My view on etc.

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My view on etc.
Post # 1
Okay guys, I have decided to come out to say my view on what Magick is to me. I believe that casting spells for others is a joke because don't we have our own energy to go off of? Also I think Love Spells are bad magic because won't that harm a person in some way? Yes, I believe in god but my beliefs are very mixed and I am saved but like I said before my beliefs are mixed. So the best part about my beliefs is MEDITATION. I am addicted to it! in all Magick and topics related to it blend in a welcoming mixing pot. Idk why I posted this
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Re: My view on etc.
Post # 2
I think that's a very good point of view, I too love meditation
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Re: My view on etc.
Post # 3

Well a lot of practitioners who cast spells uses the energies around them as well as their own, because if we use just own energies, we would ware out very fast. Love spells are frowned upon in some to most beliefs, not because it will harm someone, it's because it influeces control over a person, in which magic should never be used for. Now meditation is one of the mostly used techniques for calming ones self and making your mind clear. Some people use meditation as a way to "Astral Project", there are many, many uses for meditation.

You posted this because you thought sharing your views is a good thing, but when posting your views you should be sure of what your trying to say and actually study up on some of the subject you wish to place out. I would recommend when posting your beliefs, post a bit more, it helps us get to know who you are and what type of studies you are into.

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Re: My view on etc.
By: / Novice
Post # 4
lol cute. you posted your belief because you want others to hear your views, perhaps meet other like-minded individuals. [i quite like your post]

your belief is fine just keep in mind others may disagree. love spells for example are not good or bad, they're just spells, and if you have drawn the conclusion they're not for you, that's perfect. casting for others, again, you found what works for you, if a bit confused [if that's the right word] casting for others can be tricky. casting for a friend in the same room is much easier than 'RandomUser123' with a blank profile and no picture. you can still cast for someone else, but without the ability to focus and direct it, it's pointless. i personally don't cast for people i don't know for that reason.

meditation is a very important thing, even if you don't plan on casting spells theres many benefits to meditation. also, there are many ways to meditate, walking meditations, guided meditations, deep breathing, mantra, some would even argue yoga is a form of meditation [mindfulness can help a lot] so while i don't suggest you force yourself to meditate every day for hours, try to get into a routine of a few minutes every day [even the hectic days we can still take ten deep breaths]
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Post # 5
Am new
to t
his site as a member although I don't have any psychic abilities
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Re: My view on etc.
Post # 6
I believe magic is also a way of life. It describes who we are
Myself I don't possess any powers although am a lover of magic and fantasies
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