explanations wanted.

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explanations wanted.
Post # 1

Hi, sorry this is a little random and maybe in the wrong place. Can someone help me or help explain something?

So, ever since i was little I felt different from everyone. Yes I made friends. Just never felt like i fit in. Im in a pre-collage program where people seem to enjoy my company. I always just felt. "different". I always felt deeper emotions than everyone, felt more surperiorbut I don't know why, and got chills from things that didn't effect others.

I keep thinking about this incident that happened two years ago. It was the middle of July, I was on summer vacation, and my family went to a water park. It was my Dad, Mom, two older sisters, my younger brother, my aunt, uncle, two cousins, and my Grandpa.

When we got to the park, there was a trail you had to walk down to enter after paying for tickets or entry passes. The closer we got I kept having constant chills. I asked my Brother if he felt any wind, of course he said no. I shrugged it off thinking that I was paranoid and kept walking. From a distance you could see the waterslide (that will be important later), I got the biggest shock of cold that I ever experienced. I kept walking and eventually we got to the park.

I looked up the parks history, and found that 7-8 years ago a boy had been decapitated on the ride. I was a little scared.

Was this something to do with the paranormal?

Sorry about my bad grammar English is my second language but i've been speaking it for 11 years.

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Re: explanations wanted.
Post # 2

To be honest, you might be a psychic medium.

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Re: explanations wanted.
By: / Novice
Post # 3

So thatcould be a sign of psychic ability, but if it's an isolated experience it may have been a coincidence.

Also, your feelings of superiority and "always feeling different" are just psychological things. They can lend to biases ("I know I'm a psychic because I KNOW I am different") and I wouldn't rely on them as signs of ability; it says more about your personality than anything.

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Re: explanations wanted.
Post # 4

To be straight forward, it almost sounds like you're experiencing sensory processing sensitivity. "Sensory processing sensitivity is a temperamental or personality trait involving 'an increased sensitivity of the central nervous system and a deeper cognitive processing of physical, social and emotional stimuli' ". As you've probably guessed, this is common among those with a wide range of neurological or psychological disorders, including but not limited to: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Tourette's, personality disorders, and so on.

My intention isn't to diagnose you as I'm not a professional psychologist or clinician. My advice is just to rule out the most probable explanation before assuming the impossible.

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