Make an area cursed

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Make an area cursed
Post # 1
Is there a way I can make like a certain area cursed of trespassers go on said are. I’m building a witches hitt by a like I hike to and a lot of kids go around that area. If anyone can tell me or point me in the right direction that would be helpful.
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Re: Make an area cursed
By: / Beginner
Post # 2

First off, do you own the property itself or is it public?

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Re: Make an area cursed
By: / Novice
Post # 3
If you are looking to protect the area as a sacred space that might be a challenge, if indeed it sees a lot public traffic. The simplest solution would be to either build the hut to be physically secure from entry, or to relocate the desired site to somewhere more remote and less likely to be found by others.

As far as magical protection os concerned, perhaps engage the natural energy/spirit of the forest itself to watch over the hut and protect it (and its contents) from harm. You would want to have a sense of tespect or authority with the land, so you might need to work other magics in the area first, or at least offer worthwhile efforts in return. Such as planting trees, cleaning the site of garbage and pollutions, or otherwise taking up efforts to support and aid the land while you are there.

Another option would be to draw and empower a large circle into the ground in a permanent way, such as by planting stones around the hut. Use ot to lay a banishment of negativity, harm, and disrespect towards the area. It might not keep people out, but it would create an atmosphere and energy that would help deterr destructive actions.
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