dream help.

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dream help.
Post # 1
Ok so i had this extremely vivid dream last night. As usual in my vivid dteams, i was wearing leather armour, ancient Greek style, and that makes sense cause im a Hellenic. I was walking through a forest. The trees eventually form almost like a tunnel or a hallway. I keep walking with the feeling that something big is about to happen. After about ten minutes of walking down this hallway of trees it opens up into a perfectly circular clearing of approximately 60 feet in diameter. The soil is obviously rich due to the deep shade of green grass perfectly cut even. Despite the rich soil, there is a dead tree smack dap in the dead center of the clearing. It has no bark but the wood is he broghtes white i have ever seen. Almost glowing but not quite. All the sudden the blue sky turns dark. The wind starts blowin hard. I draw my sword and feel an overwhelming sense of protecyiveness over the tree. Then lightning strikes the tree three times with even pause between each strike. Id say one stike per second. Then the wind stops, the sky clears, and i check the tree for damage. There is no scar, no burn, no damage whatsoever. Thats when i wake up. I dont know what this dream means. Please help. My gut tells me its something of extreme importance and my gut has yet to be proven wrong.
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Re: dream help.
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Well it sounds positive, until we tech the tree, then it could go in two ways.

Ok, the first half you're searching your subconscious for a deeper understanding of yourself. When you reach the meadow it symbolizes openness and security in life. The circle can also represent the magick circle cast as a spiritual space. Circles represent wholeness and spirituality, so I think you're searching for a deeper spiritual connection, and you will find it soon. The white tree is probably the death of something old and a new beginning, peace, and spiritual awareness. The lightning reinforces this as seeing lightning strike represent spirituality and awareness in a given situation. Striking three times could mean you will fail/stumble, but 'third times the charm' [I feel the stumbling blocks have already happened and this is the right path at this moment] three also represents inner strength and spiritual exploration, so I think it's saying to stay the course and you'll find a bright future [deeper connection with yourself and your deities]

However, the tree could also represent death. A dead tree can sometimes mean the end of a family line, white is also a colour associated with death in the east. The three lightning strikes could also warn of three deaths in the family one after the other with little time between.

Personally I feel it's a spiritual awakening but I feel I should include the alternative. Do with it as you please, and remember it's a dream, not fact.
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Re: dream help.
Post # 3
But then again do vivid dreams not.represent.events within lof and fact themselves?
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Re: dream help.
By: / Novice
Post # 4
I have prophetic dreams and do believe certain dreams should be listened to, if it's very vivid or reoccurring, but this doesn't mean you should walk around terrified something bad will happen. That's what I meant, keep the dream in the back of your mind but don't dwell and base your decisions to do or not do things because of a dream unless some divine being came to you and said 'don't go to the party on Friday' or whatever.
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Re: dream help.
Post # 5
I never devote all my attention to my dreams but when I have vivid dreams I have found I should decipher them and listen to their message or guidance. Same with my gut. It has yet to be wrong and same with my vivid dreams. Although there are many times I don't decipherta dreams message by the time it happens andsttheyes are usually pertaining my spiritual self or a situation in life.
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