
Forums ► Other Paths ► Daneistic
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Post # 1

If you have NO clue what this is, then youre in the 99.9 something majority.

Daneismis an expansion upon Christianity with the traditions of other religions.

Basically, God lets the smaller or pagan gods do the jobs for him. Though he COULD do it all himself, he has decided to pull a LOT of seventh days.

If the rules/traditions oppose one another, thena compromise is reached. If that is impossible, then the Christian rule overrides.

If debate over which Christian Denomination to follow arises, just state Protestant because it is the original religion of its founder. If you are catholic or orthodox, you can keep doing things your way under this religion. It will merely be stated as a Protestant denomination.

Thanks to all who see and to all who join.


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Re: Daneistic
Post # 2
What on earth are you talking about?
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Re: Daneistic
Post # 3
Question: Is ”Daniesm” a modernistic approach to converting pagans to Christianity? The approach/explanation in this post sounds surprisingly familiar to what was being done around the year 1000. I would be interested in knowing the origin of this faith and a brief history on where it was founded.
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Re: Daneistic
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
I would honestly like to know what you're talking about, because when I looked up Daneism all I found were people who worship rocks, and a sect of mercenary Mormons from the 1800s. And I don't think these two things are what you're talking about at all.
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Re: Daneistic
Post # 5

Reminds me of that one episode of Supernatural where they show the other Gods in the hotel but they all are inferior to the Christian God. It was offensive then, and it still is now. You're free to think that. But it is highly offensive to the religions of others. What it basically says is, "haha, my God is better than yours!"

But within the actual written lore of other religions, said Gods are not in fact ruled by Yahweh. It's never okay to be a Christian basher but it's also not okay to show this kind of disrespect to other Gods and religions. Of which, you likely know nothing about. Respect should be a mutual thing shown on both sides, not just the one.

That and there is an element of appropriating the religions and cultures of others. A lot of people claim what they are doing is from X culture when it's from Y culture and rattle off false information from wikipedia because they never bothered actually looking into the ritual or practice and what is is used for or supposed to represent.

There in by missing the entire context. Which then leads to this game of telephone where it becomes more distorted as it gets passed on. Everything getting more muddled and mashed together losing any signifigance or importance it once had.

Also, why name the religion after yourself? Your name is Dan, you named it Daneistic. It sounds more like a cult, with you at the center. When you name a religion after yourself, it sounds as if you are placing more importance on you than the God/Gods.

But again, you make your own religion and follow your own path. That is your business and your right. Gods however have their own sets of morals and values. They can choose not to work with you. If this is your outlook going in, this is an issue you might run into. Some might not care, I don't speak for them.

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Re: Daneistic
By: / Beginner
Post # 6
It sounds like a religion created for a Christian who also wants to be Pagan so they changed the rules to make it all work together. It also sounds like a joke or attempt at one with comments like "he has decided to pull a LOT of seventh days." which in turn implies he said hey I decided to take a break and give you guys all the work to do. And this has me weirdly hearing my own statement spoken in my head in the voice of Hades from Disney's Hercules. So..memo to me forget I ever read this post ASAP. As a Christian I don't like this, as someone who respects other beliefs and religions I don't like this, and overall I don't like this. It feels disrespectful to everyone who holds beliefs in any deities.
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