needing Guidance
Post # 2

This is never an easy kind of post to respond to, and I am so very sorry for your loss.

I believe our loved ones never truly leave us. They live on in memories, our hearts, how the affected our lives. However, I have some very mixed opinions about how to go about asking for him to give you some kind of a sign. Most safely, look for him in the birds and a cooling breeze, in some sudden sense of comfort when you're facing difficulties. Of course, talk to him sort of like you're dictating a letter you want to write to him, or even actually write him a letter. He'll hear it.

Even though this is your first post here, I do want you to know you've got friends here, and people who are willing to listen.

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Re: Needing Guidance
Post # 3
absolutely, you are never alone with your pain of loosing someone dear to you. I believe that prsona spoke beautifully for you
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Re: Needing Guidance
By: / Novice
Post # 4
I am so sorry to hear this. Blessings to you and your family in this difficult time.

It's understandable to be upset, lost, sad, numb, angry, and whatever else so soon after a loved one passed. Be kind to yourself. If you feel sad, allow yourself to be sad. Feel happy, allow yourself to feel happy. Feel like eating a tub of cookie dough, eat that cookie dough [but you might consider also having a salad for dinner to even it out] The point is don't feel guilty, or like you're grieving wrong. I lost my father-in-law suddenly two days before his birthday. I was numb for most of it. I took 3 weeks off work to take care of my fiance and in-laws, and I spent the majority of that time cooking because I felt I wasn't "enough" [I should be sadder, I shouldn't joke, I shouldn't sleep, cooking was the only thing I could do to occupy my mind, as well as feel like I was helping] Don't expect anything, just let it be like waves on the shore, and whatever happens happens.

I would try things like meditation, journaling, prayer [if you have a connection with a higher being] talking to a therapist and loved ones about how you're feeling. All of these things can help. For a more supernatural one, perhaps tarot could help you focus and figure out what to do next [I would avoid paying for tarot readings and other psychics at this time because scammers prey on people in your situation and I would hate for that to happen to you. If you want a reading, mail me and I'll do one for you, though I've never connected with a spirit with my tarot, so please don't expect a message from him. While something might come through, my reading would help you figure out what to do next] you could also try skrying, pendulum, or automatic writing as a way to connect with spirit [I would avoid ouija boards if you're not use to working with them to be safe] You could also try asking him to contact you in your dreams as it's easier for spirits to communicate when you're asleep. If you're good with meditation, you could hold an object of his [say a shirt or his phone] and ask for him to speak to you, then meditate and see if you sense him [you may not hear him if you're not use to connecting to spirits, but you might be able to sense him, feel him, perhaps spell him if he wore a certain scent in life]

For right now, though I think you should grieve and heal. Rely on loved ones, and try to be there as best as you can for your kids [idk how old they are, so they may have more/less questions depending, so they probably just need cuddles and to watch a cartoon, but it will help you as well] All the best to you and your family in this sad time.
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