Contacting Elements in.

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Contacting Elements in.
Post # 1
Contacting the Elements in Nature:

The Meadow Visualization

1. Begin by sitting quietly in your room. Let all the tensions and stresses of the day flow away from you and fade away.
2. Still yourself and let you breathing become deeper and more relaxed. As your breathing deepens, focus on it. Let our mind become more calm and let it dwell in the internal peace of your own rhythmic breath. Remain like this until you feel calm and receptive.
3. Now imagine the walls of your room are slowly dissolving away. You find yourself sitting in a sunny meadow. The grass is thick, green and lush around you. The earth feels warm and comforting beneath.
4. The sun shines down above you. Its rays warm you. A light wind blows against you and caresses your face. Close by you hear the sound of running water as it flows along in a stream.
5. You become aware that you are surrounded by the four elements - Wind, Sun, Water, Earth; each one supporting, comforting and energizing you in a different way.
6. Now you become aware that these elements are but different forms of energy; the energy that is the life-force.
7. Focus on your breath again and imagine it is also the life force. Each breath is an intake of life-force energy.
8. Feel your breath again and imagine it is also the life force itself feel it flowing through your body.
9. Sense yourself becoming a being of energy. Sense the energy of the world ebbing and flowing and pulsating all around you; running through you and around you. You are it and it is you.
10. Hold this image for a little while - perhaps for a couple of minutes - and then let the energy that has been building within you slow subside.
11 Return to everyday awareness and when you feel ready get up, so so.
12. Take your time and try not take make any sudden or hurried movements for a little while.
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Re: Contacting Elements in.
Post # 2
I like this, nice post Tholek :)
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Re: Contacting Elements in.
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Wicca.
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Re: Contacting Elements in.
Post # 4
Your very welcome and sorry for posting in the wrong sections.
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