Sound & Energy

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Sound & Energy
Post # 1
Many people take speech for granted and underestimate the power of words. When vibrations are made they create sound, vibration and sound are a type of energy called mechanical energy which is a version of kinetic and potential energy as properly defined by our friends from Wikipedia. Now the reason i feel this is important to know, is because when you have an understanding of something you can visualize the situation better but knowing the mechanic's of it. Our focus is purely on how this benefits casters like yourself, and how to actually use this knowledge to your benefit.

It begins with "Om" and "Let there be light" and what they both have in common. They are both sounds that created creation, they are used as words of power. One of the most amazing experiences is meditating while vibrating "om mani padme hum" and thinking of light and wonder in the world. When casters invoke their Patrons and Deities they have been known to use vibration to call their masters names. This is done but clicking the tongue on the roof of your mouth really fast and rolling their names off the tongue as best you can. Its not as easy as it sounds, but practice does make perfect.

Now we know that words and sound are in fact both powerful versions energy, and i should mention easy to use. Have you ever wondered why casters use bells before and after rituals? The vibration sends ripples though the matter around you and is actually a useful tool and i suggest researching and using them. During a ritual or spell i like mixing energies by letting energy flow through the body through normal sources. Then focus that channel in your hands and then finally place your hand on your diagram when you speak. When you speak use authority and project your voice to travel and manifest your desire's. To conclude this thread with my own opinion on the subject i would be interested in a musicians theory and practice on how they use sound for spells and rituals. Have a great week.

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Re: Sound & Energy
Post # 2
I didn't read the whole post, but what I did read was interesting.
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Re: Sound & Energy
By: / Beginner
Post # 3

This is an awesome and overlooked topic. also the post was not terribly long so why not read the whole thing.

I like to make use of vibration and intonation especially with practice of runes, galdr.

i saw a very interesting video on this topic or related, only yesterday called Sonic Geometry. It is well worth the watch i think.

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