Encounters with Fae

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Encounters with Fae
Post # 1
I'm also curious as to any personal stories of interaction with Fae some of you experienced practitioners may have had. Please share. I've had a curiosity about fae since I was a child. My mother used to tell me they are fallen angels, demons. But I've never believed that. And technically all spirits that love the earthly plane are "fallen". I respect them all.
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Re: Encounters with Fae
By: / Beginner
Post # 2

My beliefe is that fae are spirits of the earth. I have posted a spell on this site called faery infusion (you can check it out i my history on my profile. I have a lot of fae around my garden and one nymph that I work very closely with in my spell work. You can't see fae, unless you have the ability to see spirits, but you can feel their energy or presence. A sign that there are fae around your garden is seeing increased number of lady bugs.

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Re: Encounters with Fae
Post # 3
That's a great spell. Very earthy and simple. I wish I had a garden to try it in!
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Re: Encounters with Fae
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
If you want to encourage fae to come in your home I’d suggest buying house plants and making a separate faerie altar where you can add offerings. Some things you could have at a faerie altar are bells, flowers, a bowl of sugar, a bowl of fresh spring water, faerie statues and small crystal shards.
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Re: Encounters with Fae
Post # 5
I have had a couple encounters with the fae myself. Although i have yet to fully work with them one on one, they do have a connection with me. I use to talk to this one tree spirit in the school yard at school, when i had first started getting into the craft. I was very lonely and never had any friends, and i would sit under this one tree, facing it and talk to it in my mind. Very sweet and loving tree spirit. The other "powerful" experiences that i had with the fae, was my family and i were driving to my grandmother's, and on the way there, there is a butcher who lives close to one of the main roads, well he started having some of the trees in the area cut down. Everytime that we would drive past there, as they worked on it, i could hear the screams of the fae. I would cover my ears and shiver, i was the only one who could hear them. Even now, years later, when i go past that same spot i can still feel the sorrow and lose of all the nature spirits who lost their homes and died....

The fae work in very mysterious was, all you have to do is listen and be open with a good heart.

)O( Blessed Be
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Re: Encounters with Fae
Post # 6
I have had and am having so many encounters and have so much information that I have or am gathering and vetting regarding fae (mainly High Fae) that I am literally writing a book series on it that will unfortunately have to be labelled as a work of fiction so I do not ruin my chances in any scientific field of study. If you have any questions of High Fae or of fae from the Four Courts (the seasonal ones, also the most well known, but not necessarily the most powerful), feel free to ask away, and I shall either answer you, direct you to someone who can, or point you in the way of finding answers for your questions of the fae.
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Re: Encounters with Fae
Post # 7

my advise to you, my friend, those who have anything to do with the fae are heading for trouble.

try to avoid these creatures if all possible.

they are nothing like humans, and thus do not think by human logic in any sense of human logic.

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Re: Encounters with Fae
By: / Beginner
Post # 8

I'd have to disagree, Niki.

Yes, working with the Fair Folk can be dangerous, but if you do the proper research and approach them cautiously and respectfully, the relationship you're able to foster can be quite rewarding. I've had wonderful experiences with the Fair Folk, personally.

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Re: Encounters with Fae
Post # 9


and thank you.

I shall keep this in mind.

I just have not had the best relationship with fae is all.

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Re: Encounters with Fae
Post # 10
I've only had experiences with the fae in the last 6 months or so and only a few but they've been quite wonderful. I don't specifically work with the fae however I have been seeing what I, and a few others I've spoken to about it, believe to be fae and have had some astounding experiences communicating in my garden with the ivy, which is obviously related to the fae.
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