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Post # 1
So this is a bit tricky to explain. When I was a child I would often have dreams that didn’t make sense to me. I would dream of feeling safe and being with someone at peace, but not knowing who this person was, but they were often present in my dreams. When I turned 18 I met a man who showed up at my door and when I saw him I was speachless like I was being hit by a ton of bricks and this was some big event. We ended up dating and I stopped having those dreams, but would get gaint déjà vues and the more we hung out and he moved in I realized he was the person from those dreams. One night we were lying listening to a drip coming from the ceiling and we said at the same time “I had a dream about this” we have a child now and we both had dreams of one another before we met. We both still get these déjà vues. I know this may seem strange and all, but I was wondering if my anyone on her has experienced this or knows about it or knows why this my have happened?
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Re: Dreams
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Soul mate and twin flame comes to mind [two things I'm on the fence about] you share a connection probably from a past life, our dreams can open ourselves up to the divine so you could of been tapping into each other's energy growing up. If you want to go into past life regression it might help, but personally I feel you found each other in this lifetime, try to make the most of it [of course, I am reminded that some people put in their vows to find each other in the next lifetime, so you might wish to check in with a past self]
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